Ironic how public figures and elected officials can conceal and deny everything they say or do while the rest of us have every aspect of our private lives under constant scrutiny and censure....
Read More »“WOUNDMATES”: The Healing Power of Chiron-Venus Aspects in Relationships
When Venus contacts Chiron, individuals may find themselves drawn to relationships that bring healing or artistic inspiration rather than just leading to marriage. These Chiron-Venus aspects grant a unique ability to see beauty in what others do not...
Read More »MERCURY on SATURN (29°♒25′) – “HEADF*CK”
Nothing so brutal and tedious as the scrutinous investigations that delve into the technical and the complex matters that someone (whoops) may have slipped up or left unattended, leading to... well, the most monumental disasters anyone's seen for a while...
Both Saturn (29º34′ Aquarius) and Pluto (29º34′ Capricorn), now semisextile at the anaretic, are associated with themes of epic transformation, destruction, and rebuilding. This is their first aspect since their 'great reset' - the conjunction of January 2020...
Read More »“The Renaissance of Sensitivity: Exploring the Relevance of Fantasies and Dreams in a New Era” [Cosmic Bus #2308]
Join us here on Cosmic Bus for a full monthly forecast and discussion on the upcoming Virgo Full Moon...
Read More »“Surviving the Stormclouds” – THE NEW MOON at 01°22′ PISCES, Monday, February 20, 2023, 07:06 UTC
Spiritual Renewal and Establishing Individual Boundaries in a Time of Collective Disconnection.
Read More »SUN/SATURN: Getting Serious
Unless you're someone who thrives on strict discipline, the combination of Saturn and the Sun can be a daunting experience. Put simply, Saturn on the Sun ain't much fun...
If you are a person of unwavering determination and a deep reverence for freedom and renewal, you possess the power to continually grow and transform...
Read More »MERCURY CONJUNCT PLUTO AT 29º CAPRICORN: Final Secrets Revealed
One gets the feeling that the last of our daddy issues might finally come to light, which could be a welcome thing or could just open up a whole new can of worms...
Read More »“A BRAVE NEW EARTH” – The FULL MOON at 16°41′ LEO, February 5, 2023, 18:29 UTC
Embracing Innovation and Individuality in the Icy Age of Digital Oligarchy - An Astrological Perspective
Read More »“Just Before the Break of Dawn” – A Dissertation on the LEO FULL MOON [Cosmic Bus #2305]
Collective human consciousness at the precipice of a revolutionary Global Awakening - A Dissertation on the Leo Full Moon, February 5, 2023
Read More »VENUS IN PISCES (Jan 27-Feb 20)
Venus, exalted through this mystical sign, reminds us that true fulfilment and understanding cannot be found through external means such as material pursuits and exotic lovers, but rather through connecting with our inner selves....
Read More »MOON on the VENUS/SATURN: If This Is Love, Why Does It Feel So Constrictive?
Moon is now hovering over Venus/Saturn conjunction, so if you've been wondering why it's been so hard to feel love lately, it's likely due to this current 'chill-factor' alignment...
Read More »“An Air of Transparency” The NEW MOON at 01°33′ AQUARIUS, Saturday, January 21 2023, 20:55 UTC
An astrological look into the fundamental shift in how we think about and choose to share our personal information.
Read More »AQUARIUS NEW MOON Lunation Report “Icebreaker” [Cosmic Bus #2303]
As we await the Aquarian Micro-Moon, just two days away, we also get a sense that things are going to be 'a lot different from now on'...
Read More »Surviving and Thriving in the SUN/PLUTO Cycle: Overcoming Power Struggles and Empowering Yourself
Massive shifts are happening leading into Saturday's Micro-moon. You are shedding a lot of backed-up toxicity. Embracing solitude is an essential aspect of love and relationships; be present with others without relying on them as a form of escape or some kind of external power supply for your infernal dramas...
