Ironic how public figures and elected officials can conceal and deny everything they say or do while the rest of us have every aspect of our private lives under constant scrutiny and censure....

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MERCURY on SATURN (29°♒25′) – “HEADF*CK”

Nothing so brutal and tedious as the scrutinous investigations that delve into the technical and the complex matters that someone (whoops) may have slipped up or left unattended, leading to... well, the most monumental disasters anyone's seen for a while...

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SUN/SATURN: Getting Serious

Unless you're someone who thrives on strict discipline, the combination of Saturn and the Sun can be a daunting experience. Put simply, Saturn on the Sun ain't much fun...

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VENUS IN PISCES (Jan 27-Feb 20)

Venus, exalted through this mystical sign, reminds us that true fulfilment and understanding cannot be found through external means such as material pursuits and exotic lovers, but rather through connecting with our inner selves....

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2023 – A GLIMPSE INTO THE FUTURE [Cosmic Bus #2252]

In this episode, Ang discusses discusses the major transits of 2023 including, Jupiter moving through Aries and Taurus and its conjunctions to Chiron and Eris, Saturn leaving Aquarius and entering Pisces, Pluto's brief entering into Aquarius,Node shifts, Mercury’s three earthy retrogrades, Venus' retrograde in Leo and transiting aspect to Mars & Uranus, current effects, trends and possible future scenarios, and much more…

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As the dark moon phase approaches and the Capricorn Solstice draws near, it's important to take a moment to pause and reflect on the magnificence and significance of this time of year...

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BLOOD MOON – THE TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE at 16º00′ Taurus: Tuesday, November 08, 11:03 UTC ‘Standing on the Precipice of a New Earth’

In times of profound change, the most open-minded, innovative and adaptable shall inherit the Earth. Those willing to learn and grow discover themselves perfectly equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists. All that’s required is to risk taking the first step in trusting that the universe, which is abundant and loving, is always going to provide us with everything necessary to complete our mission....

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Unreliability, an inclination to act heedlessly, tendencies to rely on others (only to be let down), wild speculation, lofty idealism, distorted political aphorism and a desire to reach for the impossible set the scene for the next week or so...

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“SUBLIMATING THE EGO INTO ART” Learning the Art of Kindness, with MARS/NEPTUNE

We are either aware or blind that the challenges we face now are trying to force an evolutionary shift. Without this awareness, squares, such as the current ones between PLUTO/ERIS, SATURN/URANUS, or MARS/NEPTUNE, as well as the impending SUN/VENUS to PLUTO, tend to bring out the worst in each planet. As the eclipses approach, things only intensify, pushing us to rise above or be torn asunder...

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MARS/NEPTUNE – The Unconditional Surrender

Today we look at what happens in the Mars/Neptune dance, a two-year cycle involving the God of War and the Ruler of Seas. By the time Neptune is through with Mars, he appears washed up, dishevelled, disoriented and wasted on some sandy shore. Still, he has learned to survive in Neptune's nebulous waters. While he is disappointed with himself, he is wiser, more refined and acquainted with the futility of his belligerent ways...

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SQUARES: The Point of Tension

Squares between any two bodies accentuate incompatible or antagonistic elements, raising the degree of tension. Tension wears us down to the point where we hit the wall, and something has to give. Some tensions have been building for weeks, others months, years, and some have been building for generations...

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A confronting moment at this QUARTER MOON, since both luminaries activate the separating PLUTO/ERIS square, bringing light to all the buried, overlooked ills that have surfaced onto this planet since the two outermost 'dwarfs' went to war throughout 2020-21. It is the survival of the fittest in a race where one wonders what will be the ultimate prize...

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You may feel isolated and afraid, but come... you're just being silly now. Just know you're not alone; all it takes is your genius to start the most remarkable revolution...

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The dark side of the most grotesque, malformed PLUTO energy attracts the very thing that will break us down to the core so we can cease to be the way we were. Something buried deeply is eating away at us - a transgenerational ill that presents as trauma(s) throughout our life until we can confront the darker side of our psyche...

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‘TOO CLOSE TO HOME’ [Cosmic Bus #2228]

In this episode, Ang talks about the CANCER SUN, now in its final week, experiencing a dreamy trine from NEPTUNE but also self-doubt, touchiness and unease from SATURN; while a looming midweek opposition from extremist authoritarian PLUTO sends the whole homeland into diabolical disarray...

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‘Never Enough’ The JUPITER/SATURN SEMISQUARE, Jul-Sep 2022, Mar 2023

Let us revisit the Jupiter/Saturn cycle a little because each year's changing relationship between these two significant planets describes the incremental process of an emerging new reality. As humans, the kind of mutual endeavours we project into our respective societies are represented perfectly by the ebb and flow of Jupiter and Saturn's periods of growth and recession...

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First-Quarter Moon in Libra

Currently opposite Jupiter, we feel the lib-lunar effects of taking offence and indignation but not knowing what to make of it all. What does it all mean? This is shaping up to be a super hella moonth. I'll be back to discuss in-depth on 'cosmic bus' tomorrow, so please join, it's fascinating, and a little frightful what's happening here...

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A dignified out-of-bounds MARS conjunct outsider sister ERIS, soon squaring PLUTO at the end of patriarchal Capricorn. Meanwhile, the DARK MOON is about to form lunation in the early degrees of Cancer, squaring JUPITER, activating the NODAL AXIS. The tension is so thick its palpable and moods are tender, raw and easily stirred into fury...

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The SUN's square to NEPTUNE has left us puzzled and perplexed by the outright deception and doublespeak in the media. His quincunx to PLUTO over these next couple of days adds to the tension and unrest because those in power seem to be manipulating the minds of the masses to further promote their outright supremacy...

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‘The Emperor’s New Throes’: SUPERMOON at 23°25′ Sagittarius, June 14, 11:52 UTC

...the New Moon in Gemini foreshadowed a lunar cycle whose primary intent was to raise conscious awareness of new ideas and information currently being seeded and circulated through mundane channels of communication, media and trade. After two weeks, the Moon's transit through the zodiac into Sagittarius produces a full reflective glow to the Gemini Sun, allowing us to examine how well those ideas are integrated into the bigger picture...

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