COSMIC BUS #2127 – Discovering That The Universe Is Stranger Than We Think

Lots of energetic releasing happening this week:

  • MERCURY finally leaves his Rx shadow, but not before squaring NEPTUNE for the 3rd and final time in 6 weeks;
  • VENUS is tailing MARS in mid-Leo, now taking her turn at the SATURN/URANUS T-square, then Mercury;
  • VENUS meets MARS next Tuesday at 19°49' LEO - does pride come before or after the fall?
  • The final SUPERMOON of 2021 falls at 18°02' CANCER this Saturday (Jul 10) as the energy shifts for a change-up.

As we enter the Dark Moon ritual, it time to clear out that voodoo juju googoo and make way for that New Moon Intention.

In this episode, Ang covers the astrology of this week, and discusses the tenuous strain, both upon the individual and collective nervous systems (MINDS) as humanity grapples further with its transition into higher states of awareness - from Saturn's field of 3D limitations and classical physics to the disruptive realms of Uranus' genius (present-tense consciousness) and Neptune's world of infinite possibilities (the quantum field), and how this process is constantly being interfered with by duelling forces from the dark side (Pluto/Eris).

Enjoy this short snippet from our latest cosmobiological report:

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