“A Right Royal Showdown”: The FULL MOON at 24°06′ Leo, Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 13:55 UTC

art: Anna & Elena Balbusso

Greetings, Fellow Travellers,

As many of you may have been sensing, high above our daily hustle, a grand drama is unfolding as this Full Moon, soon to be proudly perched at the regal degree of 24° Leo, will shine her reflective glow across the sky, as if to confront the Sun at an equally defiant 24° Aquarius. Like two royal figures meeting on a swaying bridge at dusk, they size each other up and demand recognition, unable to bow completely, for each is resolute in defending their place. The Lion insists, albeit theatrically, on the upholding of integrity, honour, and personal glory, while the Water Bearer insists on dismantling the elitist charade, calling for egalitarian ideals that liberate everyone from the gilded cage of the commanding beast. Each side is supremely confident, yet each can secretly suspect the other of negligence: “You don’t care about my feelings,” growls Leo, and “You’re far too self-centred,” sighs Aquarius.

All the while, Uranus in Taurus plays the wild card, turning the tension into an explosive T-square—unpredictable as lightning on a calm summer’s day.


We cannot speak of unyielding Leo and dispassionate Aquarius, locked in their cosmic tug-of-war, without considering how Uranus rattles the stage from Taurus. As the planet of jolts, surprises, and sometimes-gleeful chaos, Uranus here is poised to shake our sense of physical and financial security at its roots. Comfort zones, property or money matters, or secular routines we’ve clung to (perhaps far too tightly) might suddenly come undone. Imagine one moment daydreaming in a lush and tranquil meadow, certain of the ground beneath us; the next, the Earth quakes, the daisies drop from our hands, and we scramble for footing.

When radical Uranus forms this tense T-square with the Full Moon, no arrangement is entirely safe, no budget wholly certain, no promise unshakeable. Whether we like it or not, evolutionary forces—some might declare them “out of our control”—demand that we loosen our grip on what we deem unassailable, or risk losing it through unwise obstinacy. Those among us who protest with a determined “I refuse to budge” may discover that Uranus laughs last, rearranging the furniture while we’re not looking. Expect disruptions to the usual programme, especially if you have sensitive points around those degrees.


Meanwhile, let’s not ignore the subtle spark from Eris, stationed at 24° Aries, forming an assisting fire-trine to the indignant Leo Moon and a sextile to the Aquarius Sun-Mercury-Ceres assembly. Eris, named for the fierce spirit of disturbance, rarely makes a polite entrance. In fact, she’s been vexed from time immemorial, but that’s another story. She’s the uninvited banquet guest who flings her apple of discord to throw the entire hall into fractious chaos. Yet in Aries, she challenges us to face discomfort, envy, or unspoken anger head-on rather than bury it until it erupts in destructive outbursts.

image: Giulia Valente

Trining the Moon in Leo, she inflames any raw emotional conflict, turning it into a potential fight for recognition—or possibly liberation from oppressive dynamics. She’s that voice rumoured to “speak truth to power,” though it’s all highly subjective when Aries and Leo spar. Sextiling the Aquarius Sun, she prods the intellect, forcing us to recognise how groupthink, or our own rebellious impulses, might provoke more turmoil than actual freedom. Eris cunningly reveals where we’re complicit in drama; she doesn’t invent rivalry from scratch, merely lights the fuse, leaving us to see the explosion as an opening for a braver, more authentic self to emerge.

With Chiron hovering not far behind in Aries, old wounds and insecurities also flare. We might fancy we’ve locked those humiliations away, but Eris reminds us that brooding resentment and outright aggression can be paths to self-discovery, if we harness them honestly. This is not a soft, sweet devotion offered by a gracious goddess: Eris holds long-standing grudges, and her force is primal, survivalist, easily lighting the spark of an uprising or burning down the rickety structures we’ve used as crutches for too long. The key is catching ourselves before the inferno spreads, channelling her evolutionary push for genuine progress, instead of lurching into the scorched-earth scenario.

Mars remains retrograde in Cancer and is out of bounds, adding fuel to the fire by his sustained square to Chiron. This only rubs salt into old wounds, stirring an undercurrent of erratic emotionalism, which can lead to childish outbursts if tensions boil over.


Across the zodiac, a more shadowy presence emerges: Juno, lodged in Scorpio, forming a wide but still potent opposition to Uranus in Taurus. Juno signifies commitment, loyalty, and the delicate interplay between devotion and entrapment—especially in marriage or partnership contexts. In Scorpio, Juno is darkly observant, perpetually vigilant for betrayal or jealousy, quick to suspect hidden motives or manipulations. When Uranus confronts her, we’re challenged to assess just how flexible our bonds truly are under stress. Do we cling fiercely to our partner or business ally, strangling them with suspicion? Or do we loosen our hold, risking the dreaded echo of abandonment? At a time when the Full Moon’s fixed energy clamps around our hearts, Juno’s scorpion-tail sting demands we ask ourselves if we’re brave enough to trust—or if we’ll petrify ourselves in controlling behaviour. A whispered phrase looms large: “I don’t want to commit to a life of hot and cold and stonewalling.” Honestly, who would?


