MOON enters Scorpio at about 1820 (UTC) forming a fixed T-square with MERCURY/URANUS. Whatever doesn’t bend shatters. Laugh, wherever possible…

Since last week’s SATURN/PLUTO conjunction looks like the genie’s out of all the problematic bottles in our world. In advance of the AQUARIUS NEW MOON (Jan 24) the SUN will square ruler URANUS, stirring wild the causes of surreptitious subliminal convulsions and sending us all into a complete frenzy about what we want and whether is it’s really worth the worry. Will the New Moon add to the havoc or it is just a storm in everyone’s teacup??
Meanwhile, out on the outer ERIS is causing utter devastation with her squares to Saturn/Pluto/CERES and opposition to JUNO.
We’re here to discuss the maelstrom that’s currently affecting the most precious aspects of our lives and the big question: “For which cause, or on which principles, would you risk your life?”