Eclipses are cosmic wildcards that often coincide with the introduction of new people and events in our lives capable of changing our fate dramatically...
April, 2022
16 April
LIBRA FULL MOON: War and Peace [Cosmic Bus #2215]
Nearly FULL MOON, and the SUN's conjunction with troublesome ERIS reprises, and hopefully puts an end to an outrageously awful chapter in our story as humans, evolving into light-beings. What have we learned??
1 April
“Say Goodbye To Hollywood” – Cosmic Bus #2213
In this episode, Ang looks at the current events, (both above and below) offering a cohesive picture of why we feel triggered to act the way we do, and why it feels so confronting when life reacts by slapping us in the face...
March, 2022
26 March
2022 and the ARIES INGRESS [Cosmic Bus #2212]
Ang takes a look at the 2022 horoscope and ARIES INGRESS trends into the next 4-5 years; the slow dissolution of a distinct authority and the spiritualisation process of global leadership; the shift into globalised government; the march of artificial intelligence and augmentation of species; the threat of world war, epidemics and natural disasters; survival vs extinction; and a deep, impartial delineation of the natal chart of Vladimir Putin (both as an individual and as a key world leader) and possible implication of the current planetary transits upon his most dominant dynamics.
19 March
Cosmic Bus #2211 – “Tuning Into What Really Matters”
As I’ve been saying all year, 2022 is the one with the lot, and if …
12 March
Cosmic Bus #2210 – “Where Exactly is All This Heading – Trying to make sense of the current confusion”
Join us on the COSMIC BUS, talking about the chaos and randomness of NEPTUNE, PISCES and why it's driving us all a little loony, leading into next week's VIRGO FULL MOON...
2 March
Cosmic Bus #2209 – “A Good Time To Start Praying” – NEW MOON at 12°07′ PISCES
Pluto's triple activation unleashes the veritable demon among the core interrelationship principles (love/hate) of our …
February, 2022
23 February
Cosmic Bus #2208- “RISE & FALL – Empires and The Pluto Return”
In this episode, we speak about Pluto's return to 27 Capricorn and the rise and fall of USA imperial rule and its dream of global democracy. Similar to the Incas, every dynasty, however mighty and powerful, must come to an end, giving way to a new rise...
19 February
VENUS and MARS are finally in bed together, and it promises to be a long 'honeymoon', but wait... the whole thing's happening in Capricorn, where the two remain awkwardly allied until PLUTO (yeesh) creeps into bed with them.
5 February
Cosmic Bus #2205 – “THE EDGE OF REALITY”
What awaits is a life you could never have predicted, one full of upheavals and surprises, one filled not with insecurity and fear but with a freedom you could never have imagined...
January, 2022
29 January
Cosmic Bus #2204 – AQUARIUS NEW MOON
The Aquarian New Moon on Saturn strikes us all hard, like a cold arctic blast of consequence which, versus Uranus, alerts us to the seriousness of our 'human condition' like an icepick to the third eye.
22 January
Aside from key eclipse periods in April/May and Oct/Nov, we discuss several critical moments over the span of this special nodal transit, as well possible challenging scenarios, what to avoid and which attitudes we must strive to improve.
14 January
Join me here, live, and let's go on this journey together on our COSMIC BUS (I brought my stones and parchment). With a Hadean Full Moon, Mercury stationed, about to turn retrograde, Uranus set to go direct, their fixed square, and all the other things in the heavens, I don't need to tell you this is an epic time of regeneration for every species on earth.
December, 2021
31 December
COSMIC BUS “Happy New Moon” – A Quick Reflection on 2021
On the last day of this very unusual year, we have many things to consider before setting our intention/resolution for the year ahead. Let's come together, please join me live on the Cosmic Bus as we discuss the intricacies of our times by looking at the Astrology of Now.
25 December
COSMIC BUS: Special 2021 Holiday Message and Insights into 2022-23
We are traversing through strange terrain, where history matters little and you can't rely on old sentiments to guide you. Come, take my hand. These winds and tides; this change of times won't drag you away...
