Well, the US election came but, as it appears, is not exactly gone. As the harshly critical Saturn/Pluto conjunction now prepares to be joined by the judicious Jupiter, the level of fanaticism around the deconstruction of our systems of governance, law, religiosity and moral certitude is only increasing.
The lingering confusion and uncertainty were predictable, in that Neptune’s square to the Nodes continues to remain a strong backdrop until the aspect becomes partile on Jan 27, 2021. Inclinations to cheat, deceive and exploit become pervasive. Public sensitivity, weakness and chances of infection remain high, and with Uranus forming a semisquare, anti-social elements continue to undermine the fabric of our reality systems throughout this year.

This week, the Scorpio Sun continues to intensify the need for change and Monday’s Venus opposition to Mars only exaggerates the irritability, tension and dissatisfaction we feel towards our neighbours, partners, lovers and, well… just about everyone with whom we attempt to relate. Passions swing violently from high to low and, in a heartbeat, tempers run hot and cold during nearly every liaison where we harp upon our differences.

Mars is now in the last moments of his retrograde, which only intensifies his feverish temperament. The fiery war-god turns direct at 15°♈14′ on Friday. There is still much resentment and regret for not having acted, at least appropriately. Both Mars and Venus are in their respective domicile signs – a mutually dignified opposition not seen since in these signs since Sep 1941. Between the sexes, we see disputes over basic differences, disagreements over finances and financial power. There is a convenient unwillingness to see eye to eye on the most fundamental issues, even though they might seem obvious. Even sex itself becomes an issue, with each side unable to see how unhappiness and discontent are caused through lack of ability to establish any true closeness and intimacy.
Enjoy this short excerpt from the latest episode of the Cosmic Bus:
The Sun’s trine to Neptune lends enough intuitive ability and emotional empathy to allow an ability to feel into one another’s need to be understood. However, with the now-direct Mercury still squaring Saturn, let’s not expect the dialogue to be very fluid and agreeable. Mostly, there is a lot of criticism and discrimination, particularly when we align our argument to thoughts and ideologies that are focusing on the little things that make us different, rather than what unites us.

Jupiter’s ultra-rare triple conjunction to Pluto and Pallas Athena (Thursday) confers an unprecedented determination to achieve goals that will bring about improvement for issues to do with social justice and greater public order. However, as with all conjunctions, these agendas can appear extremely one-sided and often are subjectively exclusive, depending on who is leading the brigade for social justice and reformation. Champions for reform are on the rise, but they create as much criticism and disdain as they summon support to ‘correct’ imbalances.
What is certain, among all the confusion and excitability, both in our relationships and politics, is that things are far from being stable, settled and on a path towards any form of ‘social order’ that any of us are familiar with. The universe seems set to divide us into greater social intersections affecting our social and political identities (e.g., gender, caste, sex, race, class, sexuality, religion, disability, physical appearance, age height, etc.) conspiring to create modes of utmost discrimination and privilege. This polarisation seems necessary before any attempts for mediation can begin to take place.
As Pluto continues to square Eris, we are headed towards epochal crossroads into 2021. The new Jupiter/Saturn cycle, which starts at 00°♒29′ on Dec 21, begins to identify how interlocking systems of social and judicial power affect those who feel most marginalised in our communities and society at large. Powerful transits, such as those of Saturn squaring Uranus will take these relationships into account when working to promote social and political equity. The subjective ambiguity of this matter, however, means that the premise of our current society will be perceived as random and chaotic, lacking a clear set of defining purposes. Strife and discord reach epidemic proportions when we focus on subjective experiences to determine our relative social standings. This leads to heavy contradictions and an irreconcilable inability to identify the true common causes of inequity and oppression. Many of these are endemic to our past traumas and historical traditions based on race, religion, gender etc. which, left unaddressed, only ignite tensions to the point of civil conflict and disorder.
For the time being, we are advised to examine how we participate, knowingly or otherwise, in each other’s oppression and, when we are called on it, to avoid echoing others’ anger with our own. This only blankets the substance of our exchange with heated overreactions. This not only wastes energy, but under the currently pressing transiting forces, it becomes very difficult to stand still and to listen to another’s voice – one which delineates an agony which we ourselves may not share, or one to which we ourselves may have contributed.
The underlying theme here, intensified by Pluto’s final years in Capricorn (2008-24) is centred on the destruction (or deconstruction) of the patriarchy, the same patriarchy that oppresses women, people of colour, children, the aged, and in fact, all nonhuman animals. Our agri-cultured societies continue to exploit the industrialised farming of animals, housewives, unskilled labour markets and those unfortunate beings caught up in the sex trade – all victims that have been too long exploited by the same patriarchal hierarchy in which the relatively weak are being unfairly used and abused for the benefit of the powerful. This toxicity has to change, but it is unlikely to happen under the current systems of patriarchal rule. Hence, we start to see under the current grip of a worldwide pandemic, that the collapse of all old hierarchical socioeconomic systems is inevitable.

Sunday’s New Moon at 23°18′ Scorpio, with its aspects to the Jupiter/Pluto/Eris phenomenon, produces the necessary pressure to reset our intentions to really do something that precipitates deep, meaningful and irrevocable change. It is evident that the critical events of this period will affect each of us in very specific areas. I will be addressing these in my individual reading for each horoscope sign (in our next newsletter). Please subscribe to my premium material to receive these and to view last Friday’s video synopsis for this lunation here…
Blessings, and may you have an amazing week xx
Dang Ang! It’s intense! This straddling the middle because I can see clearly the concerns of both sides has been patience and love personified. I feel happy that I haven’t been sucked under and remained detached! Detached! Ha! Now that is an uncommon emotion for a feeler like me! Hahahahaha! Today though some type of energy has hit me hard and even awareness is unable to bring relief! I’m going to have to allow this one! Tomorrow is another day…
Lots of Love and Blessings dearest Ang ♥️
Thank you