Horoscope Updates

ARIES: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This lunation not only underscores the culmination of your Tenth House issues but also reflects harshly the impact of any unresolved fears and dependencies still lurking within your domestic sphere. It asks if you have your house in order and marks a significant..."

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TAURUS: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "...where innovation and forward-thinking become your guiding principles. This transition marks the end of an era and the beginning of a profound transformation that will redefine your societal role and career trajectory for the next two decades...."

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GEMINI: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "...pushing you towards a more open, progressive view of morality and ethics. This placement fosters a deep, introspective journey, compelling you to confront and dismantle any dogmatic or fanatical tendencies. As you navigate this transformative period, you are..."

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CANCER: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "..highlighting the need to release old patterns of fear and dependency. It signals a foreboding of what lies ahead, urging you to leave behind outdated relational dynamics and prepare for the deep, transformative work of the Eighth House. This transition is not just a shift in focus but a call to..."

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LEO: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This moment reflects not only what you must leave behind—years of intense self-scrutiny and the relentless pursuit of competence—but also what lies ahead: a new landscape of relationships and societal engagement that challenges you to..."

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VIRGO: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This shift is beginning to manifest in your Aquarian Sixth House—the taskmaster's workshop, where the relentless grindstone sharpens your daily existence. Pluto's presence here will be felt profoundly through health or the lack thereof. This placement forces you to..."

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LIBRA: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "Over the past 15 years, you have encountered intense power struggles, particularly with maternal figures, dealing with ancestral secrets and curses and embroiled in all kinds of conspiracies and manipulative dynamics. This transit..."

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SCORPIO: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "Reflect on the formidable power struggles and intense domestic dynamics that have shaped your communication style and how you think over these years. This period is a chance to reassess and transform how you express your ideas and beliefs, preparing for the..."

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SAGITTARIUS: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "You may have experienced significant financial and material hardships, which reflect a deeper need to take control of your well-being. This is a time for introspection, to recognise that true value and satisfaction come from within, not merely from external possessions. The persistent strain of Capricorn’s influence demands..."

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CAPRICORN: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This period has been marked by a series of rebirths, where old identities and perceptions have died, giving way to new, more resilient versions of yourself. The transition of Pluto between Capricorn and Aquarius signifies a shift from personal transformation to..."

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AQUARIUS: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "Pluto's presence in your sign amplifies an intense self-awareness, prompting a profound confrontation with your identity and the way you project yourself. This transit is not just a superficial shift but a deep, regenerative process compelling you to meet the shadows of your persona head-on. The transformation is relentless, often ruthless, demanding a..."

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PISCES: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "...revealing the hidden, often repressed aspects of your psyche and how these sometimes fail to tune into the collective spirit. Everyone has days of poor transmission. But there are also times when your coverage is bang on. This transit seeks to intensify your..."

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ARIES: Cancer New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "The influence of this lunation pushes you to examine how these early familial relationships have shaped your ability to build close connections in adulthood. You may find yourself confronted with..."

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TAURUS: Cancer New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This period demands a reassessment of how you express your emotions in practical ways. The third house in Cancer suggests a tendency to cling to inherited beliefs, making it difficult to..."

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GEMINI: Cancer New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "You instinctively understand what others require for growth, and this adaptability often translates into financial gain. Your ability to nurture and respond to these needs interweaves your emotional and financial affairs. This is a time to reassess your..."

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CANCER: Cancer New Moon Reading

Excerpt: " may find yourself dealing with heightened emotional volatility, a trait often associated with Cancer. This lunation prompts you to explore how your feelings influence your actions and how you present yourself to the world. Your family and close relationships will be..."

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LEO: Cancer New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This is a time for deep contemplation and spiritual soul-searching, using your home as a sanctuary for emotional exploration. You may find yourself more sensitive and vulnerable than usual, despite your otherwise outward strength and prideful persona. The twelfth house in Cancer conceals some..."

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VIRGO: Cancer New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "Neptune's retrograde in the seventh house exacerbates the sense of isolation and self-reliance. Any expected support from partners or close relationships will be elusive, either through their escapism or inherent unreality. This transit forces you to build..."

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LIBRA: Cancer New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "...revealing aspects you'd rather not face, especially with the South Node in your sign. Whether managing a family business, collaborating with a partner, or pursuing a career that feels like home (like home design or hospitality), the lines between personal and professional life blur. This becomes glaringly apparent if..."

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SCORPIO: Cancer New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "Perhaps the path to understanding is paved with emotional experiences, teaching you that true wisdom comes from the heart. Here, your powers of forgiveness are tested, and under this New Moon, you may find yourself challenged by the need to reconcile your..."