Read More »“Reflect, Reevaluate, and Rejuvenate” MARS and MERCURY Station to Direct in Quincunx
Taking the time to reflect on regretful actions, we can learn from our mistakes and make better decisions in the future. As MARS and MERCURY both station to direct in quincunx, the time has come to stop, recognise and admit how our cognitive biases affect the decisions we make...
Read More »A Glimpse into SATURN IN PISCES, Mar 2023-Feb 2026 [Cosmic Bus #2301]
In our "Glimpse Into The Future" series, Ang takes a look at Saturn's passage out of Aquarius and into Pisces.
Read More »“Facing the Cold, Hard Reality” – The CANCER FULL MOON at 16°21′, Friday, January 06 2023, 23:07 UTC
Exploring the Astrology of the Cancer Full Moon: A Guide to Navigating the Battle Between Subjective and Objective Reality.
Read More »Mercury/Venus Conjunction in Capricorn: Navigating Chastity and Control in Pluto’s Patriarchal Society
MERCURY, now conjunct VENUS (free-flowing conversation), will now backtrack through patriarchal Capricorn...
Read More »MERCURY RETROGRADE: Harnessing the Energy of the Winged Messenger
Unlocking the Power of Mercury Retrograde; Understanding its Role in Mind, Communication, and Personal Alchemy
Read More »2023 – A GLIMPSE INTO THE FUTURE [Cosmic Bus #2252]
In this episode, Ang discusses discusses the major transits of 2023 including, Jupiter moving through Aries and Taurus and its conjunctions to Chiron and Eris, Saturn leaving Aquarius and entering Pisces, Pluto's brief entering into Aquarius,Node shifts, Mercury’s three earthy retrogrades, Venus' retrograde in Leo and transiting aspect to Mars & Uranus, current effects, trends and possible future scenarios, and much more…
Read More »“Keeping It Real” – The NEW MOON at 01°33′ CAPRICORN, Friday December 23, 10:18 UTC
A brief astrological synopsis of this special holiday lunation.
As the dark moon phase approaches and the Capricorn Solstice draws near, it's important to take a moment to pause and reflect on the magnificence and significance of this time of year...
Read More »SUN AT 27°08′ SAGITTARIUS (Galactic Centre)
When the Sun aligns with the GC, tune in, and listen. It's the latest and greatest...
Read More »LAST QUARTER MOON at 24°22′ Virgo- “A Streetwise Guide”
If you've been a wise guy - paying attention to what's going down on the street and using your gut, you might come out on top. But watch it, putting out your two cents can lead to dramas...
Read More »“Putting Your Money Where Your Mouth Is” A discourse on the Capricorn Lunation of 2022 [Cosmic Bus #2250]
The last NEW MOON of 2022, falling a day after SOLSTICE, is expected to be explosive. Thanks largely to this Yuletide lunation's tight alignment to the final JUPITER/URANUS semisquare, the lead-up sees us easily provoked into fierce disputes over what "matters most" (to us, of course)...
Read More »“Blowing Hot and Cold” – The FULL MOON at 16°02′ GEMINI: Thursday December 8, 2022, 04:09 UTC
An astrological dissertation of current themes, as highlighted by this lunation.
Sometimes it's wisest to back down, even if you're confident you have the upper hand. ☿ ☍ ♂
Read More »‘THE QUEST, THE QUESTION & THE QUESTIONER’ Themes around the Gemini Full Moon [Cosmic Bus #2248]
Whether you are seeking truth, speaking truth, believing truth or outright denying truth, just remember - if your "truth" isn't unifying and all-inclusive, you should probably keep searching...
Read More »“And Now You Know” – The NEW MOON at 01°38′ SAGITTARIUS: Wednesday, November 23, 2022, 22:58 UTC
"Three things cannot be long hidden: The Sun, The Moon, and The Truth." Here is an astrological synopsis for this special lunation.
Read More »‘SHOOT FOR THE STARS’ Sagittarius New Moon Lunation Report [Cosmic Bus #2246]
By Wednesday's SADGE NEW MOON, our firey projections extend beyond our own hearth... We must try to think how we can help this world, for we know if we don’t do something, nobody will.
