And so it is. Full Moon time once again.
As with every Full Moon, we reach the point in our lunation calendar that marks a climactic event – one whose nature is high-lighted both with daytime (solar/conscious) and night-time (lunar/reflective) perspectives, although their views are in diametric opposition. The theme is often related to a whole-hearted intention made two weeks earlier at the New Moon, and its effects generally active for the two weeks around the exact event. The New Moon that follows two weeks later is a chance to set a fresh intention.
Naturally, not everybody is affected as personally by each lunation. Those whose chart (planets/point) is impacted (+/- 5° orb) will feel the affairs of the lunation most intensely, although everyone feels the indirect effects of what this critical moon-phase brings in one sense or another.
The culminating phase of the lunar cycle provides us with an opportunity to confront our personal matters head to head. Conscious desires stand opposite unconscious (emotional) needs, and our soul feels like it is being torn by inner conflict. Through some personal crisis, we come to determine whether a certain situation is being fruitful for us or not.
Hence, we may either ‘reap those fruits’ – in the Taurus sense, count our investment as being a sound and secure one, often validated with the inner satisfaction that something has matured, or otherwise may see what no longer serves us and decide to end the affair (divestment).
The Scorpio Full Moon at 17°♏20′ brings up a range of fixed themes around what we have vs. what we desire/demand from others and what we must share. It is a time when we take stock of what we’re worth and how much we’re willing to give to keep the balance and peace. Energies are polarised and we grapple between issues of:
☪ constructiveness vs. destruction;
☪ investment and divestment
☪ placidity vs. enragement;
☪ conservatism vs. change;
☪ trust vs. suspicion
☪ stability vs. crisis;
☪ security vs. meltdown.

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Let’s unpack this a little bit:
With the fixed, earthy Taurus Sun in opposition to the fixed, watery Scorpionic Moon, there is no hiding now. Being of a fixed nature, there is little or no flexibility for bending around the key themes. It’s make-or-break time. Through much intense reflection and effacement, we are pressed to define in rigid, non-negotiable terms what conditions we choose. The Taurus Sun wants to see commitment and stability. Does his Moon have what it takes? Does the Sun stand by what it gives?
We find out when she stands fully before him…
Generally, Full Moons have the effect of making us exceptionally emotional. In this event, the intensely passionate sign of Scorpio makes ’emotional’ seem like an understatement. Scorpio’s fixity in water means they tend to hold on to feelings like nothing else. “Still waters run deep” is the old cliché, most likely coined by someone trying to explain the way the Scorpion moves. It likes to store e-motions; bury them deep beneath the surface; brood and relish upon them in a perversely secret sequestered place where nobody else can see. Scorpio gets a certain kick from possessing and storing emotional energy, just like Taurus does with acquiring and saving material things and money.
So when the Scorpio Moon is held to account by the earthy simpleness of the Taurus Sun, those often buried feelings of great depth and extremely intense magnitude are being brought to light. This is not often pleasant for the Scorpionic Moon, who likes to keep her feelings private. Often there will be a reason that will precipitate the necessity for her to open up. She needs something from him, and she will barter or trade secrets in order to shift him from his simple, stubborn stance.
As this deep, inner world now becomes exposed, rampant, previously unveiled feelings are brought to the table, begging for some discussion which has the power to provide some much-needed insight into hidden motives. Against Taurus, our instincts are invariably around what we need in order to nourish some inner insecurity, either through financial, practical or physical resources.
These ‘hidden motives’, or ‘secret intents’ to control and manipulate the physical world in order to appease our emotional desires are either manageable or may get out of control. Scorpio Full Moon events can serve to highlight where we become fixated or addicted. Raw, unprocessed emotions are usually behind destructive or self-sabotaging habits. When these become triggered, powerful urges and designs, previously hidden may erupt uncontrollably forcing a crisis. In the extreme, these urges have the potential to be quite catastrophic, as the earthy solid nature of Taurus, who is capable of enduring all kinds of extreme weather may choose to no longer supply us with the goods to do harm.
Ultimately, with any Full Moon, it becomes a struggle between heart and mind.
The Taurus Sun commands his worth, which comes from knowing with certainty the value of where he chooses to invest his energy in order to feel comfortable: in his relationships, material things, physical property, intellectual assets, marketable ideas, tradable skills and talents etc – anything that can be secured, considered of practical use, that will enhance the quality of enjoyment of life and enrich the number of our reserves so that they can stay sustainable.
What do you value?
The Scorpio Moon seeks security through vested interest. She may obtain this by using her cunning survival skills – her naturally seductive allure to sniff out, coerce, sequester and emotionally manipulate or exploit the resources of her subject. Her natural instinct is always to skillfully tap into what others value most by employing her innately keen psychometric powers to evaluate others’ net worth. She then applies her canny knack for hooking into and transforming the raw, untarnished resources into a highly polished, viable, tradable commodities.
What qualities do you need most in others that you can use?
Of course, her own need for security stems from a primal, reverential fear of loss, abandonment and betrayal, even death. She needs to protect her interests with ferocious intensity. This Full Moon axis highlights where we might apply our fiercest, most extreme survival tactics to stay securely in the race; will do anything to maintain possession at all costs; fight tooth and nail to stay in the game, prosper and procreate.
