[image: Jerry Ueismann]

‘FUNKY POISONS WITH DESIGN TO BEFOUL mind/body/soul dissolve much more than trust in the relationship’. A caution to all, esp. you ‘sensitives’ out there.

(Be mindful, not fearful)

If unsure, I wouldn’t consume or assume anything I heard, sampled, ingested or sipped like it wasn’t tainted, just for good measure – THIS WARNING disregard at your peril.

A punctilious-minded MERCURY, still in Virgo and aggravated by his recent conjunction to machine-driven MARS is about to oppose an increasingly odious and undermining NEPTUNE. I feel I should warn here that things may get funky and dank over the next 24 hours, especially since the Pisces Moon will soon fuse with Neptune.

It is the first sign of the kind of grim hysterics and social weakenings we are about to experience throughout Sep-Oct, as irritable SATURN Rx now comes within a degree of his closing semisquare to Neptune Rx. Here, the mind-moods tend us towards exasperation and despair, and while we may suspect that we are indeed being sucked down the sullied quagmire of greater and greater incapacitation, it is important not to foolishly put ourselves in harm’s way.

Meanwhile, URANUS will now join all other outer bodies (Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune, Pluto & Eris) in retrograde, meaning that we will not be covering any new ground until at least Jan 2022. Retreading and rehashing much of what we’ve seen so far this year should be ‘interesting’ since it wasn’t that much fun the first time around.

URANUS stationing this past week or so has been like an icepick to the third eye – a revolting twist to our perceived ‘freedoms’ and ability to stand on our own earth. Take note of any profound revelations, insights and awakenings that may be pouring into your mind – they certainly will be rocking the socioeconomic stability of your world, and you will probably be feeling their disruptive effects until you are finally granted some grand release/liberation/realization when Uranus returns to pass this point (and form semisquare Jupiter) in mid-May 2022…

#ᴀᴤᴛʀᴏʟᴏɢʏØʄɴᴏᴡ ☿/♂ ☍ ☽/♆∠ ♄

One comment

  1. my sun in aquarius, moon in virgo, rising in virgo, born with almonst everything capricorn in 10th house, I get this. Thank you.