Sun in Aquarius

moon in aquarius, air signs moon, aquarian moon, astrology moon, aquarius astrologySUN = Self-expression (authority)
FIXED = By holding (organisational)
AIR = Intellectually (mental)

‘To express oneself by holding intellectual views’ may suggest an individual who promulgates his views in a rigid manner.

We generally acknowledge Aquarians to be quite progressive-minded people with humanitarian aims, but we never quite consider that their futuristic thoughts and opinions are essentially drawn from their dissatisfaction with current conditions with which they “have a ‘mind to fix things, once and for all”. Since the sign operates in the cool modality of AIR, there is an emotional detachment about the way its natives go about things.

WATER BEARER = Carrier of water (emotion) without getting wet (getting emotional themselves).

Which kinda explains why they’re so futuristic. The Aquarian holds no real feelings, or sentimental attachment to the way things were unless they serve their highly utopian visions. Somewhere along their life journey, they have observed one major flaw in life – that whilst society functions in a particular way, there are inherent inadequacies, inefficiencies and inequities in its system. They become intrigued by how dysfunctional things are, especially whenever its members are excluded from being able to share in the benefits of the society.

No other sign identifies with the feeling of being excluded from the mainstream simply on the basis of being different or unusual in some way. In any such instance, the Aquarian builds an intellectual aversion to feeling disqualified on the basis of any quality that is inherently unalterable.

So what do they do? They set out to either band together with others who share their idiosyncrasy, or to change the system itself. They figure that any movement that excludes members on the grounds of a fundamental characteristic which they cannot do anything about shall be countered by an opposing movement, or become reformed to be more inclusive. So, their brilliant, inventive minds go to work immediately, their capacity to build friend networks, connect with others to whom they share common traits. Aquarians can be very vocal when speaking for their group ideals, and they are not afraid to keep searching for ways to bolster their utopian argument.

It is this principle that turns Aquarians into the great reformers, inventors, revolutionaries, freedom fighters and civil libertarians that they ultimately become. At the very least, they make great friends to have because they will almost always include you and share with you equally whatever they have.

And I say almost.

There are the exceptions. Being of ‘fixed mind’, Aquarians may take an equally non-inclusive stance to those they deem as antithetical to their ideological stance. In all their hopefulness for a brighter, more inclusive universe, Aquarians take particular affront to those other fixed types who don’t see things their way – those conservatives who seek to keep things as they are (Taurean) or those who seek to control things for their own means (Scorpionic). And though they have a particular disdain for those who hold a sense of special entitlement (Leonine), they are, none-the-less fascinated and intrigued as to how they can persuade those with strong, individualist tendencies to act with greater respect within a group dynamic, where all members are preferably treated as having equal rights.

Ultimately Aquarius is a social sign. It thrives on networking and forming groups that are about progress and reform through the democratic exchange of ideas. They identify largely through their subscription to ideologies, clubs and forums, so long as they get to play a very significant role in being the proponents of the ideology or ethos of that group.

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