We are heading into another very intense week of life-altering activity. As much as we might like to keep a smiley face on our mask, we are best reminded that underneath it all, things aren’t so rosy at all during this intense period of the reconstruction.
It would appear that, on the whole, human beings are particularly destructive. Sometimes one wonders whether we’re some kind of plague, trying to scour the whole earth clean.
In fact, we’re so good at destroying things that one would reasonably argue that maybe that’s our function here. Maybe that’s just it… that every few aeons, some species comes along that kills off the rest of the world, clears the decks, and lets evolution progress to the next level.
Whether we choose to become aware of it or not, the universe has a grand scheme to transform our entire value system. As a species, we will either make the transition to a higher, more accountable arrangement, or we risk being left behind to languish in misery and possible extinction.


The week begins with the culminated Moon’s pass before the Capricorn stellium, perhaps an augury that we are about to undergo some of the greatest shifts our society has ever seen. There are many things that don’t make sense at the moment; the evidence is not adding up. However, this absence of proof does not necessarily mean proof of absence.
Venus Sesquisquare Jupiter: Superficial displays of martyrdom, politically correct behaviour or postured charitable acts to earn political ‘brownie points’ become almost transparent. Those straightforward in their efforts would be more sincere. One gets the sense that 95% of what people are saying is wrong.
Mercury Square Mars: Due to his retrograde, Mercury will lock into a sustained square with Mars for most of July (<4°27′), exact twice (8th & 27th). Mercury will also maintain a square to Chiron (<3°54′).

Mercury in Cancer means communication tends toward the whimsical, highly personal and subjective. Up against Mars, words and ideas can become charged with aggravation. Little things – microaggressions and personal insults can turn incendiary, especially as Mars conjuncts Chiron, where the wounded masculine feels slighted, hurt or somehow offended.
This is usually a period of tit-for-tat over misunderstandings and misgivings, arguments and disagreements over the banalest of details.
Venus sesquisquare Jupiter/Pluto: More evidence (or lack thereof) that tributes, charms and hard-to-resist gifts are lavished by those who are in positions of wealth and power. Is there a catch?

Venus Sesquisquare Pluto: We see a strong tendency to be deceived and manipulated by glitzy glitter rather than the reality of a situation. Only those who practice meditation, and therefore aren’t prone to distractions and temptation, can see through the charade and propagandist ploys.

Venus Sextile Chiron: Here, the feminine, peace-loving element attempts to heal selfishness by seeking to understand its root cause (usually fear). Expect some long, arduous, unanswered text messages by the masculine, who is seriously not wired for anything but self-defence right now.
Chiron Stations to Retrograde at 09°♈26’℞: Chiron’s been here before…
- in 1871-72, after the American Civil war and the beginning of the Reconstruction era, president Grant passes the Ku Klux Klan Act allowing him to send in troops to enforce the 14th amendment. It forged a legacy of bitterness and segregation, wounds still present today. Women’s Suffrage is born.
- in 1920-21, after a WWI & Spanish Flu epidemic, USA introduces the 18th amendment (Prohibition), the KKK launches a campaign terrorizing African-Americans and other minorities. Women gained the right to vote.
- in 1970-72, the US and her allies are at the height of the Vietnam War, invading Cambodia as the Nixon administration conspires to prolong a losing war, merely for political reasons. Meanwhile, as hundreds of thousands are demonstrating against the war in Washington DC, 4 protesters are shot dead when the Ohio National Guard opens fire at Kent State University. The voting age is lowered to 18 in the UK & US. Charles Manson and four followers are sentenced to death.
- 2020-2022: Chiron in Aries (the wounded activist) now breaches this same degree for the first time in 50 years, becoming stationary throughout the first half of July. With Mars approaching, old sores becoming aggravated and inflamed. Chiron will again pass this degree on Apr & Nov 2021, and Feb 2022.
Mercury 05°♋30′ Stations to Direct: You may thank (this) god for ending this retrograde, particularly if the communication airwaves have been stalled with highly subjective, slightly convoluted and touchy matter these last few weeks.
Sun Trine Neptune: Whilst there’s potential for reconciliation and resolution of common problems, under this watery aspect one has to question the incentive, motivation and manner in which outcomes are being exploited here. You might feel some nice, easy-flowing sentiments this week, but if not properly taken advantage of, one could miss the opportunity. Neptune tends to make our Cancer Sun lazy, hazy and looking for ambivalent ways to avoid social involvement and responsibility.
LAST QUARTER Moon at 21°♈03′

So the Cardinal action is heating up nicely for July and beyond. This very dynamic quarter moon serves as a climactic finale to what is only the first of two consecutive Cancer New Moons. The current lunation cycle commenced at the epic Annular Solstice Eclipse (Jun 21) at 00°♋21′, culminating with Sunday’s Capricorn Lunar eclipse – our second in 5 weeks. With a second Cancer lunation at 28°♋27′ (Jul 20) we start to see how cultural and regional differences are vanishing. The big reset is underway.
To say we are living in ordinary times would be preposterous by anyone’s standards. We are, by now at least, aware that humanity has been languishing in ever-increasing levels of absurdity for quite some time.

The Capricorn stellium is an indication that human beings are trying their hardest to bring things back into line, oblivious to how much they are likely to have been contributing to the madness by eroding away all semblance of order and normality.
We seem ambivalently trapped into an old system of patriarchal enslavement. With the impatient Aries Moon squaring off both the harshly judgemental Pallas/Jupiter/Pluto/Saturn stellium retrograding at the end of Capricorn, opposite the Cancer Sun, we will start to see those who have the courage to stand up and blow the whistle on this whole damned business of control and domination.
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