Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto

A real chance now to make a fearlessly unblushing pledge of your affections, to penetrate into a whole new level of understanding about what the fuck you actually want from someone.

What DO you want?

You know… it’s ok to be straight up now. You need not do a fickle song-and-dance around the beaten bush. Just big it up and cut straight to goddamned heart of the matter. And never fear that it might hurt a little, please… just dare to say it – bottom line.

It’s only when we can reveal our deepest, most intensest motivation to affect another, only when we can expose our truest and most passionate desire for them, that we can start to fully open up the channels to a truly authentic and transformative love experience, launching ourselves into a whole new level of authenticity in our intimate affairs.

There is a heart out there just burning for you to go all the way…
Are you brazen enough to put that fire out?

Originally published 18 December, 2016

© All rights reserved, Ang Stoic 2015

One comment

  1. I did a heart connection can be misunderstood I stepped back into awareness away from the drama/movie. There are very few men awake at this time