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SAGITTARIUS: Cancer New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "Your natural inclination towards optimism may be tested, but this is precisely the time to harness your Sagittarian resilience. Set intentions to mend these emotional rifts, focusing on cultivating a..."

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CAPRICORN: Cancer New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "...opposites attract, but they can also repel so intensely that separations and irreconcilable differences could result in a permanent fracture if you continue to deny certain aspects of yourself. While some ties must inevitably end, there is a warning here: refusing to integrate these softer, emotional elements can..."

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AQUARIUS: Cancer New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "You may not be aware of how much you can "read the room"—it’s a strange mix of emotion with practicality and cool reason, giving you the task of jumping out of cloistered habits and ancestrally inherited routines to find the right one for you and your own body. And this progressive approach to all duties and chores extends outward. You work best where..."

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PISCES: Cancer New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "You may find that your happiness is deeply intertwined with your family history, which can be both fulfilling and deflating in some ways. The responsibility lies in recognising and releasing ancestral patterns, habits, customs, ties, etc, that no longer serve you. By taking charge of ..."

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TAURUS: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "Conflicts of interest will force you to re-evaluate your mental framework. This Full Moon demands an internal overhaul, urging you to stick to core principles and perhaps face the music for past errors, potentially even..."

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GEMINI: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This Capricorn Full Moon doesn't just brush against your life’s surface; it dives deep into your core values and shared finances, pulling up all sorts of hidden debris. But here’s the deal breaker..."

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CANCER: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "The Full Moon energises your deeply instinctual nature in two distinct ways, creating conflicting emotions that may lead you to question whether you have what it takes to form (and maintain) genuinely fulfilling relationships. On one hand, there's a ..."

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LEO: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "With the world’s value system disintegrating faster than you can say “existential crisis,” it’s natural to question your authenticity and integrity. Have you got the chops to achieve something significant, or are you just faking it till you make it?..."

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VIRGO: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "Getting the respect and admiration you crave might be more of a struggle than usual. As the Capricorn Full Moon shines a light on your 5th house, you might start questioning whether your tried-and-true methods of gaining approval are still effective. Spoiler: they probably..."

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LIBRA: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "Your laissez-faire approach to relationships is under scrutiny. With the South Node traipsing through your sign, you must decide whether to descend into your darker, possessive tendencies or rise above to become..."

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SCORPIO: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "From the depths of your being, a profound drama unfurls around you, tugging at your heartstrings and igniting an insatiable thirst for greater meaning and truth. Your resilience and emotional sensitivity shine brightly under the current Capricorn Moon, casting light upon the weighty decisions that constantly confront you—decisions entangled with..."

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SAGITTARIUS: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This intimately cosy celestial gathering is stirring the pot of your close-knit partnerships, shared resources, and transformational experiences. You might find yourself having some deep conversations about how dependent you've become on others' money and how the values of those closest to you have..."

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CAPRICORN: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "Whether you realise it or not, you’ve been on a deep dive into the inner workings of life. This journey into the mysteries will enhance your understanding of both your own inner landscape and that of others. With courage, you can..."

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AQUARIUS: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This Full Moon in Capricorn, crashing into your 12th house of hidden sorrows, spiritual journeys, and subconscious traps, is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it reveals those dark corners you've been happily ignoring, on the other, it gives you..."

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PISCES: Capricorn Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This full moon doesn't just illuminate your aspirations; it's yanking them out into the open and parading them around for everyone to see. You're feeling an intense push to make a public splash, but oh, the internal struggle you're facing! Your career and personal life are likely to..."

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ARIES: Gemini New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "The lunation’s energy, while encouraging dialogue and connection, also demands a balance between openness and discernment. Use this time to deepen your connections, build real support around you and be mindful of the potential for..."

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TAURUS: Gemini New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "You may see an increase in cash flow and financial opportunities, making it a crucial time to exercise good judgment. With Jupiter conjunct Mercury, a wealth of ideas and kind-heartedness will influence your financial decisions. Be mindful, though, of..."

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GEMINI: Gemini New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This lunation summons initiative energies, urging you to take the lead in personal projects and self-improvement. You know what you're up against, so use this period to harness your intellectual curiosity and adaptability, setting intentions that foster growth and self-awareness. Your greatest challenge through all the morass of lies and deception is..."

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CANCER: Gemini New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "Your subconscious is brimming with unspoken desires and truths that you must address. Use this time to explore these depths and develop a clearer understanding of yourself. Avoid getting caught up in..."

