If nothing else, last week’s Lunar Eclipse has distinguished just how trapped and dissonant our private, inner-child experiences have become from everything being drummed into us by the grown-up world of social, religious, academic and political influence and indoctrination.
We now stand, after three consecutive eclipses in less than 5 weeks, with a chance to repose a little. We sense much change happening, both within and without. It is when our ‘unconscious’, instinctive side becomes so intensely contrasted against our ego-aware, ‘conscious’ self that the reasoning mind starts to make alchemical changes. There is much help available. We must work harder to discipline ourselves to engage more collaboratively with this cosmic assistance.
These eclipses place immense emphasis on where we must focus in order to evolve our awareness. Humanity is in the crucible of transformation. We are being pressured to consider and contend with how our instinctive, tribal, habit-structured and superstitious nature will stand against an ever-changing world. If our instinctive and rational sides are not held in check and brought into a healthy balance, then it is without any doubt that chaos and conflict will ensue in our lives.

Featured transits this week:
Solar oppositions:

For the next 9 days, the Cancer Sun continues to highlight where we are most moody and intuitive, where we seek nurturing and growth and our capacity to teach and train; to encourage and help others. Pitted against the Capricorn stellium, with massive tides of socio-political transformation; the restructuring of old patriarchal and judicious orders; deeply buried systemic corruption and decay, the Sun brings us into full awareness of how these powers affect our most cherished habits and affiliations. We may feel deeply hurt by what others are doing and being – whether intentionally or not. We see where we are feeing extremely vulnerable and defensive. A strong concern for our domestic and family well-being may make us fearful of what the future holds, sheltering ourselves to avoid looking too far in that direction.
Yet, as the Sun sweeps into full opposition against Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn – all in square to Eris, the instigator of discord – we become consciously aware that this is a time when we must face the inevitable. Our world is changing, and it is set to affect us all in the most personal, most individual way.
Mars/Chiron conjunction:

This is the start of a fresh, two-year cycle, which attempts to bring healing to our wounded masculine.
If you’ve ever harboured feelings of shame or humiliation for not having acted promptly enough to defend yourself in the face of insult or threat; or are suffering from feelings of guilt and resentment for having performed in ways which may have been seen as abjectly “reprehensible” towards others, then this cycle promises to bring up crises as ‘opportunities for healing and relief’ from such wounds.
Lead-up to a second New Moon in Cancer:

New Moons are a time of personal reset, and this second lunation in Cancer only reverberates the global message of the Annular Solar Eclipse on the world axis (June 21). In many ways, we are now given a fresh opportunity to form an intention in how we will discipline our most personal, instinctive selves to comply with external world frustrations and pressures. Our self-esteem and personal worth are highlighted, and we may experience an extreme degree of hidden insecurity and fear around how to reach full involvement in life.
If you are feeling immensley frustrated by the world, which now appears to confront you with obstacles in how you can live a happy and contented life, this is a time to recalibrate and integrate your reactions to such experiences, and adjust your inner attitudes so as to determine how you deal with life’s greater tests and limitations.
In amongst the turmoil, we see people acting out, ever more intensely, even angrily, at the inherent discordance. Whether it’s necessary is another matter. When the individual becomes consciously aware of the full reality of its being, greater recognition of its identity allows for expansion of awareness so that it can include previously unconscious knowledge. We must mindfully step into the beam of light consciousness which aligns our intelligence, both higher and lower.
If we observe what is happening, we will see that we are currently being inundated with lots of information from experts and authorities on our TV and radio. Who are these “experts” and “authorities”? Do they know something we don’t? Does their speech come from a place of pure knowledge or belief? Is it all just about propagating their beliefs and opinions or are their expert policies formed through a coherent discourse which bridges reason with instinct?
We see many people going along, blindly following what they’re told, following orders, rules and judgements that, when examined deeply, mean nothing to them. They’re just going along for the sake of ‘doing the right thing’. Who questions the experts and how are their institutions grounded in the intuitive understanding of our instincts and unconscious patterns? Are the experts denying us of our development and connection to our unconscious knowledge? It seems the combined weight of planets like Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto is heavy, imposing and refuses to yield.
This week, the late Cancer Sun continues to go up against that heavy Capricorn stellium, creating enormous conflict between old and new beliefs. Our unconscious selves are caught up in an ideological conflict as many of our cherished human emotions come up to the light to be challenged by the prevailing shift in consciousness.
As Mars conjuncts Chiron, it activates the global pain-body to the point where old wounds become aggravated, triggered into fight or flight action. Whether these happen internally or are projected outward, they produce ailment and events that send us looking to find healing and repair.
Whilst we are conscious that we are all under extreme pressure to change our ways, the age of neo-technologies is dawning, and we must find ways to marry these into our parasympathetic organism. Humanity is at the foothold of massive transformation, but it is uncertain as to which way it will go.
If we are a species of consciousness, then our species is in a time of crucial biotechnical change. Can our unconscious bodies, our DNA, our tribal, ancestral memories undergo such tremendous recalibration so as to keep up with conscious developments? If so, we can enhance the entire human race to the level which brings us boundless levels of spiritual, psychic and physical fulfilment. If we do not somehow make the necessary transition, our race, as we know it, will not endure.
We continue to expand our understanding of the complexity of these evolutionary times in our regular ‘Cosmic Bus’ episodes. Here is a short excerpt from our last session:
I must state, that it is not fully possible for me, as an astrologer, to provide a comprehensive, in-depth analysis of the complexities of these times within the context of a short, weekly article.
Your ‘cosmic tribe’ membership provides an intensive effort to discuss the many influences acting upon the human organism and its relationships, to administer assistance and, in conjunction with my ’empowering horoscopes’ provide you with tips and tools on how to navigate through these times and transform your experience into one which is invigorating and uniquely creative. I invite those of you who follow my work and are not yet signed up to join the discussion with a full, monthly subscription.
I look forward to seeing you all on the ‘bus’. Blessings, and may you have an amazing week xx
Wow very well put and the information is so valuable summed up , I really am grateful for your input as with every newsletter , I get confirmation of what I see and perceive in and around me . It also empowers me more to be more responsible and “ adult “ with my own “ world “ inside and outside . Thank you Ang.?
Thank you, Marietta.