Greetings to all of you on this Solstice. At first glance, the astrology of the final week of the year would suggest a free-flowing blast of good hope and many promises of growth and prosperity for this the year ahead. On its own merits, a Jupiter-clad annular Solar Eclipse in Capricorn forming an earth trine to Uranus sounds pretty fortuitous. Well, that’s the theory, anyway…
We could generally extend such glowing text-book predictions like “good fortune will visit upon you out of the blue” to lift our spirits with this one, especially heading into the holiday season. And judging from the emptiness everyone’s feeling in their hearts these days, nobody would want to argue with that…

Yet in truth, nobody is seriously under any illusion that right here, in the heartland of this dour Capricorn country, any damned South Node eclipse is going to deliver us the second coming or provide the answer to all our prayers – Jupiter or no Jupiter. So let’s not get too excited.
Whilst many of us are relatively fine, safe, able to carry on shopping and being all “festive”, there is arguably a lack of the old ‘communal spirit’ going around. Anyway, for brevity’s sake, I don’t want to elaborate too much further on this here. I spent a good hour discussing the effects of this eclipse in last week’s Cosmic Bus episode (for those of you who subscribe):
As this phenomenal decade now comes to an end and a new one’s about to begin, it’s hard to imagine any aspect of our lives not on the brink of massive transformation – and sooner than we think. That’s probably what this earth trine is really telling us. Sudden change is coming to the narrative we hold about our ‘reality’. Everything we’ve ever come to know and to believe was ‘important’ and ‘of value’ in our world is going through the rinse cycle.
These eclipses (Dec 26 & Jan 11) are epic and are already having a profound effect upon all our lives as we prepare to go into 2020. As usual, I compose an extensive delineation of what these may mean for each of the 12 zodiac signs in my “empowering messages for the Eclipses”, to be posted to you in our final Newsletter (Dec 25) for the year – so please make sure you are signed up to receive these updates (our Newsletter is free).
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your faithful readership this year. It is evident to me here that we are becoming ever more sensitive to news and information, more vulnerable in how we respond to criticism; more moved by nonsense and foolishness; triggered both by truths and utter lies. This sensitivity tells us more about our shadowy sides than anything, and I have worked hard to speak to these changes going on in all of us throughout this very challenging year.
It natural with all these planets at the South Node that we are each unconsciously choosing to become partial to particularly biased narratives which are ultimately destined to divide us all from one another. Needless to say, we must watch out for any kind of defensiveness, triggered by our association with past versions of ourselves.
If you find yourself acting out in anger, ask yourself: what am I defending here? In a glimpse of awareness, you will see that it’s just an illusory identity, an outdated image of yourself stored in your lower mind, a fictitious entity.
Rather than making this pattern conscious, witnessing it, disidentifying from it, Thursday’s Solar Eclipse will only amplify how much the unconscious patterns that we still operate under are obscuring the light of our consciousness.

This only aggravates the arguments and power games that have been building up over these past months. Unconsciously driven control dramas are utterly corrosive to our relationships. As we are seeing more and more with this Saturn/Pluto, power over others is weakness disguised as strength. True power lies within, and it is available to each of us if we can step out of the illusory ego constructs of the past.
The clever, socially-structured fear-mind always seeks to deny the present and allow you to listen to your moral compass. In other words, we are more prone to unconsciously identify with the most deeply ingrained behaviour patterns of our past during a South Node Eclipse, which rather than allowing us to move forward causes us to suffer. The more we are able to consciously step into the present, the less we become defensive and morally outraged, the more we are free of pain and suffering caused by the egoic. mind.
May our divine sovereign of the light above,
who heralds now reversal of the seasons
shine to illuminate the hearts and minds of all
radiate down into the deepest crevices of darkness
help guide us through even the gloomiest days.
Shower this whole globe with everlasting peace and love
and restore unity among all creatures here upon this Earth.
We have a chance to really see ourselves during these holidays, especially if we are in close contact with our loved ones. See how present you are with them. Be totally present. Make yourself the present. Giftwrap yourself in present tense and give of that generously. Whatever you choose to do, have a wonderfully mindful Xmas, and many blessings to you and all you value in this world. xx