Jupiter/Uranus: “Break On Through, The Mark of the Heretic”

art: Evgeniy Monahov

After eclipses, few planetary alignments generate as much excitement as the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus—those two gas giants that orbit on either side of Saturn. On April 21, 2024, the astrological community will observe the monumental reset of the next Jupiter/Uranus synodic cycle at 21º49′ Taurus (tropical), marking another significantly momentous event in this year’s grand scheme of celestial mechanics.

This is no ordinary transit; the conjunction signals a peak of astrological anticipation due to its profound implications and relative rarity. Characterised by a noticeable buildup of enormous nervous tension mixed with spiritual excitement, this period is marked by an intense craving for individual autonomy and the ardent countenance of one’s personal philosophies, amplified to the point of causing significant stirs, shocks and attitude shifts, both internally and throughout our surroundings.

Jupiter/Uranus Principles:

  • An urge to break free of any restraint
  • Drive for sudden, life-liberating opportunities through unexpected changes
  • Yearning for unbridled autonomy in one’s attitude to life
  • Spontaneous strokes of luck (favourable or detrimental)
  • Fusion of optimism with serendipitous action

Reinhold Ebertin referred to this combination as the “Thank the Lord Constellation,” highlighting the immense relief and liberation felt when inner tensions are finally released. One might liken it to a “Get Out of Jail Free Card” from Monopoly—its sudden deliverance of space and freedom is not merely fortuitous at a time when things get most suffocating, but its capacity to offer significant emancipation from previous limitations and challenges always comes as a breath of fresh air.

When Jupiter and Uranus align, astrologers take notice, for these planets together generate a considerable burst of energy and potential for change through release. Each planet embodies expansive and revolutionary energies, yet from different angles, creating a multifaceted and intriguing dynamic that is both astrologically significant and rich in mythological meaning.

Astrological Perspective: Binary, Anti-Saturn Complexes

Jupiter and Uranus astrologically are seen as having a ‘binary anti-Saturn’ effect because both, in their ways, challenge the restrictive and disciplining energies of Saturn:

  • Jupiter: Found inside the bounds of Saturn’s orbit and traditionally known as the “Great Benefic,” Jupiter expands everything it touches to its outermost limits. It represents growth, luck, prosperity, and abundance to the fullest of its potential. Jupiter’s influence brings about expansion, optimism, and the desire to explore intellectually, spiritually, and geographically. Its uplifting energy tends to counteract Saturn’s limitations and negativity, offering hope and opportunities where there previously were blockages and restrictions.
  • Uranus: Known for its sudden and disruptive nature, Uranus, operating outside Saturn’s orbit, breaks the continuum of the status quo and pushes for revolutionary and innovative ideas and technology. Symbolising unrestrained freedom, moments of wild rebellion and upheaval, its influence often overturns set rules, existing structures and prior expectations set by the constricting Saturnian energy. Ruler of the ‘present tense’ moment, Uranus does not adhere to Saturn’s conventional (linear) time/space confines and, by introducing the fresh and unknown, seeks to expedite the future.

When Jupiter and Uranus meet, they amplify each other’s desire to break free from Saturn’s restrictions, often resulting in bursts of creativity, sudden breakthroughs, or significant changes that can reshape individual lives or broader societal structures. This combination can bring about an exhilarating time when anything seems possible and, through the zealous representation of one-sided views and the need for absolute freedom, the status quo is neither satisfactory nor sustainable.

Mythological Relationship: Zeus vs. Ouranos

Interestingly, in Greek mythology, the relationship between Jupiter (Zeus) and Uranus (Ouranos) offers a richer understanding of their relative astrological interactions:

  • Ouranos (Uranus): The sky god and one of the primordial deities, Ouranos was the father of the Titans. He was overthrown by his youngest Titan son, Cronus (Saturn), who was dissatisfied with his father’s seemingly erratic and abrupt rule. Ouranos’ reign was marked by his unruly, tyrannical control and irrational fear of being overthrown, leading him to imprison some of his children, the Cyclopes and Hecatoncheires, in Tartarus.
  • Zeus (Jupiter): Zeus is the son of Cronus (Saturn) and the god who eventually overthrew him, freeing his uncles, the Cyclopes and the Hecatoncheires, who in return helped him defeat Cronus and free his devoured siblings. Zeus was fortunate enough to be saved by his mother, and his wise actions and ability to use all available resources represent the liberating force of using knowledge and the ability to see opportunities to overthrow the oppressive order established by Saturn.
Source: OpenArt

