[image: Doro Thea]

When love takes hold, it’s like a seductive dance with the devil. You surrender yourself completely, baring your soul wide open to someone, granting them the power to heal or torment you. It’s as if you hand them a knife that was carefully sharpened by you, exposing yourself; showing them exactly where to cut you deepest. And when they do strike, you feel devastated—like having your heart ripped out in front of you, leaving you wounded, frayed, and vulnerable, yet still longing for the intoxicating ravages of love’s madness.

♀ ∗ ⚷ | ♀ □ ♅ | ♀ ∗ ☊ | ♀♂

VENUS/MARS going through Aquarius…

Aquarius is not just judgmental (like Capricorn), it classifies and either puts you in the friendzone, or ousts you into the “others” category. Aquarius is “cool”, so not “adoring” (Leo), “sensual” (Taurus), or “sexy” (Scorpio). All four signs are fixed, which means they prefer “steady” relationships, however Aquarius, being of the AIR variety will want to ‘hold’ you along intellectual lines, and where we can establish a steady bond is along ideology and progressivism. Aquarius thrives on forward-thinking, innovative ideas and shared visions for the future, seeking connections that stimulate their intellect and resonate with their ideals. They’re most turned on if you can appeal to the erogenous quirks of their mind.

Like all fixed signs, Aquarius is also a bitch when they get turned off, ie. very difficult to win back. Any signs of narrow-mindedness, conformity, emotional dependency, stupidity, disingenuousness, inflexibility or inability to move with the times will see them turn cold on you like a wintry snap-freeze.

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One comment

  1. Mmm. We are not that bad.. 😊