Greetings friends and fellow travellers!
Let me begin this by wishing you all a “Happy New Year”, although we astrological buffs don’t usually observe the “new year” until March Equinox when the Sun enters Aries. And to be fair, with Saturn soon entering Pisces, the time for wishful thinking is sadly coming to an end, as is the end of an old dream, which means we are getting nearer to the precipice of a whole new reality.
We had much to say about the epic Saturn shift, as well as some of the other big celestial events of 2023 on our last cosmic bus episode of 2022.
We will conclude our 2023 forecast in tomorrow’s bus episode [details here], so let’s take a brief moment here to discuss this current lunation and the astrology of now:
Full Moons are terribly confronting times, when both luminaries shine their beams upon us and onto one another from opposite ends of the heavens. Hence we are confronted with two disparate sides of our psyche, trying desperately to reconcile them, often giving up when we do not have the fortitude or constitution to compromise or live up to.
It’s live up or give up on this Cancer Full Moon, and our loyalties and commitments become ultimately tested when a dignified Luna reaches the culminating trial of her entire purpose. Her moodiness, sensitivity, unwavering empathy, and subjective devotion to private and domestic interests vividly reflect what wheedles our emotions, instinctive behaviour, and most personal relationships. Opposite, the harsh Capricorn Sun, in conjunction with a now retrograde Mercury, earnestly beams across his cold, inexorable displays of self-control, austerity, and matter-of-fact judgement with stoic detachment on all personal matters.
Hence we are confronted with all kinds of dilemmas, seeking to strike a balance between personal and professional commitments, honouring the importance of parenting, family and intimate relationships, the need for self-control and discipline, and valuing the role of tradition and ancestral roots play in shaping our identity and sense of belonging in a rapidly shifting global reality.
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Here we see a considerable struggle between our need to look at the objective universe through our subjective lens and face the inherent difficulties this presents in accurately understanding and interpreting the cold hard reality of our situation. It is difficult because our emotional reactions, personal experiences and perspectives are shaped by our individual backgrounds, cultural leanings, tribal pulls and heartstring biases, and as a result, the moon tinges on our perception and understanding of what the solar objective reality might be. Is there such a thing? What matters, after all, if dealing with ‘reality’ hurts our feelings?
As Pluto nears the end of Capricorn, certain power dynamics and social conflicts threaten to divide us to the extremes. To remain neutral in such a world would mean accepting the current distribution of wealth and power rather than actively engaging in efforts to promote change or address imbalances. It is a world of diametrically opposing interests, such as war versus peace, liberalism versus conservatism, nationalism versus globalism, equality versus exploitation, indigenous sovereignty versus technocratic elitism etc. It would be both impractical and undesirable to try to stay neutral or naively indifferent in these conflicts. As Jupiter marches into Aries, it urgently becomes a moral imperative to be aware of, actively engaged and consider our relative position in these ethical struggles. Heading into the 2023 March Equinox, we will be compelled to take a stance.
In any conflict – internal or external, private or public – it is becoming harder to remain nonaligned since our subjective lens is prone to distort or obscure certain uncomfortable aspects of our existential condition and become partial to those which seem most comforting and in alignment with our instinctive nature.
This Full Moon will force you to reconsider your personal perspective on any critically contentious issues. You can neither sit on the fence nor crawl into your crab hole for cover. If you feel ostracised for clinging to your one-sided interests or torn between two extremes of an argument, you must do your best to gain a deeper understanding of the objective reality of the situation, for you will soon be called up to take action.
Now let’s take a deeper, more specific look at some of the issues confronting you at this time, how they will likely affect you in the near future and how you can most wisely navigate through them.
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ARIES: Cancer Full Moon Reading
TAURUS: Cancer Full Moon Reading
GEMINI: Cancer Full Moon Reading
CANCER: Cancer Full Moon Reading
LEO: Cancer Full Moon Reading
VIRGO: Cancer Full Moon Reading
LIBRA: Cancer Full Moon Reading
SCORPIO: Cancer Full Moon Reading
SAGITTARIUS: Cancer Full Moon Reading
CAPRICORN: Cancer Full Moon Reading
AQUARIUS: Cancer Full Moon Reading
PISCES: Cancer Full Moon Reading
(Cover Art by Michael Parkes)