17 December
The Gem/Sadge Lunation: “Sense & Sensibility” – Cosmic Bus #2148
Let's discuss the key issues of this lunation, the Venus retrograde on Pluto/Eris, the Mars at the Sadge South Node and much anticipated earth-quaking Saturn/Uranus (and more) as we approach another odd Xmas...
7 December
Discussing the month-long Venus/Pluto conjunction – “Stretching the Relationship to its Limits” [Cosmic Bus #2147]
Come, sit around the campfire as we stop our cosmic bus to discuss the nuances and perils of this arguably crazy but transformative time. Something tells me that these 'holidays' will never be the same...
November, 2021
29 November
COSMIC BUS #2146: Total Solar Eclipse at 12°22′ Sagittarius – “What Do You Believe is True?”
The Solar Eclipse in Sadge hurls another curveball into our 'belief' systems. Narratives get so exorbitantly out of proportion that we wonder what to believe. It's a moment that's been building for 18 months and it's time to put an end to all the horse manure falling out of the rear end of the Sagittarian South Node...
20 November
Cosmic Bus #2145.1 – Lunar Eclipse Q & A
The Lunar eclipse, for those who managed to witness it with their naked eye, was indeed a spectacular phenomenon. The celestial forces of the Taurus Moon pulling away from the Scorpio Sun, with Earth straight in between, create a direct shuttle of vital energies funnelling onto our planet via the North Node, awakening many to our spiritual purpose.
16 November
COSMIC BUS #2145: Prelude to the Eclipses: Ethics on the moderation of desires, possessions, attachment, addiction and fanaticism.
How important is it for you to be right? At what cost does the fanatical adherence to your beliefs outweigh the benefits of coexisting in a happier, more integrated, moderate society?...
9 November
“Of Mice and Men” : COSMIC BUS LUNATION REPORT #2144: FIRST QUARTER MOON at 19°21′ Aquarius
Leading into Thursday's 1st Quarter Moon, the Scorpian MERCURY/MARS reacts with rather chthonic revulsion to having his secret thoughts and agendas scrutinized in this fixed square to the groupthink scientism of SATURN in Aquarius...
October, 2021
29 October
“Black Swan (part 2) – With All or Nothing to Lose” – Cosmic Bus #2143
When it feels like the end, rock bottom, that you have nothing left to give; when you feel lost, worn out, stripped of your dignity and pride, then you become dangerous because you realise have nothing left to lose...
22 October
COSMIC BUS #2142 – “Black Swan (part 1) – The Anticipation of a Big Surprise”
Over the next two weeks, global variants too big to see let alone calculate with any degree of accuracy, swing wildly and humanity is about to be edified by a series of wild financial events that will tilt its entire value $ystem on its axis...
15 October
COSMIC BUS: “Ending the Abuse” LUNATION REPORT – FULL MOON@ 27°26′ ARIES – Wed Oct 20, 14:58 UTC
In our second part of this climactic lunation report, we discuss the importance of this moment in our epic evolutionary journey. I will take it slowly, keep it simple and make sure we cover all aspects.
11 October
Are you in an abusive relationship? COSMIC BUS LUNATION REPORT: 1st Quarter Moon at 20°♑01′, Wed Oct 13, 2021
This month becomes rather climactic for a number of reasons, and it can either be frightening or enlightening, depending on how much you can see through the veneer of this cosmic conspiracy to manipulate, divide & subdue...
1 October
COSMIC BUS #2140 – Libra New Moon
A NEW MOON in Libra forges new alliances, and with MARS in the mix, our intention is not necessarily for peaceful purposes...
September, 2021
24 September
COSMIC BUS #2139 – Entering the Hall of Shame
There are ideas and ideals, and we all want to see "a better society", whether it's about freedom or control, or even something else. In many ways, however, we are being pressured to make decisions that will ultimately upset or even leave another behind...
18 September
COSMIC BUS #2138 – Pisces Full Moon
What is happening, both out there and deep within you is neither right nor wrong; good or bad - it is just happening...
