Excerpt: "The South Node’s energy here makes this eclipse a release point, where you are forced to reckon with the imbalance between thought and action. You are no longer able to sustain relationships solely on the basis of mental gymnastics or well-crafted dialogues; this eclipse forces the..."
Read More »VIRGO: Libra Solar Eclipse Reading
Excerpt: " It’s not just a matter of being influenced by others; rather, you have allowed their needs, values, and expectations to eclipse your own, feeding into an imbalanced dynamic where your ability to provide for yourself has become contingent on the validation or support of external forces. The eclipse unmasks the..."
Read More »LIBRA: Libra Solar Eclipse Reading
Excerpt: "This eclipse strips away the performative elements of your identity, leaving you raw, exposed, and forced to confront the emptiness that comes from living for others’ approval. It’s not just about letting go of partnerships that no longer serve you; it’s about ..."
Read More »SCORPIO: Libra Solar Eclipse Reading
Excerpt: "The fear of emotional messiness, of rocking the boat, has left you in a stagnant position, unable to fully engage with others in a way that is honest and raw. The cosmos now demands that you face the disarray head-on, that you stop..."
Read More »SAGITTARIUS: Libra Solar Eclipse Reading
Excerpt: "Whether it’s through community projects, friendship groups, or social activism, you've poured much of your energy into maintaining a persona that keeps you aligned with the “right” causes and people. The question is: at what cost? The eclipse will force you to..."
Read More »CAPRICORN: Libra Solar Eclipse Reading
Excerpt: "It’s about the flimsy, codependent power structures you’ve nurtured, where the very partnerships you’ve relied upon for success, prestige, or status have, over time, diminished your personal power. You have willingly, perhaps unconsciously, handed over too much..."
Read More »AQUARIUS: Libra Solar Eclipse Reading
Excerpt: "You may have become so engrossed in your role as the teacher that you've ignored your own need to learn, to be challenged, and to engage with beliefs that disrupt your carefully constructed worldview. This eclipse marks a moment when..."
Read More »PISCES: Libra Solar Eclipse Reading
Excerpt: "The harsh reality is that this dynamic has put you in the exact position you feared—subject to another's influence. You may have thought that keeping your emotional barriers high would allow you to steer things, but this eclipse strips away that illusion, showing how..."
Read More »ARIES: Pisces Lunar Eclipse Reading
Excerpt: "You are the warrior of the zodiac, used to meeting challenges head-on, solving problems through sheer force of will. But here, in the depths of the twelfth house, that strategy won't suffice. Pisces energy requires..."
Read More »TAURUS: Pisces Lunar Eclipse Reading
Excerpt: "While you typically prefer to anchor yourself in what’s tangible and stable, this eclipse urges you to release your hold on certainty. The energy flowing through Pisces seeks to dissolve your boundaries with others, forcing you to confront where you’ve either isolated yourself emotionally or resisted..."
Read More »GEMINI: Pisces Lunar Eclipse Reading
Excerpt: "This eclipse, however, doesn’t just ask what you’re achieving in the world—it digs beneath the surface, into the emotional and spiritual significance of what you’re striving for. There is a sense here that something within your professional persona or reputation needs to..."
Read More »CANCER: Pisces Lunar Eclipse Reading
Excerpt: "This isn’t about dismantling everything you hold dear, but rather about gently and necessarily dissolving the illusions that have kept you from seeing the bigger picture. Neptune’s influence, so close to this eclipse, acts as both a veil and a revealer—asking you to..."
Read More »LEO: Pisces Lunar Eclipse Reading
Excerpt: "While you may prefer to keep certain aspects of yourself polished and on display, this moment compels you to explore the cracks beneath the surface. It's about emotional baggage—what you’ve hidden away out of fear of being vulnerable or losing control. You may have been..."
Read More »VIRGO: Pisces Lunar Eclipse Reading
Excerpt: "This eclipse challenges you to stop analysing every detail and start feeling your way through the messiness of human connection. It’s no longer enough to offer practical solutions; what’s being asked of you now is..."
Read More »LIBRA: Pisces Lunar Eclipse Reading
Excerpt: "The messy, unseen parts of yourself—the doubts, the fears, the suppressed desires—can no longer be ignored. They are bubbling up, refusing to be contained. You've been so focused on keeping up appearances that you've neglected the quieter, more introspective parts of your being. Now, there's no choice but to..."
