We are transforming, inside and out and to those who are aware of this global metamorphosis, it can feel like a frightful process…
- Jupiter, now in Capricorn signifies that ‘real’ things must become ‘realised’ while the bogus and fraudulent be brought to justice. But whilst we see the symptoms everywhere, we do not see the causes. Examination, scrutiny and trial of our systems eventually reveals that it’s not out Presidents/leaders and referendums that are to blame for our collective derangement. We will learn much about the structure.
- Jupiter’s square to maverick Chiron (Monday) scoffs and shames the outsider, adding more harm to Chiron’s injury. Here we begin to see that it’s the academic, judiciary and wealth-making systems themselves which harm and create further wounding to individuals, just to profit and fuel their own importance.
- Mars in Scorpio, ruler of Aries packs a stationing Chiron with bitter vengeance to fight back in a sesquisquare (Sat)
- The Gemini Full Moon (Dec 12) with squares to Neptune and quincunx to Saturn/Pluto promises a week of ultimate mayhem and madness, as our desire for true expression is not supported by the facts. We are left confused about what to make of the current narratives. It is time we began to confront the true causes of what is going wrong. (sign up to our Newsletter – see below – to get the full scoop on this during the week)
- Venus tries to nestle herself between Saturn/Pluto‘s increasingly irrational, agitated, herd-like and simply disagreeable society. Another cold, foreboding 12 months of estrangement and alienation for those who aren’t prepared to do the hard work in relationship. True alchemy for those who can withstand the pressures of facing up to their responsibilities.
- Jupiter’s trine to Uranus (Sun) suggests a massive attitude shift – a turn of fortune for those praying to the heavens for some relief, release or liberation. Though this may come, it is uncertain how long it can be sustained.

This is NOT your ordinary week, and intuitively one can sense that much is about to change in our society over the next 12 months, mainly because the key themes around ‘government and control’ seep into every aspect of our daily lives. Jupiter’s drive to lead ‘dutifully’ and ‘responsibly’ under Capricorn is driven to extremes by mostly unconscious motivations, caused by the shift from the Neptune squares of 2019 and into his sustained conjunction to Pluto.
As Jupiter approaches Saturn (Dec 2020), we are aware that we are coming to an end of a very significant great cycle. 2020 will be a difficult year since all malefic come into a prolonged period of conflict in the second semester.
The beginning to look out our world through the lens of ‘social justice’, ‘identity-group politics’ and ‘multidimensionalism’ is probably the most audacious and extensive effort humanity has made since the dawn of the Industrial Age at creating a new ideology. To raise the plight of women, gays/trans, people of different racial backgrounds, children and the environment is becoming not just a way to exhibit compassion but the induction of a brand new form of morality. It is how to practise this new religion – this metaphysical quality that will test how capable we are in becoming a better person.
In all of our relationships, it can indicate struggles with those who need to control everything, who needs to stay on top and try to manage everyone. The way this is handled can get incredibly out of control, and whilst it may benefit the earth signs, (Capricorn/Virgo/Taurus) as well as Pisces and Scorpio – those with planets or points in Aries/Cancer/Libra may have a definite struggle on their hands trying to endure the hypocrisy, distrust and egotism – all negative traits of Jupiter in Capricorn.
How does it affect your sign, and how can you get the most of Jupiter’s abundant richness during his transit through Capricorn?
Blessings, and may you have an amazing week xx