What a crazy, chaotic time to be alive. Sure, one may say that’s just my opinion but, as objective as I wish to remain on the events going on around me, I’m seeing an increasing trend towards crowd madness and rising acts of hysteria and violence.
Collective anguish and highly-politicised mob behaviour are unquestionably on the rise everywhere in the world. We cannot deny or ignore this – regardless of the official narrative that “all is under control”.
Although I understand the roots of some of the disturbing, painful, triggersome consequences of current events, I am here to say that the more drawn we are to engaging in the extremes, the more dramatic and violent our reactions are set to become.
I do understand the pressures on the mundane world. There is apparently a great cosmic agenda to bring all divisive matters on this planet to a head now, whether they are rooted in political, religious or biological differences. Suitably, individuals are becoming highly energised to assist and deploy themselves into this great cosmic levelling of all species. Those whose consciousness is still caught up in the crippling dimensions of fear, apprehensiveness, judgement and aspersion are currently assembling their forces, mustering minds into clusters and formations which will mount behind respective ideological battle lines, ready to wage unholy war.
In the lower strata of consciousness, people are ever so confused and disoriented by the onslaught of disinformation and propaganda designed to frighten them. There is no way to separate what’s true and what’s not true among those who are easily misled, and the choice to turn off rather than to listen to all sides becomes a major hurdle. It is a perplexing conundrum, and this week challenges us at the core of our existence – our sense of safety and security.
Where does this leave our ability to communicate clearly and our relationship to the media that informs us? Our sources of information are now extremely divided, hated, mistrusted and increasingly struggling to be believed.


Pluto Square Eris: In this second partile, we examine who benefits and who loses out in the ultimate contest for survival. Who upgrades to become the ‘ultimate superhuman’ is anyone’s guess. I have covered the principles of this most supernatural process here, in this special article.
Sun Quincunx Pluto: The cultural ideas and memes; values of a prior generation, the prevailing values of the ‘masses’, grind against the values of ‘the father’, or our inherited values. Great psychological stress, shared by the masses, leads us to phenomenal changes – a transformation of mind, body and collective spirit.
Sun Quincunx Jupiter: Strains in identifying with current beliefs and laws because they present a fundamental barrier to personal growth. Deep inside us lies every darkness, every light. It is the choices of our sentience that decide who or what we will be. If we can’t understand ourselves as an individual, sentient being, how can we really share of ourselves in the intersubjective reality of today’s society?
Mercury Stations to Retrograde: Mercury reaches 14°46′ Cancer and, until Jul 12, turns retrograde. Our most personal, privately-held thoughts and ideas, shared among our ‘besties’ since the start of this month, become even more intimately held, to the point where they stagnate and eat away at old wounds.

By July, these closely-guarded thoughts and opinions become held in contempt for ourselves and others. These ideas not only carry an infectious charge upon our emotional well-being, but can potentially provide the clues to what needs healing within and between us. We often plunge into insult and gloom without even knowing it. We get incredibly sensitive to pain and defensive. Hurtful arguments ensue.
Mars Sextile Pluto: Mars is quite reticent to take any direct action in the evasive, empathetic Pisces. A sextile to Pluto can be very useful towards diverting attention away from external tensions and regenerating the spiritual focus towards greater harmony and purpose. Immense strength of will is necessary to come to a deeper, more purposeful set of intentions on how you, as an individual, are inclined to act during this time. Are your motives coming from a reverential fear to protect yourself/family or to assist in the evolution and transformation of the collective?
Mars Semisquare Uranus: Look out for the intrepid reporter who exposes those in positions of authority. There is a fearlessness of controversy, where no story is too insignificant to pursue if it promises excitement and hints at scandal.

Mars sextile Jupiter/Pluto: Active schemes to convert all of society towards a certain agenda, which were spearheaded in late March when Mars was conjunct to Jupiter/Pluto, are now well underway by the powermongers and plutocrats of our world. The conspiracy to dominate the masses using new edicts and laws is real. Many distractions in the foreground guarantee that, in the background, questionable laws are sneakily passed and corrupt practices overlooked/ignored.