Read More »SCORPIO: Pisces Lunar Eclipse Reading
Excerpt: "The eclipse brings a focus to your relationship with spontaneity and play, areas you might find hard to let go into without a purpose or outcome. You may have used your creative energy as a tool for transformation, but have you ever allowed yourself to simply create for the sake of creation? The Pisces energy swirling through this eclipse asks you to..."
Read More »SAGITTARIUS: Pisces Lunar Eclipse Reading
Excerpt: "...now the spotlight turns inward, toward home, family, and the emotional anchors that ground you—or, in some cases, have been weighing you down. There’s an invitation here to sit with the emotions you’ve ignored, to confront the parts of your personal life that are unresolved or unsettled. It’s a time to consider..."
Read More »CAPRICORN: Pisces Lunar Eclipse Reading
Excerpt: "You may find that your mind wants to nail things down, to categorise and rationalise, but that things aren’t fitting as neatly as you’d like. The patterns of communication you’ve relied on, whether with others or within your own mind, are being shaken loose. You may realise that...."
Read More »AQUARIUS: Pisces Lunar Eclipse Reading
Excerpt: "The old markers of achievement and success may start to feel insubstantial, like you’ve outgrown the values you once held firmly. What’s emerging in their place is harder to define, but it’s less tethered to external validation and more about finding stability within yourself. This moment demands you..."
Read More »PISCES: Pisces Lunar Eclipse Reading
Excerpt: "You are being asked to look at yourself with a clear, unblinking gaze—not to critique, but to understand. There’s no judgment here, only an opportunity to connect with the deeper parts of your being that have often..."
Read More »ARIES: Virgo New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "It forces you to examine, with unforgiving clarity, the habits and routines that have become so ingrained they’re almost invisible—yet may be stealthily draining your energy. With Vesta’s conjunction and Saturn’s opposition adding fuel to the fire..."
Read More »TAURUS: Virgo New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "You are invited to shed the weight of self-imposed critiques and to embrace a lighter, more fluid approach to joy. Release the habit of constantly measuring your worth against impossible standards, and instead, immerse yourself in..."
Read More »GEMINI: Virgo New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "This isn't merely about tidying up your surroundings or healing old wounds; it's about confronting the nebulous forces that have kept you tethered to an unsatisfactory emotional reality. The time has come to relinquish the ghost of unmet desires and shed the skin of a long-standing..."
Read More »CANCER: Virgo New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "Vesta's presence in Virgo isn't just about superficial organisation; it’s about excavating the underlying truths, and ensuring that your thoughts and words resonate with an inner sanctity. You are called to forge a new path in your mental discipline, aligning your mind's workings with ..."
Read More »LEO: Virgo New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "You may feel a calling to be more devoted to causes or practices that bring a sense of spiritual fulfilment, even if they don't immediately translate into material gain. This could manifest as a desire to invest in what brings you inner peace or in ways that contribute to the well-being of others. Vesta's purity urges you to..."
Read More »VIRGO: Virgo New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "It's the little things about you that mean so much, and the energy here is one of quiet determination, a steely resolve to perfect the minutiae that others might overlook but that, for you, form the bedrock of personal integrity. You might find yourself scrutinising every aspect of your persona, from how you communicate to how you conduct your daily routines, driven by..."
Read More »LIBRA: Virgo New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "This is not a time for superficial introspection; rather, it demands that you bring your critical faculties to bear on those deeper issues that have subtly governed your behaviour and choices, especially those related to past traumas, ingrained habits, or self-sabotaging tendencies. Virgo's meticulous nature in your Twelfth House doesn't allow for half-measures; it compels you to..."
Read More »SCORPIO: Virgo New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "The dynamic here is significant: while the fifth house seeks enjoyment and creative liberty, Saturn insists that these pursuits be disciplined, organised, and ultimately aligned with the more substantial, long-term objectives of your life. For example, you may find yourself re-evaluating a project that you once considered a passion, now realising that..."
Read More »SAGITTARIUS: Virgo New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "...your natural inclination is to juggle multiple responsibilities, often prioritising external achievements while the home becomes a forgotten refuge or a place of escapism from unresolved past issues and familial obligations. This paradox of attending to every external detail while neglecting the emotional and psychological foundations at home creates a tension that..."
Read More »CAPRICORN: Virgo New Moon Reading
Excerpt: " Saturn's retrograde is less of a journey and more of an audit—a merciless review of your mental frameworks, communication styles, and the very manner in which you process and relay information. Here, in the house of daily interactions, learning, and communication, Saturn dismantles illusions and exposes the..."
