So this is it now. The world of this virus pandemic, the social-distancing, self-quarantining, flattening the curve and all the strange new things we have to deal with in our ever more cloistered and socially-confined new lives. How long does this go on? When and how will this end?

One thing is certain. This pandemonium has only just begun. We have a long way to go before things become managed. The immediate impact of this F.E.A.R. pandemic has certainly raised our awareness about the fragility of our current way of life, and the combustibility of the system that once held it all together. If nothing else, it has brought us closer to our own mortality, and we begin to value more the things we love about this world that now appear impermanent.
If nothing else, the sudden panic has managed to take our short attention spans and our selective biases away from arguing about the causes behind soaring temperatures, heatwaves, rising oceans, melting ice caps, floods, fires and storms, not to mention all the sociopolitical disasters that were looming around us. Mostly, it has pointed us to start looking at our most personal issues – particularly the relationship we have with our own soul. Our soul, and slowly, that of everyone around us…
We discussed it all, and much, much more in last week’s Q&A Session of the Cosmic Bus…
If you’ve not yet felt the pinch, get ready. This week the cosmic pressure descends suddenly and grips its vice force over every ego, so tightly that you feel embattled and besieged, and though you may be driven to do something very bold (finally), in many cases you will find that that it’s all too late.

✦ After the grief-inducing effects of last week’s Chirotic New Moon, Wednesday’s looming First-Quarter Moon reminds us that we are indeed on a volatile soul journey. The Cancer Moon makes us ambiguously hesitant, cautious and clutching for security while the squaring Aries Sun brings out a restless, brash, more driven side. Sitting at the midpoint of Uranus/Neptune and activated by Venus, our insecurities and sensitivities are lain open, for all the world to see. Like putty in the hands of those daring enough to shape us, the world is lulled into its most vulnerable, sentimental state, exposed and at the mercy of the dictator. Is this the direct result of our internal need to find a decent, responsible father figure?
✦ Mars, ruler of the Aries Sun, ascends beyond the ambitious but constrained Capricorn and enters freedom-loving Aquarius. Here our drive shifts focus from business and finance to humanitarian reforms. Mars motivates our ego to rally and organise progressive new ideologies; to work in teams, and to strive for independence and equality for all. However…

✦ …Mars is immediately stopped in his tracks and frisked by Saturn, who himself has only just entered Aquarius last week. The condition here is that Mars may proceed if he is prepared to comply with and execute Saturn’s stringent, yet arbitrary new rules.
A certain heaviness descends. The combination of these two malefics augurs an ominous time ahead, of discipline and the enforcement of tough new laws and measures. It is a realisation that without toil, suffering and heavy losses, we cannot transition to a higher place.
Remember this moment and space. Saturn will retrograde over this point again in late June before he returns to Capricorn, then again, finally, on Dec 21 (Solstice) to meet Jupiter at exactly 00°♒29′.
A brave new world awaits, but the karmic consequences of the past 20 years must first play out before we can proceed. Mars/Saturn here gives us a glimpse through the gateway of the next level of reality, but we must note that many sacrifices must be made before we can transition in the next version of human civilisation.

✦ Meanwhile, back in Capricorn, a triple conjunction is set by Jupiter/Pallas/Pluto where, on a corporate/state level, we begin to witness some extreme strategies being rolled out. The obsession for absolute control starts to spread. Those in positions of power impose their point of view on what’s right, prepared to wage war rather than release the darker aspects of our psyche and replace them with faith, hope and optimism.
✦ Jupiter’s sanctimonious righteousness, his religiosity, high-minded judiciousness and beneficent will towards creating harmony and order become fused with Pluto’s do-or-die-style ultimatums at 24°53′ Capricorn. Mandates and settlements which “make us an offer we can’t refuse” start to be delivered. Either we subscribe to mean and measured paternal decrees, or our souls face being summarily cast into the infernal underworld. Either way, there is a general feeling of confinement and restrictions that could last until the end of the year.

✦ Venus shifts out of her domicile Taurus and into flighty Gemini. Her air trine to Mars/Saturn shows at least some easing of the hard edge of anger and irritation about the state of things.
✦ After weeks of back-and-forth through Pisces, an infectiously pathogenic Mercury finally reaches ruler, Neptune. If ever we can officially declare the entire planet as being collectively enmeshed into maudlin pandemic state, it is certainly by this weekend. Feels like that time when you and everyone you know has caught the flu, and all you want to do is curl away in bed and let your mind just slide away into a whole other dimension.
The sensitivity of everyone this week will be extremely high. This leaves those very few who lack all signs of any humanity to come along and steamroll their way through. These are not necessarily the brightest or the most caring. The emerging victors of this moment are indeed the toughest hombres in the land, intent on exploiting the situation to their utmost advantage.
As we head out of a very confusing, most turbulent month, the balance between tending to humanitarian concerns and attention to the economy becomes ever more precariously poised. There is much, if not everything at risk if we do not get this right. The problem here, in the final throes of the Uranus/Neptune semisquare, lies in that we don’t know who to listen to and who to trust to lead us out of this all-pervasive darkness.
Pink Moon
Next week’s Libra Supermoon, the “pink moon” of April 7 at 18°♎44′, poses an incredible moment of awareness. This phenomenal lunation is the biggest supermoon of 2020 since it will be the closest full moon to Earth during its monthly orbit (perigee or lowest orbital point). Its intense proximity and aspects to Neptune, Jupiter and Pluto poses all kinds of questions about how much of this current panic is really about the virus, which may well devastate our daily lives but may well come and go before the end of this year.
The reality dawns on us that we’ve been living in a dream. We’ve lived our entire lives taking for granted that this thing we call “civilization” was a robust systemic structure that could never fail, even through an occasional famine or war here and there. We have built our busy lifestyles to feed on complicated networks of trade and information, of planes, trains and automobiles, and comprehensive webs of sophisticated electronic devices which deliver everything when and where we need them. We have always imagined these to be supremely sturdy and incorruptible.
Seemingly overnight, all of this is coming to a grinding halt, and we must awaken to the horror and desperation that our once reliable structure of networks can easily be overwhelmed and our lives are thrown into an even greater panic and turmoil.
Does this fear pandemic spell the end for humanity’s civilization, or is it perhaps all just a dry run, a preparation for something much more disastrously ominous. Have we forgotten about the delicate state of the planet and the old ‘climate change’ issue? Surely that has not just magically gone away. We have a lot to prepare for, yet strangely, it seems as though there are still many among us (statistics on anything are vague these days) who live in a state of complete denial that scientists have been trying to warn us for many years about how unprepared we are for what lies just over the horizon. As an astrologer, I feel equally as exasperated that people are in complete defiance about accepting any narrative that is not suitable to their own inner narrative.
Join me on the next Cosmic Bus (Thu/Fri) at our usual time as we have a look at the ominous warnings posed to us by next week’s most illuminating Pink Supermoon, the astrology of now, and how to stay most well-prepared for any cosmic or terrestrial storm. We are in this now, and we are fully aware that our only hope is to stay kind with one another. So please stay kind to yourself, observe your physical and emotional well-being, love others, and have an amazing week xx
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Thanks for your work Ang and team!
Having left facebook, it is appreciated that you guys are now offering the email service.
Loving your latest posts, they resonate completely.
Thank u ❤
Thank u ❤
Thanks for this. As hard as it is to read it makes sense. Sadly it makes sense!
Thank you ?
Ok So what would be your specific NOT VAGUE solution for this Ang? Because right now I dont care about ideas, I care about specfic expert on the field advice (namely doctors) to beat this mess what human ignorance caused.