Vesta on the Jupiter~Saturn midpoint

Vesta on the Jupiter~Saturn midpoint

Nothing is doing, like doing it solo these days. The devotion to break away from the pack and go it your own way seems to be the sexiest devotion of all.

Sure, it’s kind of isolating, even inviting anguish and alienation from those around you who fail to understand your self-centred choice of direction. Few can understand that your commitment to do this is for adeeply noble, profoundly righteous cause. Even those who are in support, fail to truly really fathom the higher virtues of what you’re trying to achieve here.

Doesn’t matter. What matters is that YOU believe that what you’re committing to is the ONLY right thing for you.


(you do really believe the risk you’re taking is going to pay off right?…like, there’s no element of doubt that you can stick this thing out…?)

In spite of all the doubters and the phony gee-ups, the high and lows of the ups and downs, one has to stick by one’s lone, inner quest…

Originally Published ~ 21/07/2015

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