We should also note the Sun conjoining Mercury and Ceres in Aquarius, illuminating radical communication, mental clarity, and how we nurture ourselves through ideology. It’s insufficient to commandeer centre stage (Leo) with a flaming baton; one must also heed (Aquarius) the counsel of uncommon perspectives and collaborate on endeavours beyond the tired “mine versus yours.” Yet the Full Moon in Leo longs for admiration and effusive praise; if the ambience is chilly, the Lion feels slighted, condemned to the gloom of apathy. Ceres beckons us to nurture each other gently rather than starve our loved ones of affection. Mercury insists on direct speech but in a constructive manner, one that thwarts the cyclical trap of showboating and detached arrogance. No easy feat, especially when confronted by Aquarius’s sometimes brusque demeanour—and the swirling furies stoked by Eris and Uranus behind the scenes.

There’s a cosmic irony, too: Uranus, herald of progress and abrupt reform, has been stuck since 2018 in this earthy, mud-slick Taurus terrain, which venerates stability and custom over novelty. Like a brilliant inventor compelled to idle, Uranus in Taurus chafes under constraints—and therein lies the impetus for truly revolutionary ideas. If you’re open to rethinking finances or redrafting the notion of ownership, you could discover exhilarating new ground. However, if you cling to certainty out of fear, it may breed anxious nights and chaotic days, a ceaseless effort to keep everything pinned in place. When Uranus is at work, that rarely succeeds. Better to welcome a dose of chaos than be blind-sided by it. Sell the dusty curios you never admire, shift investments with both logic and an intuitive edge, or redefine your self-worth. Uranus in Taurus wants to free you from stagnation so you can reclaim the genuine treasure hidden under illusions of stability.

art: Benz and Chang


A question soon emerges: how do we handle precious, immovable emotional vulnerabilities when the Full Moon insists on a reckoning? Under a Leo lunation, pride can easily morph into a hardened fortress, while vulnerability is exiled as a trespasser. Yet the Aquarian Sun preaches detachment, championing rational approaches and a willingness to lay down personal showmanship for a greater collective gain. Examining our conduct might show that calculated coolness is no more laudable than fiery drama—both can harm relationships if taken too far. True wisdom seeks a balance between heartfelt warmth and clear-eyed perspective, refusing to place all faith in spectacle or aloofness.

That nagging inner voice may resurface: “I don’t want to commit to a life of hot and cold and stonewalling.” We can turn that plea into genuine dialogue—or let it fester until it ends in estrangement. Shutting down honest communication while craving endless devotion leads nowhere good. If hidden power struggles stir, we may feel pressured to lash out or clamp down. But a wiser strategy is to hold the tension gently, neither fuelling paranoia nor ignoring real concerns. If manipulation is genuine, it’s better to recognise it than live in illusions.


Then the stage lights flare, the royal standoff intensifies, and Uranus jangles the script from behind the scenes. Eris is ever poised to fling another apple of discord, ensuring we can no longer feign contentment if the cracks are deepening. For many, this is a crossroads. Maybe finances unravel, maybe a relationship crumbles, maybe a buried grievance finally roars—or perhaps a surprise opportunity knocks everything off balance in an oddly liberating twist. The solution lies in honouring the heart’s urgings while attuning ourselves to the clarion call of tomorrow, forging a route that reveres loyalty without suffocating in stale comforts.

As the Full Moon reaches its zenith and unearths our raw desires, the ultimate question arises: “Do I grasp at illusions of control and grandeur about myself, or do I dare let changes redefine the nature of security?” Under the Leo Moon’s splendour and the Aquarian Sun’s unwavering gaze, that dilemma demands careful bartering. Pride might goad us to roar and cling to our supremacy; detachment may advise us to walk away cold, with neither regret nor explanation. Yet the true path of synthesis calls for a fleeting star turn—followed by the gracious passing of the mic—perhaps creating room for unity, a duet instead of a grotesquely grandstanding solo performance.

art: Akira Kusaka

At such moments, it’s important to remember that compromise doesn’t mean conceding defeat. Finding a settlement can be an alchemical tool that fuse sincere human connection, providing space for every sentiment and perspective to be heard. That, in fact, is the real gold at the end of the cosmic rainbow here, provided we master the art of venturing beyond simplistic black-and-white stands.

This Full Moon in Leo, set against the Sun in Aquarius, pressured by Uranus in Taurus, and jabbed by Juno’s scorpion sting, will not permit us to drift alone, aimlessly through the cold visions of a bleak tomorrow. It compels a frank examination of how we manage resources, devotion, authority—and ultimately our own selves where others are involved. Of course, there’s no promises of an effortless ride here. But the possibility stands to transmute simmering tension into inventive collaboration—ensuring no one resigns themselves to a dreary life of “hot and cold and stonewalling.” Instead, with a little creativity, heart and kindness, a refreshed style of living may yet emerge, anchored by candid self-expression and mutual regard—two cornerstones even the most inflexible signs can embrace, if they dare to envision a future agleam with possibility.

Now, of course, if you want to drill down deeper, for some expert and succinct Full Moon guidance, here’s your lunation horoscopes:

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One comment

  1. Absolutely, stunningly brilliant! One of your best paradigms, ever. A keeper in my book!!