
Empowering Horoscope Messages for Aries
(Sun & Rising)

July 19, 2024

ARIES: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: “This lunation not only underscores the culmination of your Tenth House issues but also reflects harshly the impact of any unresolved fears and dependencies still lurking within your domestic…
July 19, 2024
July 4, 2024

ARIES: Cancer New Moon Reading

Excerpt: “The influence of this lunation pushes you to examine how these early familial relationships have shaped your ability to build close connections in adulthood. You may find yourself confronted…
July 4, 2024
June 16, 2024

ARIES: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

ARIES Excerpt: “This Full Moon is dragging into the light those deep-seated frustrations you’ve been nursing. You want to shake up the status quo, but you’re facing a wall of…

June 16, 2024


One comment

  1. ” you may feel like you no longer fit in with the new norms of the culture or community by which you once identified….”
    Well, yeah….I don’t feel like I fit in for many years now…. hearing and seeing these new age shite from all around crying and demanding BS what is going on everywhere around me at work, in the news, in mind-controlling social media through politicians about ‘all that for the common good” (Jazz) crap.
    I love everything ‘naturelle’….normal…and not that this twisted freakish society we are heading toward to create….
    Is there any place left on Earth without humans….? let me know

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