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LEO: Gemini New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This might seem an ideal time to expand your network, explore new social opportunities, and harness Gemini’s adaptable energy to enhance your social standing. However, whilst the call under this lunation might be to invigorate your social life and broaden your intellectual and communal horizons, Saturn’s square here might..."

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VIRGO: Gemini New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "...focusing on your long-term goals rather than immediate rewards. This is a time for thoughtful expansion and solidifying your professional path. In this climate, discerning who holds real power—whether through wealth, influence, or the ability to manipulate—is crucial for..."

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LIBRA: Gemini New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This New Moon energises your ability to learn new things quickly and with passion. However, this can also mean struggling to retain large chunks of knowledge or synthesise your learning effectively. To mitigate this, focus on..."

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SCORPIO: Gemini New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "Saturn's transit, now stationing to retrograde midway through your fifth house, brings a crisis of creativity. The spontaneity and enjoyment you once found in creative endeavours may now feel like a burdensome obligation. This period challenges you to..."

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SAGITTARIUS: Gemini New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This period may involve distancing from family or reducing contact, leading to emotional conflicts. Household austerity becomes a reality, with home becoming a mere convenience for rest. Neglecting these issues can..."

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CAPRICORN: Gemini New Moon Reading

Excerpt: " can not only turn mental agility into concrete achievements, but with enough wit, also expose the societal underbelly of exploitation and moral decline that subtly influences your daily life. Focus on..."

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AQUARIUS: Gemini New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "You might find yourself caught in a struggle between your visionary ideas and the harsh financial realities that restrict their realisation. This clash not only tests your resilience but also your..."

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PISCES: Gemini New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This celestial alignment forces you to confront and reassess your longstanding beliefs and emotional attachments to the past, particularly those related to home and family, areas governed by Gemini in your fourth house. Saturn's presence in your first house demands a mature, disciplined approach to..."

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ARIES: Sagittarius Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "Emotional triggers could arise from interactions with authoritative figures, challenging your long-held beliefs and urging you to integrate new ideas. This is a time for you to confront these vulnerabilities, perhaps feeling an intense push towards..."

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TAURUS: Sagittarius Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This lunation phase might stir your emotional waters deeply, challenging your core beliefs and prompting a reassessment of your life's direction. This most intense house of death and rebirth, governed by the expansive energy of Sagittarius, often promises more than it delivers, teaching you the..."

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GEMINI: Sagittarius Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "the imminent ingress of Venus and Jupiter into your First House, joining the Sun, brings a flourish of personal charm and relational warmth. As these planets transition from the depths of your twelfth house, they carry forward lessons of introspection and closure, infusing your persona with..."

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CANCER: Sagittarius Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "With the Sun transiting your Gemini Twelfth House, you are thrust into a season of profound internal reflection. Here, the luminous Sun illuminates hidden aspects of your psyche, revealing not just personal secrets but also untapped potentials. This period may bring significant encounters with..."

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LEO: Sagittarius Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This period marks not just a peak of emotional intensity but a profound opportunity for emotional catharsis and spiritual cleansing in certain areas of your life. Relationships, particularly love affairs, may strain or strengthen as this lunar light casts..."

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VIRGO: Sagittarius Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This placement stirs the restless energy that resides deep inside you and within your domestic sphere, forcing you to balance your insatiable need for emotional security and your desire for exploration and freedom. Instinctive revelations come thick and fast, often through..."

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LIBRA: Sagittarius Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "Under this lunation, you are prompted to sift through the barrage of information, reclaiming your mind from the dominion of others' opinions and expectations. The moonlight floods your consciousness not just with light but with liberation, urging you to purge the..."

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SCORPIO: Sagittarius Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "The strain between your need for security and your inherent desire to seek more from life could intensify during this time. Yet, this is your opportunity to harness the optimistic energy of Sagittarius to fuel realistic yet ambitious financial goals. By anchoring your dreams with..."

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CAPRICORN: Sagittarius Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This placement naturally illuminates your subconscious impulses and hidden fears, confronting you with the less tangible aspects of your existence. The presence of the Moon here may stir inner restlessness or a sense of being lost, prompting a deep dive into..."

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AQUARIUS: Sagittarius Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "The celestial energies at play are powerful, challenging you to consider how conventionality might be stifling your creative spirit and how embracing diversity over conformity can be the key to expansion—not just of your own universe but of the collective consciousness. Expect a surge of revelations and shifting..."

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PISCES: Sagittarius Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "The intense illumination of this Full Moon invites you to consider how you integrate your personal philosophy with your professional ambitions. Reflect on whether your quest for meaning and understanding is aligned with your actions in the world. This is a time to..."

