LAST QUARTER MOON conjunct CHIRON (Cosmic Bus Postponed)

Beloved Tribe,

I am fascinated and agog at the bizarre developments going on around me, as if this celestial T-square tension involving the planetary malefics and irritants has hurled us into further uncertainty and unrest.

In the course of this global push to commodify everything; transform every item in every business and every member in every home into a mere economic component; mobilise and track every motion as a transaction to serve the state’s need for utter accountability and compliance, we are coming closer and closer to losing our inherent humanness – that inner kernel to remain spontaneously creative and free to dream and hope.

At the height of this LAST QUARTER MOON, conjunct CHIRON in Aries, the words ‘individual’, ‘family’, ‘intimacy’ and ‘privacy’ maintain an albeit tenuous meaning, likely to be eliminated from the socio-political scene because they serve no saleable purpose or hold a price value. It is becoming clearer and clearer to those paying any attention that the ruling elite, having perfected the architecture of economic policy and law are now using all available media to manipulate and control the public mind with preposterous instructions on how to spend.

Nobody is questioning; just opening wide and gulping down; following orders without so much as a chew, as many march towards their own obsolescence.

With respect, let us defer today’s live cosmic bus for I am surprisingly lost for words. I need to meditate throughout this weekend, be out in nature and away from the ‘polis’. Apologies, but I advise you unplug and do the same. If not healing, it is at least soothing. Let’s reconvene when the moment is a little less tense; early in the next week. Please take special care and respectfully maintain some degree of autonomous creativity among those in your community.

Of course, last week’s episode describes all this – humanity’s painful transition out of an old consciousness and into quantum intelligence – in some detail, available here for you until we can continue our discussion xx

One comment

  1. unplugging and walking among the trees has become routine these days. A much needed practice for the bizarro goings on in this world.