Cosmic Tribe Updates

‘TOO CLOSE TO HOME’ [Cosmic Bus #2228]

In this episode, Ang talks about the CANCER SUN, now in its final week, experiencing a dreamy trine from NEPTUNE but also self-doubt, touchiness and unease from SATURN; while a looming midweek opposition from extremist authoritarian PLUTO sends the whole homeland into diabolical disarray...

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‘Never Enough’ The JUPITER/SATURN SEMISQUARE, Jul-Sep 2022, Mar 2023

Let us revisit the Jupiter/Saturn cycle a little because each year's changing relationship between these two significant planets describes the incremental process of an emerging new reality. As humans, the kind of mutual endeavours we project into our respective societies are represented perfectly by the ebb and flow of Jupiter and Saturn's periods of growth and recession...

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A dignified out-of-bounds MARS conjunct outsider sister ERIS, soon squaring PLUTO at the end of patriarchal Capricorn. Meanwhile, the DARK MOON is about to form lunation in the early degrees of Cancer, squaring JUPITER, activating the NODAL AXIS. The tension is so thick its palpable and moods are tender, raw and easily stirred into fury...

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The SUN's square to NEPTUNE has left us puzzled and perplexed by the outright deception and doublespeak in the media. His quincunx to PLUTO over these next couple of days adds to the tension and unrest because those in power seem to be manipulating the minds of the masses to further promote their outright supremacy...

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‘The Emperor’s New Throes’: SUPERMOON at 23°25′ Sagittarius, June 14, 11:52 UTC

...the New Moon in Gemini foreshadowed a lunar cycle whose primary intent was to raise conscious awareness of new ideas and information currently being seeded and circulated through mundane channels of communication, media and trade. After two weeks, the Moon's transit through the zodiac into Sagittarius produces a full reflective glow to the Gemini Sun, allowing us to examine how well those ideas are integrated into the bigger picture...

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As the shift in consciousness unfolds, subtle changes in the way we view the fabric of reality; the little details that make up the ins and outs of our life, come to the fore and seem trite and unsatisfactory...

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2022 and the ARIES INGRESS [Cosmic Bus #2212]

Ang takes a look at the 2022 horoscope and ARIES INGRESS trends into the next 4-5 years; the slow dissolution of a distinct authority and the spiritualisation process of global leadership; the shift into globalised government; the march of artificial intelligence and augmentation of species; the threat of world war, epidemics and natural disasters; survival vs extinction; and a deep, impartial delineation of the natal chart of Vladimir Putin (both as an individual and as a key world leader) and possible implication of the current planetary transits upon his most dominant dynamics.

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Join me for a special Cosmic Bus episode tomorrow (usual time) where we expand further on the astrology of this moment- the VENUS-MARS- VESTA-PLUTO conjunction at the summit of 28 Capricorn. Like 1776, 1531, 1284... a most interesting development, since it echoes the collapse of an old reality structure and the reformation of something totally new...

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Cosmic Bus #2204 – AQUARIUS NEW MOON

The Aquarian New Moon on Saturn strikes us all hard, like a cold arctic blast of consequence which, versus Uranus, alerts us to the seriousness of our 'human condition' like an icepick to the third eye.

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Cosmic Bus #2145.1 – Lunar Eclipse Q & A

The Lunar eclipse, for those who managed to witness it with their naked eye, was indeed a spectacular phenomenon. The celestial forces of the Taurus Moon pulling away from the Scorpio Sun, with Earth straight in between, create a direct shuttle of vital energies funnelling onto our planet via the North Node, awakening many to our spiritual purpose.

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Eclipse Time Cosmic Bus – Stopping Soon

Over the next week, we will all feel the crescendo of intensity personally and our skies, both inner and outer, will be lit. We have much to talk about, and I will begin my series of analyses on the coming events in a special episode of the cosmic bus: Sunday Night (USA)/Monday Morning 00:00 UTC – 16:00 PST – 17:00 MST – 18:00 CST – 19:00 EST – 11:00 AEDT – 02:00 SAST

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COSMIC BUS #2139 – Entering the Hall of Shame

There are ideas and ideals, and we all want to see "a better society", whether it's about freedom or control, or even something else. In many ways, however, we are being pressured to make decisions that will ultimately upset or even leave another behind...

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Pisces Full Moon Report – LIVE SOON

With the Sun now past his opposition to Neptune, those who aren't able to assess the credibility of what is presented will tend to trust those with whom they identify. You gotta ask whether they're happy to be fooled, or whether they're not in a position to figure it out for themselves...

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1st Quarter Moon Report – LIVE TOMORROW

Leading into next Tuesday's ultra-messy 1Q MOON (21°16') we risk making 'mountains out of molehills, amplify our own or others' shortcomings and become hyper-unbearable with our criticisms. The distress becomes insufferable, and we look for a way out...

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Virgo New Moon Lunation Report – LIVE TOMORROW

The earth is literally quaking under our feet every day now, and what does 'man' do? He politicises everything so that he can lay claim to possessing all the knowledge and power to fix things while blaming all 'others' as the cause. Too easy...

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In my next two "Cosmic Buzz" podcasts, I examine the important role the 'malefic' planets play - both traditional (MARS/SATURN) and evolutionary (PLUTO/ERIS) when we become frightened at the will of others. Inevitably, our fear is aroused at any attempt to intimidate our individual, social and cultural prerogatives from the threat of danger, death and even extinction.

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COSMIC BUS #2134 – Aquarius Full Moon

Join us for a discussion of the profound effects of the second AQUARIUS FULL MOON in succession, delving widely into the personal and sociological complexities of the current energies and why they pose such massive dilemmas for us, at least for the short term.

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As the world turns, it burns. Ignited in raptures of all kinds of inflammation and conflagration, it would seem that the coolest place for the autonomous individual is to be jetting off into space...

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COSMIC BUS #2126 – How personal is this journey for you?

The next lunation, the Cancer New Moon on Saturday, July 10, 2021 at 18°♋02' falls just prior to an opposition to Pluto, and intersects key midpoints between SATURN/URANUS/NEPTUNE, all vectors of specific types of consciousness. We are transitioning through, and it is painful, but the wonders of stepping into a quantum reality are simply unimaginable and almost... almost indescribable.

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Mid-Eclipse Slump

Trying to make sense of anything during this mid-eclipse Mercury Rx energy slump is like trying to swim out of last month's Blood Moon sinkhole (Sinkhole de Mayo?).

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Everybody knows that something massive is going on, but most of us just cannot seem to put our finger on it. Many distractions, all symptoms of an impending breakdown are taking up our attention, each providing a makeshift narrative as if to remedy the situation and keep things 'under control'.

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COSMIC BUS #2119 – Taurus New Moon

With Uranus in Taurus, now only weeks away from a second square to Saturn, we are recalibrating our entire value system. Truths become disclosed that are shocking, unsettling, perhaps unwelcome and unkind, but they are necessary and vital to our understanding of ourselves and our greater purpose here (if there is any at all).

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COSMIC BUS- Chirotic Full Moon in Libra [episode #2113]

When you have been wounded or betrayed, there is nothing more difficult than finding someone whom you can trust to recount your story; someone who will sincerely listen, support, then champion your cause for soul-restitution and guidance towards rebalancing your life again.

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COSMIC BUS- Pisces New Moon [episode #2110]

New Moons offer new beginnings, and what’s more welcome at this fragile point in time than a new vision – something to light our way out of this darkness; this tedious frustration, futility, oppression and despair and lead us more towards our dharma here?

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