Read More »AQUARIUS: Virgo New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "At this lunation, you're called to disentangle the knotted threads of your past that have woven themselves into a dense fabric of fear and perfectionism, particularly those tied to how you merge with others—be it financially, emotionally, or spiritually. The energy asks you to confront the uncomfortable truths buried within your psyche, to acknowledge the..."
Read More »PISCES: Virgo New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "The habitual patterns that have kept you ensnared in a web of unrealistic expectations and critical self-sabotage must now be dismantled. There’s a quiet revolution brewing here, one that insists on a balance where both you and your partner are..."
Read More »ARIES: Aquarius Full Moon Reading
Excerpt: "The Aquarian energy introduces an element of detachment, encouraging you to step back and consider how your personal projects align with or diverge from the collective good. This is not a comfortable place for you as it asks you to..."
Read More »TAURUS: Aquarius Full Moon Reading
TAURUS Excerpt: "These influences demand that you confront the dichotomy between your public obligations and …
Read More »GEMINI: Aquarius Full Moon Reading
Excerpt: "...you may find yourself deeply immersed in the minutiae of daily life—engaging in debates, exchanging information, and perhaps even getting lost in the complexities of immediate problems. Yet, there's a persistent undercurrent, a gnawing sense that your current mental frameworks might be..."
Read More »CANCER: Aquarius Full Moon Reading
Excerpt: "...the Aquarius Full Moon in your eighth house, creates a powerful tension between what you own and what you share, between personal control and the inexorable forces that demand you surrender. The second house, where the Sun shines its light, is not merely about material possessions; it’s about..."
Read More »LEO: Aquarius Full Moon Reading
Excerpt: "Under this lunation, the equilibrium within your relationships is tested, as the demands of those closest to you come into conflict with your own burgeoning need for self-expression. There is an undeniable pressure to consider the perspectives of those around you, to balance your needs with theirs, yet without..."
Read More »VIRGO: Aquarius Full Moon Reading
Excerpt: "The routines that once provided stability now feel inadequate as if they are crumbling under the weight of unseen forces. You may find yourself questioning the very structures that have supported your existence, wondering if they can withstand the pressure of such profound change. This is the essence of the Full Moon’s challenge: to..."
Read More »LIBRA: Aquarius Full Moon Reading
Excerpt: "The Full Moon forces you to face the paradox of your existence—the delicate balance between self and other, between the need for harmony and the obligation to stand firm in your truth. The usual Libran tendencies toward vacillation, towards pleasing others to maintain peace, are now being tested. This lunation demands that you ask yourself..."
Read More »SCORPIO: Aquarius Full Moon Reading
Excerpt: "There may be a sense of emotional dissonance, as the detached and intellectual Aquarian Moon struggles to reconcile with the more passionate and authoritative Leo energies driving your ambitions. This creates a psychological push-pull, where you might question whether the sacrifices you make for public success are worth the emotional toll they exact on your private life. This is where your..."
Read More »SAGITTARIUS: Aquarius Full Moon Reading
Excerpt: " It’s not just about what you believe; it’s about how you share those beliefs in your immediate environment. The world is increasingly fragmented, and the gap between your broad, expansive goals and the practical concerns of daily life may seem wider than ever. This is your story—how you manage to articulate your truths in a way that..."
Read More »CAPRICORN: Aquarius Full Moon Reading
Excerpt: "...challenging you to detach emotionally and take a hard look at whether the investments you’ve made in others are reciprocated or whether they’ve drained you. This lunation demands that you reassess what you truly value and whether these values are aligned with who you are becoming, especially as Pluto’s entry into Aquarius begins to..."
Read More »AQUARIUS: Aquarius Full Moon Reading
Excerpt: " the resolution of the T-square demands that you embrace a deeper level of empowerment in your public life. This may involve confronting difficult truths, letting go of control where it no longer serves you, or embracing a more authentic way of wielding your power. This phenomenal shift, occuring through Pluto's presence in your sign, is not just..."
Read More »PISCES: Aquarius Full Moon Reading
Excerpt: "The Aquarius Moon amplifies your intuitive and psychic sensitivities, making you more attuned to the undercurrents of your environment, yet it also heightens feelings of isolation or existential detachment. As you strive to meet external obligations, your..."
Read More »ARIES: Leo New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "The purpose of this period isn't to blend in, but rather to stand out, boldly showcasing who you are without succumbing to the expectations or opinions of those around you. You are on a mission to..."
Read More »TAURUS: Leo New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "This influence from the Fourth House compels you to engage with personal issues and fiery emotions, striving for a sense of personal bravery and emotional clarity. The luminary energy of this Leo New Moon, therefore, brings warmth, joy, and openness, yet it demands that you..."