In both astrology and mythology, Jupiter and Uranus emerge as powerful agents challenging the rigid structures symbolised by Saturn. Their conjunction and critical aspects in their cycle mark periods ripe with possibilities for innovation and liberation, providing seemingly unprecedented opportunities to disrupt and revitalise established norms. At the same time, their mythological interplay vividly portrays a recurring theme of rebellion against the oppressive limitations imposed by previous generations, highlighting the persistent quest for autonomy and expansion. This dynamic demonstrates the cyclical nature of our intergenerational struggles, where each generation’s victory over its predecessors often paradoxically perpetuates a cycle of oppression and liberation.

Moral: In seeking freedom, each generation unwittingly weaves the next thread of oppression.

The Jupiter/Uranus Cycle

Each synodic cycle of Jupiter/Uranus operates within an approximate 13.3 to 13.6-year cycle, its duration typically marked by years where the conjunction occurs thrice due to the planets’ retrograde and direct motions. The last cycle kicked off in a unique sequence, beginning at 0º Aries in June 2010, briefly regressing into the final degrees of Pisces in September 2010, and then concluding its official onset at 27º Pisces in January 2011. The upcoming 2024 cycle is especially notable for its singularity—with just one conjunction at 21º49′ Taurus, its impact is anticipated to be profoundly significant.

Over the past 13.6 years, the influence of the Pisces cycle has been transformative, unveiling innovations that have subtly yet profoundly reshaped human culture. These advances have both dismantled established structures and introduced unprecedented freedoms and controls. Significant developments in digital technology, such as blockchain and cryptocurrency, have revolutionized financial privacy and autonomy but have also fueled unregulated markets and speculative economies. Social media platforms, driven by sophisticated AI algorithms, have connected people globally, yet they have also been exploited to harvest personal data, sway political landscapes, and undermine privacy.

Furthermore, this cycle has seen the rise of immersive technologies that blur the lines between fantasy and reality, enhancing digital and virtual realms that expand the imagination. Since 2011, the ubiquitous proliferation of design apps, personalised cameras, computer graphics, robotics, automation, and AI has taken art to new levels, reshaping how art and literature are created and consumed. These technologies allow for unprecedented creativity and personalisation in artistic expression, yet they also pose a threat to traditional artists and industries by automating creative processes and generating art with minimal human input. Such radically rapid shifts in any one field of industry challenge the creative and consumer world by potentially devaluing human craftsmanship and making art more susceptible to commercial exploitation.

Moreover, during this Piscean-inspired cycle, the proliferation and commercialisation of digital spirituality with its ubiquitous online self-help gurus have reshaped our culture’s approach to traditional spiritual practices. Meanwhile, the subtle spread of misinformation, a general departure from mainstream narratives and the wholesale erosion of truth have become rampant, challenging our ability to discern reality in the news and academic fields. The widespread use of social media has intensified issues of loneliness and depression, as the quality of human connections diminishes.

Pisces’ association with illness and susceptibility was starkly highlighted in recent biotechnological endeavours, such as gain-of-function research, which most likely led to unintended global health crises, exemplifying the dual nature of scientific advancement. Mysteriously handled from the offset, the response to the global pandemic has necessitated controversial measures, including widespread lockdowns and a significant shift towards online living. These strategies have ignited debates over privacy, freedom, and the mental health impacts of prolonged isolation and diminished face-to-face interactions. Simultaneously, the rapid development and deployment of vaccines and treatments have raised concerns about medical ethics and privacy due to the implementation of contact tracing apps, challenging the balance between public health and individual rights. Also, the introduction of potent pharmaceuticals designed to alleviate pain has inadvertently fueled the opioid crisis, further illustrating the complex consequences of medical innovations. Of course, these are mere samples of some drastically major cultural shifts since 2010-11. However, such situations highlight the multifaceted challenges and ethical dilemmas encountered when deploying scientific solutions in crisis situations, underscoring the complexity of managing global health emergencies.