Read More »BLOOD MOON – THE TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE at 16º00′ Taurus: Tuesday, November 08, 11:03 UTC ‘Standing on the Precipice of a New Earth’
In times of profound change, the most open-minded, innovative and adaptable shall inherit the Earth. Those willing to learn and grow discover themselves perfectly equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists. All that’s required is to risk taking the first step in trusting that the universe, which is abundant and loving, is always going to provide us with everything necessary to complete our mission....
Read More »‘Does Anyone Even Care Anymore??’ The Astrology of the TAURUS LUNAR ECLIPSE [Cosmic Bus #2244]
Prepare for some desperate measures, contrived disasters and monumental upsets, because, apparently, that's the only recourse left to make any impact upon those who simply will not hear over all the noise we're making...
Read More »MARS IN RETROGRADE: Oct 30, 2022 – Jan 12, 2023 ‘Trying to make up for past mistakes, insults and regrets’
Mars symbolises personal action - the energy and drive to obtain that to which we are attracted and to resist that which is undesirable or a threat. Our desires generate powerful drives to demonstrate our competency, sexuality and the power to assert or defend our unique identity, often at any cost... [read more]
Unreliability, an inclination to act heedlessly, tendencies to rely on others (only to be let down), wild speculation, lofty idealism, distorted political aphorism and a desire to reach for the impossible set the scene for the next week or so...
Read More »SOLAR ECLIPSE at 02°00′ SCORPIO, Tuesday, October 25 – ‘Battles Left To Conquer Before We Can Restore Trust and Security’
This pair of eclipses is the second in a 3-part series of Scorpio/Taurus eclipses, awakening humanity to its universal plight towards greater autonomy, self-sufficiency and holding energetic boundaries...
Read More »‘THIS HAS TO END’ The Astrology of the Scorpio Solar Eclipse [Cosmic Bus #2242]
We are only days away from a SCORPIO SOLAR ECLIPSE. This South Node Eclipse heralds massive power outages and critical events all over the planet as celestial energy leaves the planet. Join me as we take a loving look at what is happening, above and below, in the Astrology of Now.
Read More »“SUBLIMATING THE EGO INTO ART” Learning the Art of Kindness, with MARS/NEPTUNE
We are either aware or blind that the challenges we face now are trying to force an evolutionary shift. Without this awareness, squares, such as the current ones between PLUTO/ERIS, SATURN/URANUS, or MARS/NEPTUNE, as well as the impending SUN/VENUS to PLUTO, tend to bring out the worst in each planet. As the eclipses approach, things only intensify, pushing us to rise above or be torn asunder...
Read More »MARS/NEPTUNE – The Unconditional Surrender
Today we look at what happens in the Mars/Neptune dance, a two-year cycle involving the God of War and the Ruler of Seas. By the time Neptune is through with Mars, he appears washed up, dishevelled, disoriented and wasted on some sandy shore. Still, he has learned to survive in Neptune's nebulous waters. While he is disappointed with himself, he is wiser, more refined and acquainted with the futility of his belligerent ways...
Read More »‘WAITING FOR SOMETHING TO HAPPEN’ – The Full Moon at 16°33′ Aries, Sunday Oct 09, 20:55 UTC
No Full Moon quite tears our souls apart like that which falls under the Aries/Libra dichotomy. Whoever you are, you probably wish to live an ideal, peaceful lifestyle, maintain cordial, pleasant relationships, love and be loved. Yet your equilibrium is easily tilted when you, or someone around you, gives in to equally strong urges for action and excitement....
Read More »‘LET’S END THIS THE NICE WAY, SO NO ONE GETS HURT’ – The Astrology of the Aries Full Moon, Sunday Oct 09 [Cosmic Bus #2241]
When the Moon turns Full in Aries, emotions are raw, instincts are primitive and direct, moods impulsive and stormy and forceful enough to influence our conscious will... how will the Libra Sun respond?