Read More »GEMINI: Leo New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "With the cusp of your third house set in Leo, your mental energy gravitates towards self-presentation, pushing you to project an image rather than to establish your existence. This is a challenge to balance the extraversion of your thoughts with genuine self-expression. It's crucial to embrace..."
Read More »CANCER: Leo New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "You have the innate ability to attract resources and command respect through your material prowess. However, Leo's presence here means your self-esteem is closely tied to how others perceive your financial status. The New Moon exposes this vulnerability, challenging you to..."
Read More »LEO: Leo New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "The real challenge lies in breaking free from this superficial persona to embrace your unique individuality. You must dare to stand out, rebel against norms, and consider the greater good of humanity. The Sun, your ruler, compels you to express yourself and claim your throne, but it also demands that you..."
Read More »VIRGO: Leo New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "...this lunation highlights your area of greatest strength, showcasing an astonishing power of humility that becomes apparent only when tested. This depth of willpower is your unconscious superpower, but be wary—your self-undoing may come from..."
Read More »LIBRA: Leo New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "You'll be driven to articulate your points with eloquence, engaging in debates that test your knowledge against others. Expect intense discussions on diverse and potentially risky topics, alongside adventurous travel experiences that challenge your perspectives. However, beware of..."
Read More »SCORPIO: Leo New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "Whether you feel an inherent drive to govern or a compulsion to display your prowess, this lunation calls for some serious reevaluating your whole trajectory in life. You may find yourself confronting old habits and practices that no longer serve you, especially in how you deal with those who hold power over you, challenging you to..."
Read More »SAGITTARIUS: Leo New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "In this moment, you are asked to step beyond the boundaries of your upbringing and family values, to forge a new image of yourself. If you let pride dictate your truth, you risk pushing your beliefs onto others, losing the..."
Read More »CAPRICORN: Leo New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "Your usual reluctance to accept authority and the tendency to see your own ego-driven flaws reflected in others will be under intense scrutiny. This isn't just about recognising these traits but also about transforming them. The challenge lies in..."
Read More »AQUARIUS: Leo New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "...intensifies the spotlight on your interactions with others, challenging you to find a harmonious middle ground without resorting to extreme concessions or domineering behaviours. Your inherent Aquarian nature, marked by innovation and uniqueness, often complicates these connections, as your..."
Read More »PISCES: Leo New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "This lunation isn't about idle leisure but rather a bustling, vibrant existence where your energy serves others, fostering an atmosphere ripe for advancements. Your workplace demands the..."
Read More »ARIES: Capricorn Full Moon Reading
Excerpt: "This lunation not only underscores the culmination of your Tenth House issues but also reflects harshly the impact of any unresolved fears and dependencies still lurking within your domestic sphere. It asks if you have your house in order and marks a significant..."
Read More »TAURUS: Capricorn Full Moon Reading
Excerpt: "...where innovation and forward-thinking become your guiding principles. This transition marks the end of an era and the beginning of a profound transformation that will redefine your societal role and career trajectory for the next two decades...."
Read More »GEMINI: Capricorn Full Moon Reading
Excerpt: "...pushing you towards a more open, progressive view of morality and ethics. This placement fosters a deep, introspective journey, compelling you to confront and dismantle any dogmatic or fanatical tendencies. As you navigate this transformative period, you are..."
Read More »CANCER: Capricorn Full Moon Reading
Excerpt: "..highlighting the need to release old patterns of fear and dependency. It signals a foreboding of what lies ahead, urging you to leave behind outdated relational dynamics and prepare for the deep, transformative work of the Eighth House. This transition is not just a shift in focus but a call to..."
Read More »LEO: Capricorn Full Moon Reading
Excerpt: "This moment reflects not only what you must leave behind—years of intense self-scrutiny and the relentless pursuit of competence—but also what lies ahead: a new landscape of relationships and societal engagement that challenges you to..."
Read More »VIRGO: Capricorn Full Moon Reading
Excerpt: "This shift is beginning to manifest in your Aquarian Sixth House—the taskmaster's workshop, where the relentless grindstone sharpens your daily existence. Pluto's presence here will be felt profoundly through health or the lack thereof. This placement forces you to..."
Read More »LIBRA: Capricorn Full Moon Reading
Excerpt: "Over the past 15 years, you have encountered intense power struggles, particularly with maternal figures, dealing with ancestral secrets and curses and embroiled in all kinds of conspiracies and manipulative dynamics. This transit..."
