‘Does Anyone Even Care Anymore??’ The Astrology of the TAURUS LUNAR ECLIPSE [Cosmic Bus #2244]

A TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE on Tuesday Nov. 08, aligned with SATURN/URANUS & JUPITER, while an out-of-bounds Rx MARS goes haywire.

Someone is screaming for attention - they've had enough of being ignored, but nobody cares to listen because they're all too busy trying to push their own racket...

Prepare for some desperate measures, contrived disasters and monumental upsets, because, apparently, that's the only recourse left to make any impact upon those who simply will not hear over all the noise we're making.

Join us for another exciting, comprehensive study at the most extraordinary celestial alignment since Jan 10, 2020.

In this episode, Ang discusses:

  • -THE FIXED DILEMMA: the ongoing Saturn/Uranus square; Saturn’s square to the Nodes - general irritability and tension making it difficult to get along with others
  • Scorpio SOUTH NODE SUN/MERCURY/VENUS cluster understanding triggers for compulsions/exploring the absence of logical motivations; collective historical trauma and what happens when we’re collectively triggered/trapped in a corner
  • Taurus NORTH NODE, learning to be self-sufficient; URANUS innovative ways to be autonomous.
  • LUNAR ECLIPSE in Taurus, properties of the BLOOD MOON, conjunction to URANUS accelerating the intuitive powers, emotional vigilance, perspicacity and ability to foresee an incident.
  • JUPITER/NEPTUNE in Pisces provides hope, salvation and empathy; the Shambhala Prophecy
  • Why Rishi Sunak is the 'poster child' of this lunation?
  • Managing ourselves in a crisis; SATURN in Aquarius & the illusion of safety in the crowd; URANUS as the liberator and instrument of the present moment
  • Is this BLOOD MOON ominous of an imminent global-scale disruption/disaster to bring us together?

View your Empowering Horoscope Messages for the TAURUS LUNAR ECLIPSE here.

Enjoy this short snippet (members, login below to view the entire 85-minute discourse):

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