Read More »“FACING UP TO OUR DADDY-ISSUES” The Sun’s Opposition To Chiron, Friday, Oct. 07, 2022
The SUN now opposes CHIRON, and over the next few days, you may experience the fragility of bearing the pain of that deepest cut of all - the daddy denial...
Read More »‘ODIOUS LIES & WATERY EYES’ Neptune, Mars and the Astrology of October 2022 [Cosmic Bus #2240]
By the End of OCTOBER, we will have seen a stormy Aries Full Moon preceding a most devastating South Node Solar Eclipse in Scorpio; Hard nuts PLUTO & SATURN stationing to go direct, continuing their respective square-holds on unmanageable ERIS & URANUS; beloved JUPITER returning to Pisces while both MERCURY & MARS being doused deeply in the downpour of NEPTUNE's deluge...
Read More »“I SEE THINGS DIFFERENTLY” Mercury’s Opposition to Neptune (Sep 28- Oct 6)
There is much going on now that we do not wish to face or perhaps struggle to make others see. The world is awash with a kind of cognitive dissonance, a contradictory set of impressions which, on a more subtle level, we might register as a creepish feeling of unease, disquiet and a lack of trust in others...
Read More »‘Monuments of Past Empires & the Dawn of Higher Consciousness’ [COSMIC BUS #2238]
Today, on the cusp of the LIBRA EQUINOX, I pay homage to the Virgon Goddess Athena, the ancients, my ancestry and culture. Watch as I present my current astrological and sociological views at the ruins of Acropolis, Greece, once deemed the pinnacle of western humanistic endeavour...
Read More »SQUARES: The Point of Tension
Squares between any two bodies accentuate incompatible or antagonistic elements, raising the degree of tension. Tension wears us down to the point where we hit the wall, and something has to give. Some tensions have been building for weeks, others months, years, and some have been building for generations...
Read More »“YOU’RE JUST KIDDING, RIGHT?” – Neptunian Quarter Moon
There are days when you are positively baffled about what you see going on before you. Don't be afraid to be confused...
Read More »“IN HIGHER SERVICE” – The Full Moon at 17°41′ Pisces, Saturday, September 10, 10:00 UTC
Instead of blindly trusting others or the exterior universe to 'fix itself', we must individually assess each issue of concern realistically, choosing relationships and activities that are uplifting and enabling us to reach the Pisces heights of inspiration and transcendence...
Read More »MERCURY OPPOSITION JUPITER “Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud”
Every travesty ever committed has been by ordinary folks trying to sound extraordinary...
Read More »“LET’S END THIS CHARADE” The Astrology of Mid-September and The Pisces Full Moon [Cosmic Bus #2236]’s all just one charade masking a never-ending contest where the survival of the fittest is becoming critical. We all genuinely need to be loved and cared for, but nature can sometimes be very cruel, especially when we're prone to be disingenuous... Join me here for a new episode of COSMIC BUS, let's see what the stars have to say.
A confronting moment at this QUARTER MOON, since both luminaries activate the separating PLUTO/ERIS square, bringing light to all the buried, overlooked ills that have surfaced onto this planet since the two outermost 'dwarfs' went to war throughout 2020-21. It is the survival of the fittest in a race where one wonders what will be the ultimate prize...
At the commencement of this New Moon cycle, you might sense that many in this world are full of it, just plain wrong. Then, some are convinced they're right, masses of them, or at least who lie somewhere in the mantle of the in-between. And then there's you...
Read More »“Violent Purge”, The NEW MOON at 04°04′ VIRGO, Saturday, Aug 27, 08:18 UTC
Virgo is quick to flush out, purge and extricate the slightest little detail deemed offensive, and Mars in Gemini will most certainly provoke such an action with a mere word...