As we approach the synodic reset of this cycle at the end of Taurus, which will soon see Uranus entering Gemini (2025-26) and then into Cancer (2032-33), we seem poised to enter an exciting new era characterised by radical shifts and profound innovations that will fundamentally alter our interactions and the fabric of society at a pace never before experienced. The confluence of Jupiter and Uranus through this cycle—planets symbolic of expansion and radical change, respectively—promises a dynamic period of profound levels of human enlightenment and the rapid evolution of our species. Reinforced by Jupiter’s capacity for growth and Uranus’s breakneck disruptive tremors, this conjunction is set to catalyse significant societal shifts in our understanding of the world, akin to something as profoundly impactful as an extraterrestrial landing.

Ebertin’s interpretation of this planetary combination as “optimism, a lucky chance, blissful realisation” does, in one sense, underscore the positive potential of this cycle to inspire and innovate. Yet, it also cautions against the combination’s darker tendencies towards a stubborn adherence to certain principles, exaggeration, and social tactlessness. Coming as the world seems poised on the brink of global conflict, this period will, in any case, challenge our conventional attitude towards nearly everything and could revolutionise our collective understanding, offering both immensely liberating opportunities and formidable challenges. The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is a herald of unprecedented transformations, propelling us toward a future where innovation is not only inevitable but also essential for progress.

Jupiter/Uranus Types: “The Heretic”

To fully appreciate the impact of the Jupiter/Uranus aspect, consider some key individuals whose natal chart bears the strong signature of this planetary combination. Ebertin describes natives of this combination as “Organisers, inventors. – Adventurers and fortune-hunters.” There is a sense of the ever-hopeful golddigger archetype here, someone whose inexhaustible faith in success is as inexplicable as it is unshakeable. These individuals often display an insatiable curiosity and a fearless, unyielding spirit to pursue something else, something extraordinary, with massive yields. They are naturally inclined towards a brave new tomorrow, always ready to bust loose by challenging the status quo. Motivated by their own groundbreaking ideas, they boldly explore and integrate new theories into mainstream thought, often disrupting established beliefs and prompting a reevaluation of fundamental principles. It is through their fearless pursuit of knowledge that the universe acts to continuously reshape our understanding of the world.

This planetary signature exemplifies the zodiac’s quintessential reckless adventurer, a visionary perpetually on the brink of the next groundbreaking discovery. These individuals, often considered saboteurs to the status quo, are relentless in pushing the boundaries of possibility both from within existing systems and from external sources. They embody the heretic who challenges “sacred” beliefs to advance radical theories that are bursting to supersede the existing order.

art: Magdalena Pagowska

In exploring the influence of a Jupiter/Uranus aspect through the efforts of individual human endeavours, we observe how this celestial configuration ignites a force of radical change and unfettered innovation across various societal fields, including politics, culture, spirituality, science, and the arts. Each name linked with this aspect (indicated in brackets) represents a force of revolutionary energy that reshapes established norms and propels societies toward new horizons.

Irreverent World Leaders: A sample of unorthodox leaders who have dramatically altered the political landscape through unconventional tactics and bold reforms includes figures like Donald Trump (△), Vladimir Putin (⚹), and Jair Bolsonaro (☌), showcasing a seemingly adversarial approach that often disrupts established norms. Franklin D. Roosevelt (△), with his New Deal policies, transformed American society and governance during the Great Depression. Mikhail Gorbachev (□) introduced Perestroika and Glasnost, which precipitated the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Other notable leaders in this category include Boris Yeltsin (□), Benito Mussolini (⚹), George Washington (⚹), and Joseph Goebbels (⚹), each known for their revolutionary approach and often contentious roles in their nations’ histories.

Radical Thinkers and Cultural Icons: The intellectual and cultural landscapes are vividly coloured by thinkers who challenge and redefine norms. Steve Jobs (☌), whose innovative vision revolutionised not just the tech industry but humanity’s launch into the 21st century; Bertrand Russell (☌), whose advocacy for anti-war and anti-imperialist ideals and rational thought reshaped philosophical and social attitudes. George Orwell (□) and Aldous Huxley (⚼), each with his own piercing philosophical insights into dystopian totalitarian regimes, both reshaped political thought. As a result of Bob Dylan’s (☌) ability to narrate significant cultural shifts, his music and lyrics became cultural anthems in the counterculture of the 1960s, hugely influential in altering perceptions. Figures like Edward Snowden (☌), a modern icon of privacy rights and government transparency, shares this aspect with Tucker Carlson (☌), whose provocative journalism is currently stirring significant debate.

