Moon over Chiron and Neptune in Pisces
Each month, as the transiting Pisces Moon sweeps over Chiron, then Neptune, we may become fazed by a wave of self-delusion followed closely by a pitiful self-doubt.
The journey of the wounded is always the same – we cannot hide our shame – as much as we may deny it, it is always there. We may slip into sorrow and sadness, then use every means conceivable to slip away from it (substances, work, sexual relationships, etc.).
It is not until we bravely and openly confront our pain that we begin to find its source. Only then can true healing begin.
As this month’s Pisces Moon comes to square the Sagittarius Sun the test is one of faith. Do we believe in ourselves enough to transform our destructive feelings of guilt and despair into a source of true healing power?
Originally Published ~ 9/12/2015