In desperate times we may behave in wild and ruthless ways. Underneath it all, there is an emotional vulnerability. The Scorpio Moon is most prone to emotional hurt, and as such is vulnerable to becoming possessed by extreme moods and liable to resort to desperate measures. Whilst the intent is to protect one’s survival, the way it plays out may quite easily bring things completely undone in its perversely extreme execution. We all have an emotional breaking point, as well as very strict physical limitations. The full moon in this sign can often press us to reach those limits and unleash those inner demons, particularly when the supply of what we treasure most is under threat and needs to be fed at all costs in order to keep alive.
What would you fight most fiercely to protect in your life, even if it killed you?
It is with this extreme set of emotions that we come to assess our decisive stance this month. How much of what you share with others do you come to expect should always be there? What are the supply & demand arrangements fixed upon? Are they sustainable?
When we demand things, we are also liable to react in ruthless, extreme ways to ensure that we get them. When we do not receive the things we expect, especially when we are most emotionally vulnerable, we may become possessed by dark moods, spells of jealousy and fits of emotional rage.
If you are feeling extreme reactions to matters lately, these are merely instinctive impulses that your relationship (to person, thing or idea) is subject to gross emotional insecurities. This very critical lunation often augurs the onset of a relationship breakdown.

Ultimately, no relationship can endure the one-sided, fixed or unyielding terms of give-and-take. Sometimes, due to stubbornness or unwillingness to change, conditions slip into a quiet, decaying emotional paralysis. Situations are held to ransom by the highly manipulative, spiteful emotions of expectation, jealousy and possessiveness. At some point, any or all of these three elements will become toxic and possibly fatal to any arrangement. To be stung by any (or all) of these venomous pricks could mean a slow, silent but certain death once their poison enters the bloodstream of a relationship. It is nature’s built-in obsolescence against fixation, lack of trust and inability to just let something just ‘be’.
Possessiveness comes in only when we invite the fear of losing something. If we have assumed that we ‘own’ something that appears to be slipping away from our clutches, this will lead to nagging and destructive criticism. Eventually, the joy in the relationship will disappear completely because the sense of freedom is gone.
Expectations soon become limiting and unreasonable and when they are no longer able to be met ultimately result in disappointment.
Jealousy is the debilitating sensation of inadequacy in a relationship that generally arises when we compare our own worth to that of a third party. This ultimately leads to the crippling fear that we may be ignored, abandoned, humiliated or unloved. Wherever there is jealousy, toxic drama and disharmony follow. This eventually spoils any chance of building true intimacy or trust.
The Moon (by dignity) in its fall in Scorpio. This is a volatile position if emotions cannot be kept in check. An exact sextile to Saturn in Capricorn keeps her grounded and mindful of her parental and social obligations.
Pitted against the very staid and stable Taurus Sun, it means that the very object of our material/practical desires will challenge any fixed/toxic emotions – bring them up to be examined. Issues of emotional attachment, fixations and addictions that feed our psychological insecurities, past grudges and spiteful behaviours are all baggage that we must learn to see, transmute and transform.
Own any negative feelings.
See how powerfully they can take over and ruin your chances of stability and peace if you try to disown them.
Instead of continuing to feed negative, distrustful thoughts with negative emotions, focus on this word:
Repeat that word in your mind. Feel into it. Understand that a lack of trust is just a feeling of insecurity about your own self-worth. It is not the truth. You are worthy. Trust in that.
On this full moon, see how this lunar moment highlights where you must detach yourself from any expectations and possessiveness in your personal affairs. Slowly you will come to a place where your anger, rage, hatred, jealousy, suspicion, denial, secrecy, separation anxiety, and feelings of horror about being abandoned or betrayed eventually subside and the answer to your situation will appear.
Holding on to what has hurt us in the past places us at the mercy of missing what it has taught us. Similarly, if all we learned was to hold onto grudges; seek revenge; never let go or show compassion; judge others as good or evil; be suspicious or spiteful; stay on emotionally on edge, waiting to inflict some harm, then we become stuck in the lower, vicious cycle of Scorpio.
The universe does not present us with emotional conflicts to block access to our heart. The universe only presents us with opportunities to open it. It is through re-negotiating or divesting the powerful emotional investments that we learn to see how blockages only hinder our growth.
When we let go of fixed emotions, we develop compassion, learn to listen patiently, understand lovingly – not through suspicion, demandingness and wild speculation but through practising empathy and developing ways for non-violent conflict resolution. Here, on this Scorpio Full Moon is an opportunity, through our patient, loving, compassionate communication to see how successfully we can turn any emotional conflict into a spiritually transformative experience.
Enjoy the wonderful gifts showered upon you by this blessed full moon xx
I wish I had read this a few days ago, before I allowed my emotions to get out of control and my mistrust and insecurities ruin everything.
Did the same thing, but I feel it was a mecessary change because the truth about that relationship was self evident & due to it’s destruction upon trying to discuss it, it was not meant to move forward with me into this next phase …. had it been “meant to be” the story & the outcome would have been different .. trust♡
Thank you for this wonderful in-depth insight . I feel very blessed to have read this !