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ARIES: Taurus New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "..urging you to exploit your innate talents in wealth generation, free of any societal pressures or guilt. During this Taurus lunation, the material realm unfolds as an exciting new playground of pleasures, compelling you to..."

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TAURUS: Taurus New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This phase is not merely about seeking pleasure but about recalibrating your approach to personal satisfaction. It invites you to evolve beyond simple pleasure-seeking, urging a dynamic engagement with the world. Venus’s transit amplifies this by..."

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GEMINI: Taurus New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "Your spiritual and creative energies, governed by Venus, lie dormant, either awaiting your dedicated exploration or expressed like a shameful, guilty pleasure. Once activated, these energies promise a..."

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CANCER: Taurus New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This lunation encourages you to maintain the simplicity and authenticity in your dealings, which will fortify your relationships and ensure they are both meaningful and lasting. However, there is a caution to..."

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LEO: Taurus New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "The presence of Venus heightens your charisma and enhances your ability to connect with influential figures, positioning you favourably in professional settings. However, the seductive allure of Venus could also present temptations that threaten to..."

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VIRGO: Taurus New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "The practical nature of Taurus beckons you to educational pursuits that not only enhance your financial acumen but also your physical well-being. This period is ripe for initiating ventures that solidify your economic security, provided you maintain the..."

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LIBRA: Taurus New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "The juxtaposition of Taurus’s life-affirming qualities with the Eighth House’s association with destruction creates one of the zodiac’s most striking paradoxes. In this alignment, change manifests as a slow, almost grudging interference with the natural course of life, reaching a breaking point where..."

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SCORPIO: Taurus New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "Venus amplifies your allure, drawing others towards you with an almost magnetic pull, yet it also shines a stark light on the resilience of these connections. You must now discern: Are your relationships merely aesthetic fabrications, or do they..."

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SAGITTARIUS: Taurus New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This period calls for a steadfast commitment to moderation across all life facets, balancing engagement and motivation in your routines without quashing your inherent dynamism. Venus’s governance over this lunation underscores the need for..."

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CAPRICORN: Taurus New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "any 'free expression' that you deeply resonate with, when expressed innovatively, can satisfy your need to leave a tangible, lasting impact. Experiment boldly now, for through these explorations, what you birth during this period will likely redefine...."

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AQUARIUS: Taurus New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This motley alignment promises radically expansive transformations that could shake the very foundations of your concept of home and security. Expect the unexpected: sudden shifts in living situations, changes in family dynamics, extended visits from heretics and family eccentrics, or even new..."

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PISCES: Taurus New Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This positioning emphasises the importance of patience and diligence, which are essential for successfully bridging the gap between the complex, creative expanse of your highly imaginative mind and your more tangible, practical duties. By adhering to these virtues, you are more likely to achieve..."

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ARIES: Scorpio Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "It’s a time when the hidden undercurrents of life surface—psychological depths, secrets, and shared resources come into play, challenging the stability and values illuminated by the Taurus Sun. The Moon’s precarious position in Scorpio exacerbates..."

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TAURUS: Scorpio Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "...superficial interactions fall short, and the demand for genuine emotional exchange can lead to breakthroughs or breakaways in relationships. The Scorpio Full Moon acts as a mirror, reflecting your..."

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GEMINI: Scorpio Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This configuration demands a confrontation with deeply ingrained beliefs and philosophies, particularly those influencing your sense of control and power dynamics within relationships and social hierarchies. Pluto’s influence urges a deep excavation of these beliefs, potentially triggering a crisis of..."

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CANCER: Scorpio Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This transit encourages you to expand your horizons and may bring unexpected shake-ups to your perspective, cracking up and disintegrating your preconceived biases about how the world should be, forcing the direction of your social endeavours in surprising ways, bewildering ways, especially in the..."

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LEO: Scorpio Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This alignment promises not just incremental changes but epochal shifts that could redefine your role or status in the years ahead. With Jupiter's expansive touch, expect opportunities for..."

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VIRGO: Scorpio Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "Beyond just a point-and-shoot time of reassessment, this can become a battleground where every word and intention must be strategically deployed. The stakes are high, as this fiery alignment provokes a fierce reevaluation of..."

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LIBRA: Scorpio Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This Scorpio placement challenges you to work with continuous change and the cyclical nature of financial and energetic exchanges. It's about recognising that material joy can only be achieved through accepting these cycles of giving and receiving, understanding that..."

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SCORPIO: Scorpio Full Moon Reading

Excerpt: "This Full Moon thus acts as a catalyst, demanding that you not only confront but also actively work through the complexities of your emotional and relational life. The volatility of the Moon and the rigorous scrutiny of the Sun expose where..."

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