Venus having a moment at 00° Virgo
Emerging fresh out of the grandiose Leo, our goddess of beauty and appeal comes to a meditative moment of respite inside the door of ‘working-class’ Virgo. Things are a little different here – she starts to analyse and assess her overall usefulness. And after her little square with Saturn in Scorpio, she feels a little smitten.
“Where is the love?” she wonders…
Seems like the daggers of aspersion – all that spite, envy, jealousy and nasty, harsh, unspoken expectation from others to deliver is felt most coldly as undignified unwelcomeness here. Not only does she feel awkwardly out of place at the moment but all this scrutiny about her style is threatening and oppressive to her powerfully authoritative spirit.
In a few days she will return to the flashy, lair of Leo, where feeling elegant and uniquely amazing is all about the confidence and pride she holds within herself. And though that’s all she needs to feel all good about herself, it helps that Jupiter is there to elevate and encourage that whole empowering sense of self-belief.
In any case, she learns right now that she cannot rest on the title of her throne alone – that she will need much more than just sheer confidence to help her weather all those slings and arrows of the meagre-minded world of pedantry, a world who only asks such things as “what good are you to me if you cannot even boil an egg?”.
She has a premonition that things may soon start to become more mean. They have to.
Things ultimately yearn for some meaning…
Venus remains stationary around 0°46′ Virgo till 25 July (09:03 UTC) before she turns retrograde. A good moment to assess the call of duty in our affairs, clean up the childish act and get back to serving the people who will ultimately judge her based on her integrity to rule. Rule with full COMMAND (and not DEMAND) of their respect. And, of course, how practically useful she can be…
Originally Published ~ 22/07/2015