‘A BUNDLE OF NERVES’ – Solar Eclipse at 10°28′ Taurus, Saturday, Apr 30, 20:28 UTC

Eclipse time, and one can sense that our lives are all on the precipice of an emerging new world order. Or is it merely ‘old world disorder’? Anyway, however uncertain things may seem about which way things will go for many of us, we remain defiantly ignorant of the fact that our world’s wealth and power are concentrated in the hands of a select few who get to make all the decisions for the rest of us. Time is running out, and the Aquarian dream of equilateral communitarianism seems vaguely beyond manifestation, even though our hearts know what it might look like.

The democratic world seems hijacked, now commandeered by a few armies of accountants, lawyers, oligarchs and kleptocrats. Sadly, those few ‘centrists’ who remain in power are aware of the extremism rising all around them, sensing their inability to restore any balance to existing systems. The rest of us remain optimistic that some new politician will seize the day and emerge as a uniquely unifying leader for democracy and the planet, but really?

A preponderance of planets in Pisces can produce a hazy effect. Whilst it’s important to cultivate the assumption of best or ideal outcomes in others and for this world, seeing the world through Pisces’ “rose coloured filters”, as vibrant and pleasing as they are, must not become an excuse to look the other way when something needs a different focus or intention. Our clouded sense of ‘wishful thinking’ can become blinders which are obviously counterproductive, often evasive to any effective action, and potentially dangerous or destructive.

At this time; we cosmic travellers, look to the skies for a portent, a ray of light to deliver some insight into what is to come of us, both individually and as a species on this fair earth.

So much is happening in our skies, yet it all looks like it’s all neatly contained within a space of 120°, or the equivalent of a trine aspect between the last degree of Capricorn and the first of Gemini. Also, we see a partial Solar eclipse, the first for 2022, about to form at 10°28′ Taurus.

This intense concentration of transiting planets produces an equally intense and unrelenting set of circumstances concerning how we go about serving our individual and collective interests. The scope of our capacity to put ourselves in another person’s shoes becomes truly limited when everything gets bundled up at one end. Perspective is diminished, which indicates that we are all being called into ventures and enterprises that require deep concentration and intense creative utilisation of only certain potentials for a common cause. Under such a tight planetary bundle, it is difficult for any individual to share life with anyone, whether their own planets are part of the bundle or not.

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These two next eclipses only aggravate this cosmic distrust and antipathy further, which, under Taurus and Scorpio, are all about wealth and power. Eclipses hurl curveballs into our lives which have the potential to upset even the grandest plans and intentions of humans – more than any other celestial phenomenon. They are particularly disruptive when they concur with other major transits, but when aligned with major transits (like the 2021-2022 Saturn-Uranus squares), such as these, then best look for a complete inversion of reality. If, after the pandemic, the road back to ‘normalcy’ seemed like a fast-fading fallacy, we simply have no idea what a game-changer the immediate road ahead is going to be. Full analysis on these eclipses here, on our last episode of ‘cosmic bus’.

Close conjunction to URANUS and tight semisquare to NEPTUNE suggests that this Solar eclipse will shake, rattle and roll our consciousness into another dimension. ‘Freedom’ is the keyword for Uranus, but freedom from what? And what does ‘freedom’ really even mean??

Freedom of speech seems to be the buzzword lately, and we have seen much public censorship of private and public figures since Saturn began to square Uranus through 2021. If ‘freedom’ means anything, is it not the right to tell others what they may or may not wish to hear?

Just to put this into perspective… a man who totally loves and thoroughly understands the dark anime TV series Neon Genesis Evangelion now owns Twitter. Meanwhile, another slick billionaire, that excommunicated gameshow ex-president of Mar-a-Lago, Florida, is inclined to slouch towards Washington yet again, having already launched his own media platform.

World leaders have always been elected by mighty newspaper magnates, but since the world has gone digital, the question of censorship of opposing voices from mainstream media platforms has only taken us down the path of increasingly repressive measures. Unless something is done, this suppression of ideas becomes a source of terror to all citizens and creates a dimension where everyone lives in fear. I myself sensed this when I was locked down in Melbourne, Australia for nearly two years.

As many of you know, I’m currently ‘missing’ in pre-revolution America, where the social divide and ideological extremism gets loonier by the day, and the feeble Joe Biden is incapable of showing up as a strong world leader, even to call for aggressive diplomacy to end the bloodbath in Ukraine. In fact, he appears to be enabling it. Europe too is preparing for even more wicked extremities. As we reflect on the planetary bundle, now concentrated between Aquarius and Taurus, we also understand that compromise isn’t going to be easy when one party has all the toys and you are left with zero to bargain with (or for).

Perhaps it’s time for the rest of us to bundle up together, to unite, like your local heroes at Amazon, Starbucks and Apple stores where they’re also starting to unionise. In any sense, we can see that these crazy times are leading us to massive global reforms, and just like when all your clothes get bundled into one end of the washing machine – the whole house begins to tremor and shake as we enter the spin-cycle.

As said before, these eclipses indicate the potential for massive upsets and upheavals, especially where Uranus is involved. Since Venus-ruled Taurus is all about ‘nice things’ – things we value and wish to keep; look after, and preserve – let’s make sure our attachment to those doesn’t set us up for too much heartbreak.

My humble advice, for now, is to work on things people can’t take away from you, like your mindset, character, personality, and well-being. Please read your empowering Eclipse Horoscopes for greater depth and detail (see below), I wrote them with the special intent to put you into the cosmic picture, whichever end of the cosmic bundle you’re looking at things from.

Blessings, and may you have an amazing Eclipse xx

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(Cover Art by Josh Pierce)

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