NEW MOON IN PISCES – The dream that lights our way.

New Moon at 04°♓29′, Sunday, Feb 23 2020, 15:32 UTC

In the dark of the early Pisces Moon, our night-dreams become vivid, and in our wake, we feel our consciousness fade in-and-out of focus. We are caught in a captivating trance, reflecting on that dream, slightly out of contact with the ‘real’ world.

We are formulating something, seeking a place for our self-soothing, somewhere to relieve and release tensions. It is the darkest of nights, and there’s no moonlight to guide us. Only stars. Millions and millions of stars.

New Moons offer new beginnings, and what’s more welcome at this fragile point in time than a new vision – something to light our way out of this darkness; this tedious frustration, futility, oppression and despair and lead us more towards our dharma here?

If nothing more, the Pisces New Moon offers an escape, a way out from the drudgery of our existential nightmares, which can at times surmount and see us waking up in fright about the excruciating world we live in.

The emotional subtlety of this lunation is not lost. In any sense, both positive and negative, it connects both the cellular body and the spirit with a diffuse, seemingly infinite array of choices, both real and fantastical. The aim is to unite us to a more intuitive understanding of our position in the cosmos.

The combined lights of the Pisces Sun and Moon ignite our imaginative senses – our empathy; emotional intelligence; inspiration to experience magic, mystery, mysticism and wonder. The infinite stars above become an accompanying symphony to a chorus of heavenly angels trying to guide us. Here, in the dark of night, at our most delicate, vulnerable, mystical selves we cease all activity and turn to hear what all the brilliance and the glory is about. Such is the awe-inspiring splendour of the starry sky that we may get lost in wonderment.

Practical concerns do not burden us, for it is difficult to concentrate. The most distressed, the weak, infirm and the impressionable may feel utterly lost in clouds under this lunation.

Caution too during this Mercury Retrograde, since messages received (and paid forward) could become twisted and a little convoluted. If taken too personally, things could be more misleading and deflating rather than soothing and inspiring.

From Mars at the Capricorn South Node, those who are innocent, unquestioning, and somewhat conscientious are also exposed to suffer the cunning, malice, or deceit of the selfishly-driven and the blindly ambitious. We must help one another, not take advantage of our vulnerabilities. Those who, for whatever reason, are truly “off with the fairies” may drift farther away in daydreams and delusions, which would leave them stranded in a place of eternal chaos. Long before dusk, their world may grow much too dark to see anything at all.

Uranus in Taurus may offer but a feeble-lighted flame, by which one might see not more than a few feet ahead. The only trusted light emanates from the inner self – the intuitive sight of your own highest desire. This inner vision is the illuminator of our night vision and insight. Without it, we are stranded; we cannot go anywhere. We feel stuck, neither able to escape our nightmares nor reach for what we so mysteriously yearn for in our dreams.

By this inner-guided light, we also glow the way for others. Together, through the sharing of our dreams, we gradually eliminate one little misery after another.

Empowering Horoscope and New Moon Intention for Members Below:
