Sun/Saturn – The Executive Authority

[image: dariusz klimczak]

Here, we see the combination of two archetypes which are essentially opposite in character. They are often pulling the individual to produce very different results in what they want to see in the world, and this creates a human condition which is largely exteriorised, focused more on society and our experience of mastery and control within it.


☉The Sun is the conscious being. Conscious, meaning holding an awareness of the Spirit of any entity wishing to ex-press itself. Ex-pression meaning the force in each being that wishes to exteriorise itself with a will to exist, the urge to present itself within its dominion, to strive towards an meeting its objective with certainty and determination, to be the most purposeful, healthiest manifestation of itself. When you express your Self – you show the world who you are as a distinct and unique entity; your Spirit shines with a sense of awareness of its potential capabilities, ie. when your spirit radiates with a sense of certainty, pride and authority, you are acting in the Solar mode.


♄ Saturn rules the conditional, physical world of form and separateness. Its purpose is to define and differentiate energies (light/sound) by condensing them into matter. Everything that you see in the physical, structured world is a result of Saturn condensing energy into matter. It is a hard, crystallising force that manages to compress and confine things in the spacial world in relation to where they exist in time. Therefore, Saturn rules the linear, 3D world of space-time – where things either exist or they don’t according to their capacity to be observed, measured, defined and fit neatly into the Newtonian laws of physics. Hence, there is a harsh set of existential judgements that one must endure to meet with Saturn’s strict expectations. Any entity must pass a shrewd, critical, exacting set of tests in order for ‘it’ to qualify as being ‘real’ and ‘true’. This process separates mere ideas and energetic impulses into specific things that either pass or fail the measure of veritable existence along the space/time continuum. When the spirit of any entity can irrefutably prove exactly who and what it is in the context of everything else that exists, it is acting in the Saturnian Mode.


When these two archetypes combine, the crystallising elements of Saturn compress the individual will into a socially identifiable form. There is a force of restraint and measure upon the conscious, expressive self to exemplify itself in terms that are physically evident. Here, you must prove yourself: Are you real or are you just a phoney, ‘trying’ or ‘pretending’ or ‘failing’ in effort to confirm yourself? Some degree of self-judgement sets in, and those who are most uncomfortable or alien to the world of judgement and separation project an air of being inhibited, inadequate, low in their capacity to express themselves with unflinching confidence and pride.

This is especially seen in the harder aspects (conjunction, squares, oppositions and octiles), where the individual’s will seems visibly repressed, alienated or isolated. Exteriorised, this often manifests as certain hindrances or afflictions, either biologically or psychologically, where the individual attracts scrutiny and judgement, or feels compelled by exterior circumstances to shy away from society or build a wall around the self.

Spiritual coolness, reproach and reserve sets in, and it is not until one can muster the fortitude to stand upon one’s social merits and achievements that they can verify to the world that they are fit and worthy of being respected by society. This strength of character is actually a meeting of the intrinsic self complying to the demands of his extrinsic universe and does not come without much toil, conflict and torment, especially in the face of authorities and their respective institutions. Naturally, as with any Saturnian archetype, this is exteriorisation of the self is integrated more easily as the individual ages and successfully falls into line with existing structures.

With the softer aspects (sextile, trine) there is a determination for the will, or intrinsic spirit to overcome exterior judgemements and limitations. By applying a steady, disciplined approach to learning more about how to ‘become something/someone’, often using a method or structure that meets parental/social/government approval. Nothing comes for free in the Saturnian universe. Saturn rules time and karma, and those who are firmly gripped by Saturn craving to make thing real dedicate a great deal of their intrinsic life-force (Sun) towards making a ‘success’ of themselves in the known world.

[image: dariusz klimczak]

Of course, whether we work hard to become a ‘definite’ success, or we work hard to resist becoming defined by what the exterior, social universe expects of us, our individual will is still playing into the drag and pull forces of Saturn’s linear universe. We may worry and stress so much about making a favourable impression on others (or not) that our character develops into a menial, tedious, maudlin, pessimistic type – one who sees the world as a place where we either fit in or we do not. This develops into all kinds of fear-ridden guilt complexes, attitudes where we feel constantly at the mercy of the ‘judge-or-be-judged’ dynamics of the exterior world.

Individuals who poise themselves (and their own happiness) under the precariously hanging, two-edged sword of Damocles are often seen begrudgingly spending most of their time working hard, constantly trying to avoid judgement, whether from within or from those they fear might judge them. They develop a spartan sense of social responsibility that craves to have fun and express themselves more freely, but to do so might seems silly and unproductive. Hence, they take on the executive authority role in life, where their success is measured by the relative poverty or affluence of materialistic matters.


As Saturn is currently in its domicile of patriarchal Capricorn, drawing closer into conjunction with Pluto, deeply transformative lord of the underworld, Saturn’s judgement factor – particularly about one’s status and place in the world becomes highly intensified within our society. Judgement of and by the establishment is dished out by extreme decree, where individuals and groups are more condemned rather than condoned. This state of hyper-scrutiny on where we stand in the pecking order of things creates a social atmosphere of severe states of public fear and paranoia.