Spiritual/Religious Breakaways: This category features individuals who have founded or transformed spiritual movements. Jesus Christ (☌) and Muhammad (□) are perhaps the most seminal figures, their teachings each founding major world religions. Cult figures like Ayatullah Ruhollah Khomeini (☌) dramatically changed Iran’s political and religious landscape, and Jim Jones (□), albeit controversially, also exemplifies a radical departure from conventional religious practices. Modern spiritual leaders like Eckhart Tolle (☍) and Sadhguru (⚹) offer innovative spiritual teachings that diverge from traditional doctrines. George Gurdjieff (△), a mystical philosopher, like Ram Dass (□) introduced Eastern esoteric traditions to the Western world; 

Groundbreaking Scientists: Innovators in science who have expanded the boundaries of human knowledge through significant breakthroughs include Nikola Tesla (⚹), who single-handedly revolutionised the development and application of electrical systems, while Madame Curie (⚼) pioneered research in radioactivity, dramatically impacting both physics and chemistry. Albert Einstein (☍), with his theories of relativity, reshaped our perception of time and space. Isaac Newton (△) formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation, foundational to classical mechanics. Their innovative work not only advanced scientific thought but also laid the groundwork for future technological and scientific developments,

Genre-Shifting Artists, Writers, and Performers: In the arts, individuals under the Jupiter/Uranus aspect have introduced new forms and styles that have left enduring impacts. Actors like Marlon Brando (□) and James Dean (□) brought a new intensity to film acting, while Robin Williams (□) revolutionised comedy with his unique style. Writers such as Kahlil Gibran (□) and Oscar Wilde (△) pushed the boundaries of literary expression. Artists like Paul Gauguin (□) and Auguste Renoir (□) also played pivotal roles in the evolution of painting, moving towards more avante-garde, impressionistic styles.

This list, while not exhaustive, highlights a specific facet of these individuals: their irreverent philosophies and uniquely radical life perspectives. These viewpoints are often controversial in that they present challenges to traditional norms and methods of their day and are usually difficult to navigate. Whether through soft (easy) or hard (challenging) aspects, the Jupiter/Uranus interaction stimulates radical growth and embodies nature’s relentless drive to assimilate innovative insights into established domains, thereby catalysing widespread progress. Individuals who strongly embody this planetary pair, whether celebrated or despised for their supposed heresy, become the primordial agents for new ways of thinking the old-school ways.

It’s possible that your chart, too, showcases a Jupiter/Uranus relationship, though the extent of its influence and impact largely depends on its relationship with other factors within your chart.

Historical Insights and Future Projections

Looking at what we know about the past, we see historical instances of how previous conjunctions of Jupiter and Uranus occurring in the fixed-earth Taurus have launched humanity into periods of significant material and ideological shifts. Each cycle introduces dramatic upgrades that redefine economic and territorial paradigms at their most fundamental level.

Most Recent Historical Contexts: 1858 and 1941 Cycles

Examining the last two cycles marked by a Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus, we see some common trends.

May 1858 (29º25’ Taurus): During the 1858 Jupiter/Uranus cycle, marked by the steam-powered industrialisation boom, profound shifts occurred globally in territorial expansion and economic growth. In Europe, the enclosure movements privatised land, spurring urbanisation, while Russia aggressively expanded into Central Asia, engaging in the Great Game against British interests. In Asia, Britain consolidated control over India following the Sepoy Mutiny and imposed unequal treaties on China, opening ports to foreign trade under coercive conditions. In South America, nations like Brazil and Argentina pushed into indigenous territories, driven by agricultural demands, leading to conflicts and national consolidation. Meanwhile, Australia experienced a surge in development and European settlement driven by the Gold Rush, significantly altering its economic landscape. These events, spanning continents, underscored the cycle’s dual nature—propelling economic growth while fomenting disruptive social upheaval.