12 September
COSMIC BUS #2137 – Pluto/Eris – Survival of the “Fittest”
Before Saturn and Pluto turn direct in early October, we will see the most immense pressure on what is already a planet ripping down the seams. If you're feeling it, I feel you. Have faith that "even a worm will turn"...
4 September
COSMIC BUS #2136 – Virgo New Moon
As the Moon slips away into her darkness, we pull back into our habitual nature, scour into our unconscious, looking for parts we need to purge.
August, 2021
6 August
COSMIC BUS #2132 – Leo New Moon
The Leo New Moon (Sunday) is a call to the brave to stand in the integrity, honour and conscious sovereign agency of their SOLAR FIRE and SHINE.
July, 2021
24 July
COSMIC BUS #2130 – SEASON FINALE (Aquarius Full Moon)
Feeling a bit distant, cut off and alienated? Yes, our old world is undergoing massive deconstruction, one where all the injustices and inequities are rising up, literally tearing us apart, inside and out....
16 July
COSMIC BUS #2129 – The Pluto/Eris Effect
The Cardinal Grand Cross created by the Sun/Moon on the Pluto/Eris cuts precisely along the Nodal Axis, presenting us with a bounty of rich symbolism by which to navigate our way through inner and outer space...
9 July
COSMIC BUS #2128 – Cancer New Moon
New Moons are a klaxon call to make a fresh start – a reset point...
6 July
COSMIC BUS #2127 – Discovering That The Universe Is Stranger Than We Think
Lots of releasing happening this week...
June, 2021
25 June
COSMIC BUS #2126 – How personal is this journey for you?
The next lunation, the Cancer New Moon on Saturday, July 10, 2021 at 18°♋02' falls just prior to an opposition to Pluto, and intersects key midpoints between SATURN/URANUS/NEPTUNE, all vectors of specific types of consciousness. We are transitioning through, and it is painful, but the wonders of stepping into a quantum reality are simply unimaginable and almost... almost indescribable.
18 June
COSMIC BUS #2125 – Capricorn Full Moon
In this cosmic bus session, we discuss the current state: retrogrades aplenty, Saturn vs everything, the looming black hole that is the Pluto/Eris gridlock, and the post-eclipse lunation that is next week's CAPRICORN FULL MOON. Tune in... we have such exciting if a little nerve-wracking energies to discuss.
11 June
COSMIC BUS #2124 – Saturn/Uranus (Part II) A Rupture in the Fabric of Time/Space
The clash between these two dimensions of human consciousness develops into greater disruptions in every known field... Why is this happening now?
4 June
COSMIC BUS #2123 – Gemini Solar Eclipse
There cannot be a spiritual makeover, or paradigm shift without an earth-shattering new theory, something that reorders the old-world knowledge into a whole new framework.
May, 2021
21 May
COSMIC BUS #2121- Saturn SRx 13°31′ Aquarius
Saturn packs the exact lesson we have yet to learn, and whether we like it or not, sets perimeters and structures within which to build, tear down and reconstruct our sense of mental, physical and spiritual reality.
14 May
Everybody knows that something massive is going on, but most of us just cannot seem to put our finger on it. Many distractions, all symptoms of an impending breakdown are taking up our attention, each providing a makeshift narrative as if to remedy the situation and keep things 'under control'.
7 May
COSMIC BUS #2119 – Taurus New Moon
With Uranus in Taurus, now only weeks away from a second square to Saturn, we are recalibrating our entire value system. Truths become disclosed that are shocking, unsettling, perhaps unwelcome and unkind, but they are necessary and vital to our understanding of ourselves and our greater purpose here (if there is any at all).
April, 2021
30 April
COSMIC BUS #2118 – Reformation of a New Earth Being
A whole new world is being generated and many are being called to join. But what is it and where?
24 April
COSMIC BUS #2117 – Scorpio SuperMoon
The Scorpio SuperMoon occurs at 07°♏06' on Tuesday, Apr 27. The phenomenon brings up a range of fixed themes around what we have vs. what we desire/demand from others and what we must share.