Sun Conjunction Node: A major event in the natural world that affects us all provides greater scope for understanding our collective destiny. It will take special, inclusive eyes to see that we are being shaken out of our karmic rut as the Gemini North Node forces us to let go of strong, self-righteous attitudes and dogmas and start looking at the world through the perspective of others; “walk a mile in another’s shoes”, so to speak.
Mars Sextile Jupiter: The opinions and propaganda campaigns of politicians, publicists, damage-control missionaries, and champions of ‘social justice’ are charged with the fiery, bluff enthusiasm of this aspect.
Sun Ingress into Cancer: This is the Solstice point (World Axis), a time when domestic priorities become universally conspicuous. Under Cancer, safety and security become pressing concerns, particularly in a year when the Solstice point coincides with a rare Solar eclipse.

ANNULAR SOLAR ECLIPSE: In our last Cosmic Bus webinar, we spoke extensively on the significance of this, the most powerful lunation of 2020, covering topics such as:
✦ the significance of Solstices and Equinoxes, and the potency of the Aries point (World Axis)
✦ the evolutionary purpose of the past 18 months with Cancer North Node and Capricorn South Node
✦ the 2020 Capricorn stellium and the disintegrating 3D constructs
✦ evolving from Sagittarius South Node into Gemini North Node
✦ Understanding the nature and psychological motives of all things Cancer; habits, habitats, crabholes and the value of the COVID19 lockdown
✦ discussion on the power of this ANNULAR SOLAR ECLIPSE at 00°♋21′, Sunday, June 21, 06:42 UTC and its associated lunar eclipses
✦ the grand-planned fear-pandemic and the social disruptions of the past few months
A brief introduction to key upcoming transits:
✦ Saturn retrograding out of Aquarius and re-entering Capricorn
✦ Mercury’s retrograde in Cancer
✦ Mars and Chiron in Aries, Mars retrograde, Eris and squares to Capricorn stellium
✦ Mercury squaring Mars/Chiron in Aries during most of July
✦ the importance of meditation, reflection, and letting go of our past baggage.
Sun Quincunx Saturn: plagued with health concerns and inferiority issues, we become haunted by anxiety and fear for no apparent reason. Irrational insecurities and anxiety takes hold of our decision-making.
✦ NEXT WEEK: (join me on this Thu/Fri’s Cosmic Bus)
- Neptune Stations to Retrograde:
- Venus Stations to go Direct:
- Mars Squares the Nodes:
- Mars Ingresses into Aries:
At the height of these eclipses, it is apparent that our world is plunged into a chaotic, turbulent state. This is a necessary part of every revolution, when elements of an expiring ‘law & order’ are determinedly collapsing to make way for a new paradigm.
I will respectfully reserve my succinct interpretation of the gruelling process ahead of us for those subscribed to my special horoscope readings and weekly webinars, where I offer in-depth analyses and tools on how to hold ourselves in an empowered, neutral state.
If we cannot source purely from a meditative state of well-being, understanding, kindness and acceptance; if we are unable to show empathy and co-operation, we risk the egotistical descent into the divisive maelstrom of superficiality, insignificant themes and meaningless battles with everyone around us. We will become so inflamed and aggravated that we combust into raging fires, both inside and out. It behoves us to observe our innermost feelings, powerfully charged towards the end of this week by the formidable Solar Eclipse and Mars’ extensive transit through his domicile, Aries.
The earth and all its (surviving) creatures are shifting towards a greater sense of equality and egalitarianism. This cannot be limited only to the definitions of our family, clan, nation, race, species etc. Unconditional acceptance is the order of the new world that awaits us. In the meantime, we must avoid engaging in divisive socio-political tribalism and inflammatory partisan wars. To feel excluded, ignored, snubbed and denied is not only unkind, but it is fuelling the anguish which charges many of us into the auspices of wild, pernicious reactions.
Blessings, and may you have an amazing Solstice week xx