Every time we lift our game, the dynamics of the game also shift. Like an old suit we’ve outgrown, what used to fit us perfectly now feels both stifling and out of fashion. Friendships, partners, routines, hangouts—everything must now adapt to match our new way of relating, or things just feel weird. If they don’t evolve with us, they’ll fall away. True evolution means constantly recalibrating who and what gets to stay in our orbit. The point is this: if it can’t meet you where you’re at now, it won’t sustain you moving forward.

This week, we’re under the lovely influence of a powerful water trine between Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Cancer. Despite their poor dignity, these planets lull us into experiencing the raw, complex terrains of our interpersonal passions—part of a cycle that began its second consecutive synod in Aquarius back in February.

The start of this journey, squared by Jupiter in Taurus, set the tone for tension between Jupiter’s conservative leanings and Aquarius’s push for detached, forward-thinking relating. No one promised that this two-year stretch was going to be a breeze. In fact, reconciling old, more conservative relational values with a new, independent edge has, at times, felt like an icepick to the third-eye, especially given the current Venus/Mars-ruled eclipses/lunations.

Let’s take a deeper look into these fundamental contrasts, what they mean for us today, and how you might be faring so far in my full article:

MARS, now in its retrograde shadow, is barreling towards some major clashes. The first hits hard on Sunday/Monday, with squares as the masculine energy takes a brutal blow from both the SUN and CHIRON. VENUS, meanwhile, has her own wicked agenda to complete before she strides into Sagittarius late next week. This impacts everyone. Fresh off the eclipses, the coming days build to next Thursday’s Full Moon—the most intense Supermoon of the year. Brace yourself.

I’ll keep you updated on this as events draw near, including a Cosmic Bus stop, as well as a full set of ‘scopes by Sunday. Stay tuned…

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