16 April
COSMIC BUS #2116 – Revolution of Consciousness
The apple of discord has been cast. Strife and disobedience against systems of abuse, domination and outright neglect become, to many, the only recourse of the sovereign being in reclaiming one's true liberty.
9 April
COSMIC BUS #2115 – Call to Action: Warriors of the Light over the Scourge of Global Darkness
We are currently at war with darkness. That darkness is in equal parts inner as it is outer. We are at war with our pessimism and negativity, as well as our tendency to toxic optimism. Join us on the Cosmic Bus as we discuss the potency of Monday's ARIES NEW MOON, and our transition into a new light consciousness...
2 April
COSMIC BUS #2114: The Defined Ego: Speaking from One’s Authority (a prelude to the Aries New Moon)
In this bus session, we continue our soul-journey with the Sun through Aries, as we prepare for the Pluto/Eris New Moon on the Nodes, observing the powerful underlying forces of our times.
March, 2021
27 March
COSMIC BUS- Chirotic Full Moon in Libra [episode #2113]
When you have been wounded or betrayed, there is nothing more difficult than finding someone whom you can trust to recount your story; someone who will sincerely listen, support, then champion your cause for soul-restitution and guidance towards rebalancing your life again.
19 March
COSMIC BUS – Aries Ingress [episode #2112]
Something crucial happens at these equinoxes and solstices. These Cardinal points are decisive moments that shift our gears on to the next level.
12 March
COSMIC BUS – The Dimensions of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune [episode #2111]
We must learn to come into oneness with this planet's vibration. Any discord will present to us as major storms.
5 March
COSMIC BUS- Pisces New Moon [episode #2110]
New Moons offer new beginnings, and what’s more welcome at this fragile point in time than a new vision – something to light our way out of this darkness; this tedious frustration, futility, oppression and despair and lead us more towards our dharma here?
February, 2021
28 February
COSMIC BUS – Awakening to Plutonian Darkness [episode #2109]
What we've been experiencing is a world slowly submerging into a sea of mass psychosis, a collective hysteria that is neither real nor unreal. If you can't believe what is happening, then you're not alone...
19 February
As the Sun moves into Pisces, we become slowly immersed by waves of light which seek to dissolve and resolve our ego-attachments. In this, we either move more into the negativity of our 3D victim-martyr complexes or learn to forgive and reconnect to others in a multidimensional field of higher consciousness.
14 February
COSMIC BUS: SATURN v URANUS [episode #2107]
Why do we get irritable? What precipitates this process within, and how do we manifest our irritation in the world around us?
5 February
Cosmic Bus Astrology Webcast [episode #2106] – Aquarian Revolution
Remember that time things got all weird? Lots of radical ideas, massive resistance, people restless and bored, ahead of their time...? I bet there was an Aquarian or URANUS (or both) involved...
January, 2021
29 January
Cosmic Bus Lunation Report [episode #2105] – Aquarius New Moon
Let's talk about now, leading into tomorrow and the next New Moon, at 23°♒17', on Thu Feb 11 2021.
22 January
Cosmic Bus Lunation Report [episode 21#04] – Leo Full Moon
In her next Full Moon, on Thursday, January 28 the Moon creates a most illuminating epiphany. Aligning in conflict with MARS, JUPITER, SATURN, URANUS, and trine to CHIRON, we get a sense that something in our collective psyche is reaching its climax...
8 January
Cosmic Bus Lunation Report [episode #2102] – Capricorn New Moon
We've been saying all along that, wherever Pluto is involved, what we see on the surface is only a slither - a highly contrived, well-orchestrated snake-charming exercise. Much remains stealthily hidden beneath the surface and holds a much wider, far-reaching agenda...
2 January
Cosmic Bus Astrology Webcast [episode #2101] – Year Ahead Report
In this episode, I discuss the key transits of 2021, how they are tied into the continuum of the greater cycles, the next couple of lunations (which are extremely critical) and why the world goes absolutely nuts around the end of this month...
