Lunation articles

Judgement Day – NEW MOON at 23°54′ LIBRA: Fri Oct 16, 2020

The closest Supermoon of 2020 also sees Planet Earth and all of its inhabitants experiencing the most intense time. In the late degrees of Libra, this New Moon intention is to restore (or create) harmony and balance into our highlighted affairs. However, it appears that there are distant, overwhelming forces weighing heavily against our efforts to make peace.

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FULL MOON at 17°20′ SCORPIO, Thursday, May 07, 10:46 UTC

And so it is. Full Moon time once again. As with every Full Moon, we reach the point in our lunation calendar that marks a climactic event - one whose nature is high-lighted both with daytime (solar/conscious) and night-time (lunar/reflective) perspectives, although their views are in diametric opposition.

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