"...alas, but that is what we are. Does the space we dissolve into then taste of us?" ~Rainer Maria Rilke, Second Elegy
And so, under the dark moon of Pisces, as we stand on the ultimate cusp of renewal, let us embrace the mysteries, the fleeting moments of connection, the eternal dance of the cosmos, as we, like the ancients, reach out with grace and humility, towards the infinite, our hearts open to the wisdom of the stars, ready to begin anew...
The SATURN/NEPTUNE on Sunday's PISCES NEW MOON signifies a pall over the collective, a sign that those in control have all but lost their grip due to a mix of economic pressures and a perceived disconnect with public sentiment...
Read More »“The Four Horsemen”: VENUS then MARS SQUARE URANUS
With VENUS just yesterday, and then with next week, MARS squaring URANUS, it's time to be ultra-mindful of 'dealbreakers' that could very well turn out to be heartbreakers. Gottman's "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" metaphorically represents four destructive behaviours that, when they show up in any relationship can signal trouble...
When love takes hold, it's like a seductive dance with the devil...
...in Pisces' depths, your thoughts have the power to manifest as your most steadfast allies or your most insidiously worrisome foes...
Read More »VENUS/MARS Synodic Reset at 6°57′ Aquarius
Under this transit, it doesn't matter how lofty the ideals and grandiose your reasoning. Actions speak, and typically, they're ethically compromised and radically transfigured from the true "collective"...
Read More »“What To Make of It All?”: The FULL MOON at 05°23′ VIRGO, Saturday, February 24, 2024, 12:31 UTC
There’s a lot happening, and you’re invited to play, that is, if you’re not one who, out of petrifying fear, is opting to quiver under your covers for what might happen next...
Read More »“Valentine’s Day is Over”: VENUS/MARS/PLUTO in AQUARIUS
What we are experiencing right now, at 00º Pluto in Aquarius, is rough. This is the first wave of extreme radicalisation, a social fracturing of unparalleled historic proportions....
Read More »“Which One of Us Is Delusional?” A Guide to the Maze of Epic Misconceptions [Cosmic Bus #2407]
In today's bus ride, I discuss the current forces, and why we are preparing for the most serious part of our journey. Sometimes things are so. It cannot always be easy, and we have kidded ourselves for long enough...
So, over the rainbow, MARS ENTERS AQUARIUS, imbuing us with a fiercely independent streak and the spirit to exert considerable force in defending our uniquely freaky chic...
Read More »“The Winds of Dissent”- The NEW MOON at 20°41′ Aquarius, Friday, February 09, 2024, 22:59 UTC
If the much heralded Age of Aquarius hasn't fully dawned, rest assured, dear friends, the astrology of this moment fanfares its official curtain-raiser.
Read More »In Preparation for Friday’s New Moon
...as a result of ignorance, each day unfurls a bewildering new spectacle, a grand diversion, trying to distract our gaze from the colossal elephant in the room...
Read More »“On the Borderline”: SCORPIO QUARTER MOON
Under this Scorpio quarter moon, it's probably wise to reserve your most radical views on Scorpio matters—sexuality, the occult, or death—for more intimate settings rather than propagate them to the wider audience....
Read More »ROAM ALONE [Cosmic Bus Tomorrow]
We won't see Uranus enter Gemini until July 2025 - the first cracklings of a new paradigm consciousness, until then, this live wire will help Pluto do the archaic empire-demolishing business, progressively electrifying the whole earth and everything on it...
Read More »Awakening Through the Uranus Retrograde Cycle
Ok, so if you can imagine where you were around May 12 of last year, minus the level of dumbness about what was about to happen in your life till now- that's where we're at again today, with Uranus just stationed direct at that exact same degree (19°05')...
Read More »Uranus Goes Direct at 23º Taurus 15′ Taurus
There’s been a tense, internal quiver, as if someone rammed an icepick through the forehead of your preconceived notions of stability. Taurus wants safety, comfort, predictable outcomes. Uranus is the mad professor who storms in with a cosmic alarm clock, forcing you up at 3 a.m. from dreams you never knew you had, pushing you to see that your so-called “security” might have been one giant illusion all along.
So it's not just that the Full Moon has us all up in a tizzy over what's right and wrong with everything and everybody, the Mercury/Mars conjunction, now visible in the predawn skies, opens up all kinds of wounds, especially as it squares off with the Aries North Node and Chiron...
Read More »Anomie on the Leo Full Moon
How can a Full Moon feel so empty, you ask?
Read More »“Beyond the Individual”: The FULL MOON at 05°15′ Leo, Thursday, January 25, 2024, 17:55 UTC
Facing the light and dark, the best and worst, the most empowering and most toxic aspects in the spectrum of human endeavour...
