Get the feeling that your best efforts to help and heal others are somewhat hampered by the stodgy old bull who rules the paddock?
Trying to make them see the fine, ethereal value of your work is difficult because the level on which they operate is really quite basic. It’s black and white actually.
Avoid dissolving into a real ‘victim’-type meltdown of despair. Overt displays of emotional woundedness is NOT a good strategy to win them over.
Now is the time to employ those special healing powers of yours to reach them. Your success at convincing the old-fashioned or conservative type that what you are doing is truly worthy will earn you another notch of experience on your shamanic abilities. And besides, therein lies real proof that what you do is truly working with magic.
However you show your healing or guidance towards others, you have your chance to make that shine today.
Originally Published ~ 25/04/2015