Read More »‘Problems With The Neighbours’ COSMIC BUS #2234, The ASTROLOGY OF AUG 26-SEPT. 8 (and beyond)
Nobody really knows what is going to happen because we've rarely seen URANUS flashing us so much. From this lunation to the next, the amperage is ultra high, and then we go into eclipse season, where the torchem never stops...
Read More »SUN/MARS/CHIRON- Crises Around Wounded Masculinity, August 22-26
MARS now enters the intrepid Gemini, and the SUN will enter analytical Virgo in a few hours. Both masculine planets enter mental signs, where their activity is most potent and raw...
Read More »“Coming Clean” – The Mercury/Neptune Opposition, 21 August & 1-3 October
MERCURY opposes NEPTUNE, a cycle that began with their conjunction at 23º15' Pisces on 23 March 2022. The Mercury/Neptune relationship best helps us track the development of our fantasies, psychic perceptions, suspicions and, often, our self-deceptions and delusions....
You may feel isolated and afraid, but come... you're just being silly now. Just know you're not alone; all it takes is your genius to start the most remarkable revolution...
Read More »‘Puritans, Heretics, Pariahs & Fugitives’ COSMIC BUS #2233, The ASTROLOGY OF AUG 16-26 (and beyond)
This is a remarkable time, although a bit unnerving for those who are 'awakened', knowing there's no going back to sleep and, indeed, no slouching since "they're" definitely coming for you, just as they have before, lifetime after lifetime. Perhaps this time will be different?? Much to catch up on and much more to discuss on this episode of Cosmic Bus.
Read More »“Hating on Others” SATURN opposition SUN
“Look at me! I'm really hating on that witch.... chucking rocks at the witch! You see how much I hate witches! Means I'm definitely NOT a witch myself!”
Read More »‘The End of Kings & Queens’ – SUPERMOON AT 19°22′ AQUARIUS, Friday August 12, 01:37 UTC
As energies pull apart, the tension generated often indicates that effort is required to reconcile them or allow them to separate. This polarised strain, experienced in our relationships, points to areas where our individualised will (or ego) is at odds with the collective needs of humanity...
The dark side of the most grotesque, malformed PLUTO energy attracts the very thing that will break us down to the core so we can cease to be the way we were. Something buried deeply is eating away at us - a transgenerational ill that presents as trauma(s) throughout our life until we can confront the darker side of our psyche...
As JUPITER, SATURN and URANUS tighten in the coming weeks, the world experiences an upsurge in free-floating psychological uneasiness - a mind dis-ease - anxiety and discontentment which cannot be linked to any apparent cause, though many symptoms will appear...
They say that pride precedes a fall, but with the amount of hubris going round these days, the drop is set to be colossal....
Read More »“Holy Cow! This Can’t be Happening…” Astromusings on the Uranus Node and Next Week’s Aquarian Full Moon-[Cosmic Bus #2231]
Next Week's FULL MOON in AQUARIUS immediately activates this URANUS/NORTH NODE point, and its square alignment to Saturn, showing exactly why we're getting off on the 'right' foot (if by 'right' we mean 'wrong')...
Read More »‘The Quest to Outshine the Sun’ -The NEW MOON at 05°39′ LEO, Thu Jul 28, 17:56 UTC
The New Moon in Leo signifies a time for new beginnings and opportunities to embark on new ventures of creative and bold endeavour. The Sun is dignified in Leo, illuminating where we want to shine and be the centre of attention in our world....
Read More »‘Insurrection’ – The Mars/Uranus Conjunction, August 1, 2022
Sometimes things happen for no apparent reason. Sometimes things happen, so that other things won't...
Read More »‘It’s a Matter of Pride’ The Astrology of July 21-28 [Cosmic Bus #2229]
Next week's New Moon in the early degrees of Leo leads us into perhaps the most confronting time of the year when fixed minds come into horrible conflict...
Read More »‘TOO CLOSE TO HOME’ [Cosmic Bus #2228]
In this episode, Ang talks about the CANCER SUN, now in its final week, experiencing a dreamy trine from NEPTUNE but also self-doubt, touchiness and unease from SATURN; while a looming midweek opposition from extremist authoritarian PLUTO sends the whole homeland into diabolical disarray...
