Cosmic Tribe Updates


As the Sun moves into Pisces, we become slowly immersed by waves of light which seek to dissolve and resolve our ego-attachments. In this, we either move more into the negativity of our 3D victim-martyr complexes or learn to forgive and reconnect to others in a multidimensional field of higher consciousness.

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Cosmic Bus Astrology Webcast [episode #2051]- A New Truth

Join me on Cosmic Bus as we discuss, using the language of the, the burgeoning new paradigms about to emerge in the new world order, and why fear and superstition - beliefs born out of denial, ignorance and magical thinking - are going to create a tragic schism in the evolution of consciousness among us.

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Cosmic Bus Astrology Webcast [episode #2046]

It seems obvious that fundamental changes are necessary, all the way down to our core values. What do we really value in life? Can we keep squandering our good energy, consuming our own toxic crap and still hope to live a healthy, prosperous existence?

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Cosmic Bus Lunation Report [episode #2043]- Taurus Full Moon

On the last Cosmic Bus, we touched down about this week's Hallowed Uranian Full Moon, Mercury turning direct in the middle of the election USA, the Uranian Candidates, and the tremors in the matrix of our social electoral system, which will force us to find better, fairer, less-easily manipulated ways of sharing our ideas.

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Cosmic Bus Lunation Report [episode #2039] – Aries Full Moon

Interesting to see the arguments that keep us diametrically opposed during this period. Who is right and who is righter? Can we really learn to embrace the difference in others' opinion (knowing that neither they nor we know anything about today's phenomena); humour each other's incomplete (at best) 'beliefs', and see through the intersectional mental constructs that perpetually divide us?

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