By the time of the May 1941 conjunction (25º38’ Taurus), the world was deeply embroiled in World War II, marked by aggressive territorial expansions by the Axis powers (Germany/Italy/Japan). This conjunction set the stage for a 13.6-year era characterised by expansive militarism and disregard for ethical boundaries, an all-out war fueled by ideological zeal and strategic economic necessity. The Taurus influence here emphasised a ruthlessly stubborn pursuit of land and material resources, which, over the ensuing years, saw this initial aggression result in significant geopolitical reshuffling. Post-war reconstruction saw a massive economic boom, population explosion and shifts in national boundaries, while the establishment of international bodies aimed to stabilise and reallocate resources, reflecting the cycle’s dual nature of destruction followed by rebuilding and restructuring. Underscoring the cumulative impact of a Taurus-inspired Jupiter/Uranus cycle, we get a vivid illustration of how their combined energies, though initially very difficult due to the unwillingness to budge from one’s fundamental position, can eventually catalyse profound changes in the global order and economic landscapes.

Implications for the 2024 Cycle

As we approach the 2024 Jupiter/Uranus cycle in Taurus, it is essential to consider how these historical lessons might inform future developments. The fixed-earth nature of Taurus, which traditionally values stability, conservatism, gradual growth, and the preservation of natural resources, will be severely tested by the rapidly expansive and widespread disruptiveness of the combined Jupiter and Uranus energies. This upcoming cycle is expected to bring significant shifts in real estate markets, agricultural advancements, stock prices, and major territorial negotiations on a global scale. The potential for heavily destructive impacts on the land and environment could include sudden ecological crises, radical innovations in land ownership and use (such as annexing and usurping of traditional regions) that dramatically alter landscapes and extreme changes in environmental policies as well as nation-state boundaries and national identities. One of the main shifts we expect to see is our attitude to all things of value, ie, resources, skills and labour.

Integrating Blockchain Technology

In the near future, blockchain technology – a digital structure that stores transactional records, also known as the “block”, of the public in several databases, known as the “chain,” in a network connected through peer-to-peer nodes, is set to profoundly influence domains traditionally ruled by Taurus—such as agriculture, finance, real estate, and asset management. Advanced applications of this technology promise a more secure, transparent, and efficient method of recording transactions and managing assets, which could revolutionise these sectors and consequently tilt all economic models. Changing how transactions are recorded and assets managed could alter financial practices, disrupt traditional banking, and shift economic power. For instance, in agriculture, blockchain could enhance supply chains, improving traceability from farm to table and ensuring food safety and sustainability. In the realm of finance and economics, blockchain could transform traditional banking and investment models, introducing decentralised finance (DeFi) platforms that disrupt conventional financial intermediaries.

Blockchain in Academia, Education, Law, and Publishing Communities

In academia, blockchain technology could revolutionise the management of intellectual property, securely and transparently recording copyrights and patents. This could significantly impact publishing by simplifying rights management and reducing piracy, ensuring authors and publishers are fairly compensated. In law, blockchain could enhance the transparency and efficiency of legal processes, such as contract execution and dispute resolution. Education could benefit from tamper-proof certification and credentialing, enhancing verification processes across institutions globally. Additionally, blockchain’s inherent accountability could deter fraud and ensure compliance across these sectors, profoundly influencing operational integrity and public trust.

Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies)

As we approach the next Taurus cycle, the impact of blockchain technology, especially models such as Bitcoin, becomes evident. Bitcoin’s notorious volatility challenges traditional financial systems, prompting discussions about their relative economic stability and the potential introduction of a new world currency. The Taurus cycle, which eventually promotes stability, could drive efforts to stabilise cryptocurrency fluctuations, possibly by linking digital currencies to stable assets or using algorithms to manage supply. This evolving landscape could lead to a new economic model that blends the novelty of blockchain cryptocurrency decentralisation with traditional financial reliability, reshaping global economic interactions and power dynamics.

Ethical Dilemmas Posed

In many ways, the 2024 cycle will intensify Taurus’s emphasis on adhering or returning to traditional values such as fundamentalist principles, religious roots, constitutional laws, national identities, and ancestral traditions, while introducing life-altering technologies like blockchain, bio-engineering and radical shifts to the economic supply chain models. Whilst these technologies (such as digital identities and cashless transactions) challenge established norms by facilitating new forms of community and identity that transcend conventional or physical boundaries, they risk violating the essence of the human experience. Taurus’s preference for stability and tangible assets may lead to resistance against this shift towards a digital, augmented and automated future, particularly from sectors of society that value and wish to preserve physical touch, personal connection, privacy, and control.

