Ok, so the Libra New Moon has somewhat jolted you into the realization that you gotta make a damned DECISION – one that asks you to let go of all the ongoing drama of your recurring past, come to the present moment, determine your position.
Do you like where you’re at?
Did you drop the baggage?
Or is there still some final adjustments to be made?
What changes are necessary for you to make a clean break?
An increasing drive to follow up your decisions with appropriate action is blowing a tremendous gust of wind up your sails. By the end of the week you would have hooked up with cyclonic winds that thrust your ass into the highest gear. Gradually, you find the force to make the most drastic effort (ever) towards cleaning up your act… once and for all.
Big action.
Driven by a determination to move forward without ever turning back.
As you make this effort, you begin to eliminate any remnants of hopelessness. Just by the sheer application of your efforts, you begin to fill your world with immense hope and, in return, the world fills you with hope.
Just get busy with it. You will see, the world will pitch in to make your decision for change happen.
Originally Published ~ 14/10/2015