“Valentine’s Day is Over”: VENUS/MARS/PLUTO in AQUARIUS

[image: David Alvarado]

What we are experiencing right now, at 00º Pluto in Aquarius, is rough. This is the first wave of extreme radicalisation, a social fracturing of unparalleled historic proportions. This extreme divergence, intersectionally slicing through every imaginable social divide, rattles not just the individual nervous system but also sends tremors across partnerships, families, tribes, and the entire cosmic expanse.

When personal planets like Venus & Mars align with Pluto in Aquarius, the transformation is intense and thorough- not just a gentle prod, but a brutal jolt to the psyche, administered in a cold, unfeeling fashion, forcing us to detach from crusty, old ideological patterns and move on, while in its wake leaving behind a trembling trail of disruption and, deep inside, a quivering sting of complex traumas. For now, this cosmic shift charges us up with such polarising force that we may, periodically, find ourselves swinging frantically from edge to edge until we learn to let go and find some sense of equilibrium.

It’s gonna be a process, and I can say it’s ultimately all for our own good- the “greater common good”, but then, that might be cold comfort to those individuals who are of the intensely private and overly attached variety.

Here’s a story I wrote back when Pluto was still in Capricorn, last updated in early 2022, worth a read…

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