Read More »VENUS/MERCURY/MARS at the Capricorn Summit
Looking towards Capricorn, there's a still hubbub of hobnobbing up top. Seems we're still struggling for some sense of legitimacy and to maintain the illusion of social relevance, despite PLUTO's near-full unravelling of the whole hierarchy of patriarchy malarkey....
Read More »Postcard from Tomorrowland
Dear Ma, By the time you read this, Pluto will have ingressed Aquarius and I would be at least 100TBps from 'home'...
Read More »Pluto’s Shift to Aquarius [COSMIC BUS TOMORROW]
Things pick up an extraordinary pace, with sudden twists and turns so extreme that it absolutely trashes the gearbox with which this 3D thing actually came equipped...
You know things are about to take a dark turn when daddy's gotta come down hard on "freedoms" in order to try and preserve some basic sanities around the place...
Read More »“Seeking Solid Ground”: The NEW MOON at 20°44′ Capricorn, Thursday, January 11, 2024, 11:58 UTC
In a world full of tall tales, we embark on a quest to discover the pinnacle of our own authenticity...
Read More »DARK MOON (plus your Capricorn New Moon Horoscopes & Intentions)
With Pluto's decade-and-a-half transit through Capricorn, these have indeed been the darkest and longest nights leading up to the Capricorn New Moon. Now, as we teeter on the cusp of Pluto shifting into Aquarius, the northern hemisphere plunges into the big colds...
... when Neptune interacts with Mercury, it often indicates a rich imagination and intuitive thinking, which is nice on a clear day, but when cloudy, it can also lead to less desirable outcomes...
Meantime, as you try desperately to convey your thoughts, it seems you're met with a glazed-over gaze that speaks volumes of disconnect, a faraway look that seems to belong to someone else, someone you hardly even know anymore...
Read More »2024 – A WORLD BEYOND REPAIR [Cosmic Bus #2401]
In many respects, the physical/material world has moved beyond a mere transitional malfunction. Numerous facets, including environmental degradation, economic systems and inequality, societal and cultural loss, technological and infrastructure decline, and human health and well-being, as well as our relationship to the physical aspects of this experience in 3D consciousness, are deteriorating beyond repair...
... you gotta trust that you and only you know how to fix what's wrong with you, and find the courage to step up and fix it.
Read More »“BEYOND GOOD & EVIL”: What Lies Ahead For Our Humanity, Neptune/Pluto in Sextile
It's going to require a special force to overcome the darkness that's before us...
Read More »Astro Chaos 2024 (Cosmic Bus This Thursday)
Ok, welcome to 2024, and you might have heard me mention what a crazy year this is set to be. Nobody really knows exactly how it will unfold, but rest assured, the effects won't be subtle at all...
Venus now joins Mars and Mercury in Sagittarius, adding another dimension to the quest for broader understanding and truth through sharing our whopping stories. However, their challenging squares to Saturn and Neptune in Pisces suggest an inconsolable struggle between idealism and reality, a tension which could easily feed the anguish of confusion or disillusionment...
Read More »The Battle of 2024
Being horribly wrong is bad enough, but refusing to acknowledge it is far worse. The gravest mistake, though, is inflicting our misguided convictions upon others, leaving scars that will outlive us....
...the nonsense permeating the mainstream is flying thick and fast. Discernment is needed, and maybe even some restraint if you don't want to be sucked down the abominable sinkhole of today's interminable ludicrousnesses...
Read More »“Please Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood”: The FULL MOON at 04°58′ Cancer, Wednesday, December 27, 2023, 00:34 UTC
Under the Cancer Full Moon, emotions swell like a tide, drenching us in a sea of lachrymose sentimentality. This lunar phase, deeply rooted in Cancer's nurturing spirit, stirs a longing for clinging emotional connections and a protective urge towards those we hold dear...
SOLSTICE, and our perception shifts again, from seeing the world as mere concepts and stories to dense matter and particles along the spectrum of respective social constructs. We are all somewhere along the scale, each edging to go higher...
Read More »“Feeling Into This One”: CANCER FULL MOON LUNATION REPORT [Cosmic Bus #2351]
As things change, so do mindsets, and this remains most true as immense cosmic light floods the planets via the Sun's transit over our galactic centre....
We are at the business end of things here, and there's so much to talk about as the world is set to shift into a whole new gear...
Let's not mince words here, folks. We're staring down the barrel of some hardcore cosmic ribaldry here, and if it's the "peace & love" conciliatory approach you're after, VENUS & PALLAS ATHENA teaming up at the gut-wrenching 10th-degree of Scorpio is hardly your amicable United Nations homecoming delegation....
