2023 – A GLIMPSE INTO THE FUTURE [Cosmic Bus #2252]

We may not be out of the woods, yet, but at least it will be different to the past 2-3 years.

In this episode, Ang takes a comprehensive, loving look into what the next 12 months have in store for us, covering the significant transits of 2023, including...

• Jupiter moving through Aries and Taurus and its conjunctions to Chiron and Eris

• Saturn leaving Aquarius and entering Pisces

Pluto's brief entering into Aquarius

• Nodal shifts (Taurus to Aries)

• Mercury's three earthy retrogrades

• Venus' retrograde in Leo and transiting aspect to Mars & Uranus

• Current effects and trends

• Possible future scenarios

...all this and much more, hosted in Ang's inimitable fashion. Please enjoy!

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