Read More »SCORPIO: Capricorn Full Moon Reading
Excerpt: "Reflect on the formidable power struggles and intense domestic dynamics that have shaped your communication style and how you think over these years. This period is a chance to reassess and transform how you express your ideas and beliefs, preparing for the..."
Read More »SAGITTARIUS: Capricorn Full Moon Reading
Excerpt: "You may have experienced significant financial and material hardships, which reflect a deeper need to take control of your well-being. This is a time for introspection, to recognise that true value and satisfaction come from within, not merely from external possessions. The persistent strain of Capricorn’s influence demands..."
Read More »CAPRICORN: Capricorn Full Moon Reading
Excerpt: "This period has been marked by a series of rebirths, where old identities and perceptions have died, giving way to new, more resilient versions of yourself. The transition of Pluto between Capricorn and Aquarius signifies a shift from personal transformation to..."
Read More »AQUARIUS: Capricorn Full Moon Reading
Excerpt: "Pluto's presence in your sign amplifies an intense self-awareness, prompting a profound confrontation with your identity and the way you project yourself. This transit is not just a superficial shift but a deep, regenerative process compelling you to meet the shadows of your persona head-on. The transformation is relentless, often ruthless, demanding a..."
Read More »PISCES: Capricorn Full Moon Reading
Excerpt: "...revealing the hidden, often repressed aspects of your psyche and how these sometimes fail to tune into the collective spirit. Everyone has days of poor transmission. But there are also times when your coverage is bang on. This transit seeks to intensify your..."
Read More »ARIES: Cancer New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "The influence of this lunation pushes you to examine how these early familial relationships have shaped your ability to build close connections in adulthood. You may find yourself confronted with..."
Read More »TAURUS: Cancer New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "This period demands a reassessment of how you express your emotions in practical ways. The third house in Cancer suggests a tendency to cling to inherited beliefs, making it difficult to..."
Read More »GEMINI: Cancer New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "You instinctively understand what others require for growth, and this adaptability often translates into financial gain. Your ability to nurture and respond to these needs interweaves your emotional and financial affairs. This is a time to reassess your..."
Read More »CANCER: Cancer New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "...you may find yourself dealing with heightened emotional volatility, a trait often associated with Cancer. This lunation prompts you to explore how your feelings influence your actions and how you present yourself to the world. Your family and close relationships will be..."
Read More »LEO: Cancer New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "This is a time for deep contemplation and spiritual soul-searching, using your home as a sanctuary for emotional exploration. You may find yourself more sensitive and vulnerable than usual, despite your otherwise outward strength and prideful persona. The twelfth house in Cancer conceals some..."
Read More »VIRGO: Cancer New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "Neptune's retrograde in the seventh house exacerbates the sense of isolation and self-reliance. Any expected support from partners or close relationships will be elusive, either through their escapism or inherent unreality. This transit forces you to build..."
Read More »LIBRA: Cancer New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "...revealing aspects you'd rather not face, especially with the South Node in your sign. Whether managing a family business, collaborating with a partner, or pursuing a career that feels like home (like home design or hospitality), the lines between personal and professional life blur. This becomes glaringly apparent if..."
Read More »SCORPIO: Cancer New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "Perhaps the path to understanding is paved with emotional experiences, teaching you that true wisdom comes from the heart. Here, your powers of forgiveness are tested, and under this New Moon, you may find yourself challenged by the need to reconcile your..."
Read More »SAGITTARIUS: Cancer New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "Your natural inclination towards optimism may be tested, but this is precisely the time to harness your Sagittarian resilience. Set intentions to mend these emotional rifts, focusing on cultivating a..."
Read More »CAPRICORN: Cancer New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "...opposites attract, but they can also repel so intensely that separations and irreconcilable differences could result in a permanent fracture if you continue to deny certain aspects of yourself. While some ties must inevitably end, there is a warning here: refusing to integrate these softer, emotional elements can..."
Read More »AQUARIUS: Cancer New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "You may not be aware of how much you can "read the room"—it’s a strange mix of emotion with practicality and cool reason, giving you the task of jumping out of cloistered habits and ancestrally inherited routines to find the right one for you and your own body. And this progressive approach to all duties and chores extends outward. You work best where..."
Read More »PISCES: Cancer New Moon Reading
Excerpt: "You may find that your happiness is deeply intertwined with your family history, which can be both fulfilling and deflating in some ways. The responsibility lies in recognising and releasing ancestral patterns, habits, customs, ties, etc, that no longer serve you. By taking charge of ..."
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