What we’re learning is that those in power are losing it. Plus they’re growing old and feeble, which is kind of sad, but also fitting, given we have borne much abuse from them. We can’t take much more. What we’re also seeing is that those coming up in the new ranks are somewhat clueless about how to handle the complexities of their newfound authority and the expectations of a rapidly changing world and its shifting resources.

The old guard, with its 3D monkey mind, is clinging desperately to the last remnants of their control, while the younger wave grapples with the cursed legacy issues they’ve inherited and the pressing need to innovate their way out of this horrendous entanglement of ancestral woes before the whole thing blows a life-crippling fuse.

As the experience gap evidently widens and pressure to address the urgent demands of the present mounts, one thing is missing – the wisdom to consider the long-ranging consequences of our actions and inactions, for we are rushing into decisions without the foresight that history teaches.

Yes, we want to explore the stars and other dimensions, but is there a glimmer of any hope now? I’m glad you asked! As old structures crumble and dissolve into the sea, they make way for exciting new growth, for fresh perspectives that can synthesise the wisdom of the past (known and yet uncovered) with breathtaking innovative solutions for the future. Right now, and for the next couple of years until SATURN finishes through Pisces, the crucible for forging leaders with the resilience to not only solve today’s challenges but also anticipate tomorrow’s unimaginable complexities is at its final alchemical stage of purification and reframing. Many of the old will fall away, of course. There will be a holocaust, at least to clear that which cannot stand. As the sassy younger generation steps into the fray of an emerging new earth, we get a sense of the coming renaissance of unprecedented thought patterns, a wave of vigour and vision that could steer us toward a more balanced and sustainable course, replete with fascinating new equipment. Oddly, Pisces requires faith in the impossible.

In the turbulent water of withering dissolution and destruction that lies ahead, the promise of a new dawn, where power—true, clean power—is wielded with consciousness and responsibility, is also in our stars. The cycle of renewal may be chaotic, at least in the interim, but here, in the final episodes of the old world of division and limitations, also lie the clues to what awaits us in the new. Only those who are rabid with fear and crippled with hatred will not come. There will be no baggage on this bus.

November spawned a monster…

One comment

  1. I think you are too optimistic about humanity my friend! Look back throughout written/unwritten history and realize where we are now.

    Humans always thought that they are better then the previous generations. And they might have been up to a point but always ended up destroying the tried and true as well.

    So, here we go again. The stupider you are on Tiktok today, the more popular you become without being able to add 3 numbers in your head or name 3 countries of the world. And I don’t even mention which side of the hammer you supposed to hold.

    So there it is.

    Your future forecast. My opinion : humanity is fcked.
    If it mightn’t be the case (doubtful), it will not be because of humans. It will be because of AI and machines, regardless what is the popular opinion is about them.