Read More »“The Greatest $tory Ever Tolled”: The NEW MOON at 20°40′ Sagittarius, Tuesday, December 12, 2023, 23:33 UTC
In the context of a Sagittarius lunation, where the Sun (conscious expression) and Moon (instinctive notions) are synodically aligned, our primordial nature, both inner and outer, is in confluence with the search for meaning and truth....
Read More »Reflections on Jim Morrison’s Birthday
A Sagittarian born on December 8, 1943, Jimbo became his generation's embodiment of the eye-widening high priest of extraordinary experiences that characterises his sign...
Read More »Time for a Break (COSMIC BUS UPDATE)
Since the full moon last week, it's been a rollicking, rough ride with lots of tension and stress, leading to major shifts. It's normal to feel a bit drained...
Read More »“Unmasking the Façade”: PLUTO SQUARE VENUS
See what happens? See what happens when we put on a phoney act in order to ingratiate ourselves with others or to make lazy, performative gains? What a disastrous mess!
Then there's Pluto, the universally corrosive stripper, tearing shreds off our ego until all that's left is its core essence...
Read More »“The Space Between”: VENUS SOUTH NODE, ERIS NORTH NODE
In the space between, the battlefield of love rages...
Read More »“Love is a Battlefield”: VENUS ON THE SOUTH NODE
When peace means more wars...
Read More »“Facing a New Reality”: SAGITTARIUS SEASON UPDATE
...the time has come for all things flimsy, phoney and uncertain to keel over and... well, fall away into the sea. It's necessary, and you need to face it...
Read More »“Awakening to Uncertainty”: The FULL MOON at 04°51′ GEMINI, Monday, November 27, 2023, 09:16 UTC
Under the light of the Gemini Full Moon, we face growing pressures to come to a critical reckoning with the fragmented truths of our tumultuous world....
Remember, the Trojan war began after ERIS pitched her apple of discord into an elite party, ending 10 years later, after a Trojan horse breached the city walls...
Read More »SATURN IN PISCES: Spiritual Realignment from the 90s to Now
Over the next two years, this transit will test our global solidity in all things intangible and mostly imperceptible, a concept that may seem paradoxical at first. Under Saturn's influence, the abstract and often elusive qualities of Pisces are summoned into a more concrete form...
Eris, the embodiment of the scorned feminine warrior archetype, is deeply embedded in our collective psyche as a force unafraid to intervene and blow the whistle on hidden truths, especially when marginalised or banished...
Read More »November Transformations [COSMIC BUS LIVE TOMORROW]
On tomorrow's episode of Cosmic Bus, we take a deeper look at how to deal with our Scorpio problems and charms, drawing on our inexhaustive reserves to shed old skins to prepare for the phenomenal rebirth that follows...
Read More »“Time to Settle the Score”: The NEW MOON at 20°43′ SCORPIO, Monday, November 13, 2023, 09:29 UTC
Scorpio is pissed. Who is he pissed with? And why?
The old guard, with its 3D monkey mind, is clinging desperately to the last remnants of their control, while the younger wave grapples with the cursed legacy issues they've inherited and the pressing need to innovate their way out of this horrendous entanglement of ancestral woes before the whole thing blows a life-crippling fuse...
Read More »“SCREWS ARE TIGHTENING” – Sneak Preview into the Astrology of November [Cosmic Bus #2344]
Yes, this is really happening, and whether consciously or not you are pushing for it. Join me here on Cosmic Bus to discuss the incredible energies acting upon us, within us, without...
Read More »NOVEMBER 2023
No, it’s not the apocalypse, but it is the end of the world. The end of THAT world, at least—the world of fear; of spite and envy and intolerance—all those nasty, corrosive elements that divide us all...
Read More »“Material Desires Magnified”: The LUNAR ECLIPSE at 05°09′ TAURUS, Saturday, October 28, 2023, 20:25 UTC
As the world teeters on the edge of chaos, our stubborn resistance to meeting each other's needs for comfort and peace leaves us gridlocked in a battle between hope and despair...
Read More »The Final Taurus Eclipse + Your Empowering Eclipse Horoscopes
Since November 2021, we have seen no less than three Taurus and three Scorpio eclipses. Saturday's will be the 4th and final Taurus eclipse. You've been on a journey, moving from raw intensity to grounded serenity...
Read More »Lessons from the Sun through the Libra South Node
These eclipses aren't messing around. They're about curating our connubial and professional alliances—water what's growing, axe what isn't...
Read More »“Dire Negotiations”: TAURUS LUNAR ECLIPSE LUNATION REPORT [Cosmic Bus #2341]
The transition from Libra to Scorpio is like switching from rational debate to a filthy no-holds-barred cage fight to the death. Libra's airy diplomacy and never-ending rhetoric gives way to Scorpio's intense emotional excavation. Things turn from courtroom to battlefield...