The adoption of AI and blockchain is set to reshape cultural and ethical norms significantly. Automation and digitisation may dilute human connections, with AI introducing ethical dilemmas in administration, legislation, and everyday interactions, potentially alienating those who cherish human judgment. This resistance might stem from fears of losing control over personal data, becoming overly dependent on technology, and preserving traditional jobs and lifestyles. To navigate these changes, robust cybersecurity, strong regulatory measures, and clear ethical guidelines will be essential to ensure that technological advancements enhance rather than compromise our quality of life.

The introduction of such technologies could also lead to economic disparities, as blockchain redefines ownership and wealth distribution. Without careful management, this shift could disproportionately benefit those with access to digital assets, exacerbating existing inequalities. The challenge for the Taurus cycle is to balance the benefits of innovation with the preservation of core societal values, potentially reshaping our principles and sparking significant societal debate.

Conclusion: Into The Future

Standing at the precipice of this 2024 Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus, its symbolism of disruptive growth and unbridled freedom prompts a thoughtful evaluation of our path forward. This rare celestial alignment marks a monumental shift in where we are headed over the next 13-14 years. Transformative technologies like AI and blockchain, while they promise tremendous ease and liberation, must be integrated cautiously into our lifestream, ensuring they do not give rise to new forms of repression but rather distribute power equitably, uphold personal autonomy and keep individual rights intact. This necessitates robust international cooperation and stringent regulation focused on transparency and privacy. With Pluto entering Aquarius, this will become a most intriguing process—one whose ultimate outcome is unknown.

Globalist agendas, like that of the World Economic Forum’s vision of a future where “you will own nothing and be happy,” echo through this era, suggesting a paradigm shift towards less emphasis on personal ownership and more on shared resources and collective well-being. While this vision raises valid concerns about the potential overreach of centralised governments, authoritarianism and loss of individual freedoms, it also invites us to explore new models of living that prioritise communal health and community sustainability over individual accumulation. It has to be, for we cannot live alone and the notions of nation-states are becoming patently unsustainable and impossible for humans to manage without pain and inequitable suffering.

The dual potential of emerging new technologies and the globalist agenda to reshape our society is profound. Activities like space exploration and deep-sea mining present opportunities for discovering new resources and expanding our knowledge frontiers but also pose significant risks to the very environments we depend on. Balancing these opportunities with the need to protect and preserve our planet will be crucial.

Looking to the future, the notion of shared success where community interests balance individual rights might redefine notions of property and prosperity. This shift would respect both the Earth and its diverse inhabitants, aiming for equity in opportunities and participation in an increasingly interconnected world.

As this cycle unfolds, the vigilant participation of an informed public becomes essential. By actively engaging in shaping the frameworks that will govern these new technologies, society can harness their potential positively, ensuring that advances in technology lead to genuine progress and greater independence for all. Thus, while the future remains unknown and ripe with both challenges and opportunities, our collective hope lies in forging a path that respects autonomy, rights, and resources, both personal and collective, ultimately enriching human life and safeguarding our planet for future generations.

Stay tuned for your SCORPIO FULL MOON horoscopes, out in the next few days. In the meantime, your full 75-minute Cosmic Bus Lunation Report is now available to watch on replay here. Enjoy this short excerpt and get your ticket to board below.

One comment

  1. This one grabs my attention for when you speak of different folk, those who have made changes (beginning after The Heritic) I find only Madame Curie listed…. And that disturbs me combined with the scant clad female smoking and burning house in background sends off signals and questions: why? Why this cliche. Yes, Jupiter and Uranus are known as being ”male” but how about the females and those between who rose up and exhibited these qualities you mention and changed the world with their actions? Now I just think here we are again: the woman burns the house, sexy dressed, oral fixation and all connotations, grain field, – and not one puff about women. Just the overlording planets. Well, Zeus’s mother appears in a beief mention- now that was radical move on her part to help her son. Typical though that she is undercut around the world in all the mythstories by patriarchy. Please more equality in your examples. The info is out there.