December, 2020
25 December
Cosmic Bus Lunation Report [episode #2052]- CANCER FULL MOON
Join Ang for this special Christ-mas Cosmic Bus as we begin to entertain some of the coming astrological themes, the next Full Moon (Dec 30) and New Moon (Jan 13).
14 December
Cosmic Bus Astrology Webcast [episode #2051]- A New Truth
Join me on Cosmic Bus as we discuss, using the language of the, the burgeoning new paradigms about to emerge in the new world order, and why fear and superstition - beliefs born out of denial, ignorance and magical thinking - are going to create a tragic schism in the evolution of consciousness among us.
8 December
Cosmic Bus Lunation Report [episode #2050]- Sagittarius Solar Eclipse
Some cosmic mindfuckery going on in the lead-up to next week's South Node (SN) Eclipse at 23°♐08'...
4 December
Cosmic Bus Astrology Webcast [episode #2049]- JUPITER/SATURN GRAND CONJUNCTION
JUPITER/SATURN GRAND CONJUNCTION at 00°29' AQUARIUS - Monday, Dec 21, 2020 - The Great Awakening From a 2000-Year Dream
November, 2020
20 November
Cosmic Bus Lunation Report [episode #2047]- Gemini Full Moon Eclipse
Join me on the Cosmic Bus, as we discuss the potently portentous upcoming lunations. What are the evolutionary changes they bring and what will these mean for you and for humanity as a whole? Enjoy this short excerpt from today's episode...
13 November
Cosmic Bus Astrology Webcast [episode #2046]
It seems obvious that fundamental changes are necessary, all the way down to our core values. What do we really value in life? Can we keep squandering our good energy, consuming our own toxic crap and still hope to live a healthy, prosperous existence?
6 November
Cosmic Bus Lunation Report [Episode #2045] – Scorpio New Moon
Let's discuss why next week's New Moon at 23°♏18', sextile the Jupiter/Pluto/Pallas conjunction at 22°♑52' calls for a complete stocktake and demands a plan for the full rehaul of a system that really let the people let the people down.
October, 2020
30 October
Cosmic Bus: Introduction to the “Working With Your Chart” Series
Your astrological birth chart (horoscope) is a symbolic snapshot of the skies at the exact moment when you took your first breath. The relative position of the Sun, Moon and planets against the fixed stars holds all relevant information for you to determine your place on earth.
24 October
Cosmic Bus Lunation Report [episode #2043]- Taurus Full Moon
On the last Cosmic Bus, we touched down about this week's Hallowed Uranian Full Moon, Mercury turning direct in the middle of the election USA, the Uranian Candidates, and the tremors in the matrix of our social electoral system, which will force us to find better, fairer, less-easily manipulated ways of sharing our ideas.
9 October
Cosmic Bus Lunation Report [episode #2041] – Libra New Moon
Join Ang for this latest instalment of the Cosmic Bus to discuss the frenetic pace and the many disturbances coming up to your already most unusual transmission...
2 October
Cosmic Bus Lunation Report [episode #2040] – What’s Happening in October?
Join Ang as he gives the latest astrological weather report and answers burning questions from the Cosmic Tribe.
September, 2020
25 September
Cosmic Bus Lunation Report [episode #2039] – Aries Full Moon
Interesting to see the arguments that keep us diametrically opposed during this period. Who is right and who is righter? Can we really learn to embrace the difference in others' opinion (knowing that neither they nor we know anything about today's phenomena); humour each other's incomplete (at best) 'beliefs', and see through the intersectional mental constructs that perpetually divide us?
11 September
Cosmic Bus Lunation Report [Episode #2038] – Virgo New Moon
This New Supermoon is highly potent, its trine to Saturn/Pluto is significant, as are tight aspects to Mars, Uranus, Neptune and most significantly an exact square to the true Lunar Nodes.
4 September
Cosmic Bus Lunation Report [episode #2037] – Gemini Quarter Moon
There's something huge happening here, all you need do is keep it in perspective. At least keep your head out...
October, 2014
10 October
BOARDING the Cosmic Bus (How to Register – for members)
Tribe Members, please scroll down to login and receive your simple 2-step instructions. What is …