Read More »Darker Days Coming: An Invitation to join us on COSMIC BUS TOMORROW
Sorry to say it, but the escalating trend of conflicts and tensions over the coming days/weeks is a sign of systemic issues reaching a boiling point. We know this. Dark matter is coming to light....
Read More »“Judgments Unhinged”: The ANNULAR SOLAR ECLIPSE at 21°♎08′, Saturday, October 14, 2023, 17:56 UTC
A Universe in Major Flux: Under a South Node Eclipse, Libra's Scales Tip Violently Between Chaos and Authenticity—Brace for Revelations, Ruptures, and Radical Swingshifts
Read More »“The War for Peace”: A DEEPER LOOK AT THE DARK SIDE OF THE LIBRA SOLAR ECLIPSE [Cosmic Bus #2339]
This high-stakes celestial configuration urges us to confront our past transgressions and make strategic shifts in relationships and self-concept. Expect the eclipse to serve as a trigger point, setting off a chain reaction of internal and external realignments...
Read More »“Power Shift”: PLUTO stationed at 27º53′ Capricorn, MARS on the SOUTH NODE
Pluto's been revealing cracks in Capricorn's institutional foundations for years, and its direct motion will accelerate this process...
In the foreground you may be questioning your partner's "toxic" choices; questioning your own life's direction... But underneath, the universe is about to serve us up a heaping dish of reality, seasoned with a dash of chaos...
Read More »“Cosmic Powder Keg”: The ARIES SUPERMOON at 06°♈00′, Friday, September 29, 2023, 09:59 UTC
The Aries Supermoon is a Cosmic Cauldron of Conflict and Catalysts, Fusing the Fire of Aries with the Strategy of Libra—Prepare for a Battleground of Will and Wits.
Mars's raw, assertive energy is diluted in Libra, a sign that seeks peace and balance. For many men, this mirrors societal expectations where aggression and control, once hallmarks of 'true masculinity,' are now being scrutinised...
Read More »EQUINOX SPECIAL: “A Journey Through Libra” [Cosmic Bus #2338]
Libra month, ruled by Venus, is in her "Morning Star" facet. Her dark potency is not to be underestimated...
Join us tomorrow for our regular cosmic ride, where I discuss at length all the pivotal planetary moments that set the stage, climaxing, of course, with the mysterious annular eclipse mid-October...
Read More »“Tidal Waves”: SATURN IN PISCES and the Saturation of Counter-Culture Movements
Saturn in Pisces fears that the whole 'reality' trip is going down and will do anything to keep the illusion of control intact...
Read More »“Through Fractured Realms”: The NEW MOON at 21°59′ VIRGO, Friday, September 15, 2023, 01:40 UTC
As the collective narrative unravels, it reveals a mosaic of individual perceptions, each uniquely sculpted by personal experiences...
Read More »“Out Damned Spot”: VIRGO NEW MOON LUNATION REPORT [Cosmic Bus #2336]
Virgo season always carries that nagging edge regardless of our efforts to appease it. No matter what you do, something just doesn't feel right...
Read More »“Stuck in the Mud”: JUPITER STATION RX IN TAURUS
Jupiter starting its 4-month retrograde in Taurus means it's time to reflect on everything we have amassed (fixed-earth) over the past 11-12 years, not merely material things and money but the attitudes and dogmas we've become stuck on...
Read More »The Façade of Peace [A Pretext for War]: SEPTEMBER 2023
This month sees each of us sliding deeply into our own introspective rabbit holes, rethinking everything, revisiting old choices and decisions, reflecting, fretting and regretting, unable to get over what we must (and forcibly will) as we gear up for the big post-EQUINOX reboot...
Read More »“Strange Realisations”: The PISCES SUPERMOON at 07°♓25′, Thursday, August 31, 2023, 01:36 UTC
The Pisces Supermoon is a Time of Anchoring Down, Bringing Our Ship To Shore and Finding Ways and Means to Make the Dream Real
Read More »“Unmasking Truth”: SATURNIAN SUPERMOON
The old paradigm, with its convolutedly incomprehensible misconceptions and power imbalances, cannot bind us any longer. It's time to unite, to harness the collective consciousness, and to create a world that truly reflects our interconnectedness and inherent worth...
Join me on the bus, where we go through all the reasons why this isn't working and what can and must be done, even if you do think the whole deal is beyond repair...
Unlocking the Power of Mercury Retrograde; Understanding its Role in Mind, Communication, and Personal Alchemy
Read More »YODs, CLODs and ACTs of GODs. Current Transits
It's as if the universe is forcing you into a corner, saying, "Deal with this. Now." The harmonious sextile between Neptune and Pluto whispers possibilities, but the quincunxes scream demands....
Read More »