COSMIC BUS “Happy New Moon” – A Quick Reflection on 2021

The Dark Moon in Sagittarius helps us shed wild notions and unsupportable beliefs that gnaw away at our ability to respond to circumstances in our current reality most appropriately (responsibility).

The Moon's occultation to Mars (in ~24h) is a huge concern since we tend to react fiercely, by doubling down rather than letting go when we are in any doubt. The universe matches this aggression. When everyone is right, everyone is wrong. Spirited dramas ensue.

As the Capricorn New Moon approaches (Sunday), the preponderance of cardinal/earth energies indicates that serious consequences are expected. But who on earth is authorised to dish it out with any degree of credibility, without being called out as a flagrant hypocrite? An occulted Mars suggests that "might makes right", but...

On the last day of this very unusual year, we have many things to consider before setting our intention/resolution for the year ahead.

Let's come together, please join me live on the Cosmic Bus as we discuss the intricacies of our times by looking at the Astrology of Now.

Enjoy this short snippet from our latest cosmobiological report:

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