Read More »“Who Actually Even Cares?” – SUPERMOON #3 – FULL MOON at 21°21′ CAPRICORN, Wednesday 13 July, 18:38 UTC
As you can see, it’s all happening out there! But does anyone care enough to make …
Read More »‘Never Enough’ The JUPITER/SATURN SEMISQUARE, Jul-Sep 2022, Mar 2023
Let us revisit the Jupiter/Saturn cycle a little because each year's changing relationship between these two significant planets describes the incremental process of an emerging new reality. As humans, the kind of mutual endeavours we project into our respective societies are represented perfectly by the ebb and flow of Jupiter and Saturn's periods of growth and recession...
Read More »‘THE CRACKS IN OUR REALITY’ [Cosmic Bus #2227]
The Capricorn Full Moon (Jul 13) highlights the cracks in our reality, relationships and most of all the cracks in our hearts. How will you deal with the cumulative stresses and pressures just up ahead?
Read More »First-Quarter Moon in Libra
Currently opposite Jupiter, we feel the lib-lunar effects of taking offence and indignation but not knowing what to make of it all. What does it all mean? This is shaping up to be a super hella moonth. I'll be back to discuss in-depth on 'cosmic bus' tomorrow, so please join, it's fascinating, and a little frightful what's happening here...
Read More »‘Tender Moments’: The NEW MOON at 07°23′ CANCER – Wednesday, Jun 29, 02:54 UTC
A New Moon is forming seven days after the Cancer Solstice, generating a wealth of sentiment in every heart and mind, a call to connect to one's home, family, and ancestral roots as the Sun and Moon now align in this most personal of all the water signs...
Read More »“HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS (ON THE BUS)” [Cosmic Bus #2226]
A dignified out-of-bounds MARS conjunct outsider sister ERIS, soon squaring PLUTO at the end of patriarchal Capricorn. Meanwhile, the DARK MOON is about to form lunation in the early degrees of Cancer, squaring JUPITER, activating the NODAL AXIS. The tension is so thick its palpable and moods are tender, raw and easily stirred into fury...
The SUN's square to NEPTUNE has left us puzzled and perplexed by the outright deception and doublespeak in the media. His quincunx to PLUTO over these next couple of days adds to the tension and unrest because those in power seem to be manipulating the minds of the masses to further promote their outright supremacy...
Read More »‘What Does Not Kill Me’ – Musings on Pluto at the end of Capricorn and the MARS/CHIRON conjunction [Cosmic Bus #2224]
What are the consequences and dividends of our suffering, and how are the Pluto and Mars cycles to Chiron relevant to our healing journey?
Read More »‘The Emperor’s New Throes’: SUPERMOON at 23°25′ Sagittarius, June 14, 11:52 UTC
...the New Moon in Gemini foreshadowed a lunar cycle whose primary intent was to raise conscious awareness of new ideas and information currently being seeded and circulated through mundane channels of communication, media and trade. After two weeks, the Moon's transit through the zodiac into Sagittarius produces a full reflective glow to the Gemini Sun, allowing us to examine how well those ideas are integrated into the bigger picture...
Read More »NEPTUNE ON THE FULL MOON: “Visitors From Outer Space” [Cosmic Bus #2223]
trange, delusory forces emanating from unconscious sources, cause unresolved and blocked emotions to leak out everywhere, seeking a cathartic release... Join me live on COSMIC BUS as we seek to make some sense of the current maelstrom enveloping our planet.
Read More »‘Blurring the Lines of Distinction’ – 1st Quarter Moon in Virgo
Between tonight's Quarter Moon in Virgo and next week's Full Moon in Sadge, we'll see an overly-imaginative production of illusions, where the boundaries of truth and fiction become so blurred around the edges they create distortions, chaos and confusion in our lives...
Read More »