Lunation articles

BLOOD MOON – THE TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE at 16º00′ Taurus: Tuesday, November 08, 11:03 UTC ‘Standing on the Precipice of a New Earth’

In times of profound change, the most open-minded, innovative and adaptable shall inherit the Earth. Those willing to learn and grow discover themselves perfectly equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists. All that’s required is to risk taking the first step in trusting that the universe, which is abundant and loving, is always going to provide us with everything necessary to complete our mission....

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‘The Emperor’s New Throes’: SUPERMOON at 23°25′ Sagittarius, June 14, 11:52 UTC

...the New Moon in Gemini foreshadowed a lunar cycle whose primary intent was to raise conscious awareness of new ideas and information currently being seeded and circulated through mundane channels of communication, media and trade. After two weeks, the Moon's transit through the zodiac into Sagittarius produces a full reflective glow to the Gemini Sun, allowing us to examine how well those ideas are integrated into the bigger picture...

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UPSETS to INDIVIDUALISM and THE POWER OF THE HERD MIND – The LEO NEW MOON at 16°14′ – Sunday, August 08, 13:51 UTC

At the height of this lunation (Sunday, August 08, 13:51 UTC), we draw from the tremendous synergy of the Moon (instincts) aligning with the Sun (conscious will). The fusion of these two primal energies at 16°14' generates a powerful urge within each of us to stand for who we are; to express our principles and beliefs with a firm sense of confidence and pride, and a willingness to do whatever is necessary to preserve and maintain our own, distinct identity.

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“For All It’s Worth…” The NEW MOON at 21°18′ TAURUS, Tuesday, May 11, 19:01 UTC

At Taurus, the sign of fixed/earth, the seed of self-awareness that germinated in Aries becomes invigorated into physical form and seeks protection and security. If you are tuned into the natural rhythms of life, you may observe the subtle, primordial pull of both your deliberate and instinctive attention shifting towards the perseverance, stabilisation, longevity, virility, fertility and sustenance of your being.

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