“The Renaissance of Sensitivity: Exploring the Relevance of Fantasies and Dreams in a New Era” [Cosmic Bus #2308]

March of 2023 indeed beckons to be a remarkable month with numerous astrological events. It features not just eight planetary conjunctions, including Jupiter and Chiron's, but also Saturn's significant move into Pisces, Pluto's momentary transition into Aquarius, an Equinox Blue Moon, and much more.

After a relative lull, this next month is extraordinary and incomparable to any other. If you find yourself on edge, uneasy and unsure about what lies ahead, it's likely because you're anticipating the call to embark on an epic hero's journey.

Being a hero today is much more complex than it was in the classics. It involves much more than a desire for fame and fortune, or the need to repress our little neuroses. We undertake perilous journeys either inward into our psyche or outward into the world because of a primordial urge to explore and seek out new frontiers. This alone is a compelling enough reason to heed the archetypal hero's call, especially in this bizarrely incomprehensible and desperate world.

Join us here on Cosmic Bus for a full monthly forecast and discussion on the upcoming Virgo Full Moon.

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