Where the Sun becomes involved, this acts upon an individual’s psychological terrors of their patent capacity to feel like they fit into the greater social order as a useful, functioning human being.

[image: dariusz klimczak]

Particularly seen with the most critical ‘hard’ aspects from the bright, expressive Sun to this dark, draconian Saturn/Pluto combination, this indicates how some may feel subjected to more austere times where severe physical effort must be applied in order to maintain one’s social standing – the consensus perception of oneself, or their supreme sense of sovereignty to survive within the greater social order.

Those who are completely uncomfortable with such intense pressure often project their personal discontentment onto their environment, drawing in personages or instances where serious judgement about how successfully they fit into the auspices of the real world. It oftens develops into scenarios of cruelty, martyrdom and displays of extreme isolation and suffering.

Collectively, such pressures often lead to situations where massive political schisms and splits in our social fabric actually tears people apart, thus producing regimes or periods of cold-hearted disgust and hatred. Violent eruptions of fanatical or totalitarian attempts to control individuals/groups, leads to persecution or obliteration of certain individual liberties, leading onto demolition of old structures and into building a new world order.

Those who are more comfortable with the combination of structured and controlled expressions come to more easily integrate these aspects within themselves. They are able to discipline themselves to work at disintegrating elements of their social character which no longer seem acceptable in their society. They can look at themselves more critically, examine deeply how parts of their social nature are no longer working, release biases and prejudices that limit or isolate them from functioning within the greater social scheme of things.

…how does Saturn affect your sign? See Saturn in Capricorn (2018-2020) – Special Messages for each sign

Thus, a kind of purification, or an alchemy occurs, and with this conscious effort to recalibrate their own social views with the expectations of the greater community set forth to do something that assists their world in understanding and assuming the greater duty required from them. These individuals rise as the real ‘executive managers’ of our time, and as they successfully exercise their executive authority, become the entrepreneurial leaders in the plight for developing a more cohesive social structure.

Such a manifestation can be seen as either the ‘benevolent director’ or the unscrupulous business venturer, totalitarian ruler, dictator or oligarch. Hence, during these times (depending on the cultural bent of each society and the value systems it supports) can come across as a supremely progressive or regressive force.

These are the critical moments in the development in the current Sun/Saturn cycle:

Wed Jan 02  2019







Wed Apr 10  2019







Tue Jul 09  2019







Mon Oct 07  2019







Mon Jan 13  2020







At this first-quarter Sun/Saturn square (April 10), there is a crisis in the activity between those who feel like their individual expression is supremely in balance with what the world expects from them, or is shut out or incapable of fitting into the social demands and expectations of those holding the stick of discipline and control.

If you are experiencing frustrations, delays in your relationship to others, particularly through immense job, career or financial pressures, then this the perfect time to examine how you may be holding in or projecting out your self-doubts, personal discontentments and inadequacies. These invariably develop into external scrutinies and judgements within your world.

See how you make it hard for yourself and others by lowering your vital energy into matters that keep you divisively separate and out of sync with your contemporary exterior world and its pressing demands. See how you are forcing yourself or others into a state of social and spiritual displacement. See too, with Pluto in the mix, how if this is done in a cold-hearted, unloving manner it breeds intense scrutiny, which could subject you into excruciatingly unpleasant instances of ignorance, cruelty and ostracism.

Over these next 12-18 months, our external world is undergoing immense pressure to change its old, antiquated views about structure, form and social order. We are coming out of a 500-year period of patriarchal rule (Saturn last conjuncted Pluto in Capricorn in 1518-19). Much of the many new insights and views about a world that emerged out of the Renaissance will, by the end of this next 2-3 years, have run their course. Back then, the global conquest of the physical world, the catholic papacy and the church’s control of state affairs, machiavellian systems of government (divide and conquer), and the separation of mysticism and alchemy from science went on to create a harsh, conquest-driven patriarchal rule, which is now at its crumbling end.

As these systems of social rule become obsolete, a new, quantum-state of reality is being rolled out thanks to advancements in computer automation, robotics and artificial intelligence. Whilst the transition may be difficult to accept, much of the physically-structured universe is quickly transforming into an electronic lightfield, able to rapidly/instantly perform functions that are quickly superseding the expiring executive authority of the old-style human.

When this happens, success is not, and cannot be measured in patently linear terms. Our anachronistic value systems are soon about to collapse. Those individuals who are not in touch with the empirical particles of their soul to redefine themselves in the new world may suffer miserably from social inadequacy or a lack of purpose and esteem within a fast-renewing social order.

[image: dariusz klimczak]

Focus now on where you feel pressured to fit in and where you are missing out of the system. See too how you project your expired views and crushing biases upon others. Observe how you help to create a dynamic which is divisive and unkind to all living beings. Do you have the executive strength to rise above this and work towards implementing a new structure that works more inclusively and holistically in sync with the unified field?

© All rights reserved, Ang Stoic 2019

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Ang Stoic is an astrologer and cosmobiologist with 28 years experience in consultation and teaching in the field. Focusing on a humanistic approach to chart interpretation, Ang brings a holistic approach to understanding how your inner inner dynamics affect key decisions you make in love, career and money.