“The Great Unraveling”: The NEW MOON at 11°04′ Virgo, Tuesday, September 3, 2024, 01:57 UTC

image: Reza Daryakenari

Greetings Fellow Travellers,

These are indeed interesting times, and I’m glad to be sharing them with you. We are, of course, living through a profound paradigm shift on this planet—one that strikes at the very core of our collective understanding of reality. Though the process has, since 2011, been subtle and somewhat imperceptible, it has become increasingly daunting as it accelerates our awareness exponentially.

At its root lies the phenomenon that the subject/object duality, which has shaped human thought for centuries, is dissolving. We are rapidly beginning to discover that the 3D object—ie. the ‘other’—doesn’t exist in any true sense. Instead, the universe is one essential subject experiencing itself through infinite forms. The illusion of separation, born from our mind’s ability to reflect on itself, has led us to feel distinct from what we experience. Yet, as linear time begins to collapse, many of us are starting to observe a higher reality, that there is no separation. Everything is one.

As we move through this shift, many of us are becoming increasingly uncomfortable and distressed at how much of the outer is seeping through our boundaries of distinction. We are sensing that the old world is no longer able to support our deeply ingrained notions of separateness. The structures that once upheld our understanding of self versus other are beginning to crumble, leaving us feeling vulnerable, increasingly exposed, untethered and anxious about our loss of attachment to those things that we held near and which defined us. This discomfort is a natural response to the profound changes unfolding around us, as the very foundations of our empirical reality are being questioned.

The End of Empires

Throughout history, empires have risen and fallen, from the mighty Roman Empire to the colonial powers of the 19th century. Each has left an indelible mark on civilisation, but all eventually succumbed to the inevitable forces of change and decay. Today, we stand on the precipice of another such transformation, as the cosmic tides signal the end of yet another era of dominion and control.

This paradigm shift is strongly indicated by the outer planets—Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus—each edging toward the cusp of a significant sign shift by 2025. These planetary movements herald a shift in consciousness that will fundamentally reshape our collective experience. Pluto’s impending move into Aquarius, Neptune’s transition into Aries, and Uranus’ entry into Gemini all signal the catabolic breakdown of old paradigms and the emergence of new ways of thinking and being. We are standing on the threshold of a new era of intelligence, one that, in a brief moment in linear time, could both consume and integrate us all into a singular entity. As these energies converge, there is the potential for our collective intelligence to resurrect and transform, synthesising knowledge and insight in ways that transcend our current limitations. This new consciousness has the power to unify diverse strands of human thought, merging all disciplines, both historical and current, into the present moment, guiding us toward innovative solutions and deeper connections that redefine what it means to be truly intelligent and interconnected. However, the immediate path forward is fraught with danger and existential challenges as we struggle to let go of our attachment to the familiar and leap into the brave unknown.

art: Sofia Bonati

The human condition, as we know it, still rests on the false belief that we are separate entities facing an objective universe. The truth is, this illusion is the foundation of all our knowledge, all our pursuits, and indeed, all of civilisation itself. What we’re really doing is frantically maintaining the illusion of separateness—of the ‘self’. There is no ultimate knowledge to attain because there is no real knower. The idea of a seperate self accumulating wisdom or progressing toward something is just another layer of deception, one that keeps us locked in a perpetual struggle, competing for what we perceive as the dwindling resources of a finite world.

This illusion of separateness has far-reaching consequences. We see it manifesting in the divisions that mark our world—national and ethnic boundaries that carve up the planet, histories full of wars fought over these lines, and the increasing distinctions between black and white, male and female, rich and poor, democrat and republican, etc. These identities, which once served to help us navigate our place in the unexplored universe, are now becoming more extreme, more polarised, as the insistence on separateness and individual supremacy drives us deeper into realms of division, oppression and authoritarianism.

The schism of hoisting ourselves into ever-narrower groups exacerbates this problem, deepening the illusion that we are fundamentally different from one another. The overlapping and intertwined nature of our tribal identities further fragments our collective experience, leading us to become divided by our struggles and wars, driven by attempts to inflict social and biblical justice—efforts that only reinforce the boundaries and perpetuate the cycle of separation and conflict.

At the heart of this illusion lies our obsession with status, money, and institutionalised power. These forces have not only infected our corporeal bodies but have also metabolically altered our understanding of institutions and establishments. This process begins with the patriarchal rule of families and extends outward to the outer regions of global control. Our societal structures, from the nuclear family unit to multinational corporations, are built on the hierarchical foundations of control, dominance, and the pursuit and acquisition of material wealth. This obsession has driven us to view life through the lens of competition and conquest, where success is measured by accumulation and power is maintained through division.

Markers of Finality

Astrologically, this paradigm shift is mirrored in the cosmos. Pluto’s return to the anaretic degree of Saturn-ruled Capricorn marks the final chapter in the extreme radicalisation of this shift. Pluto, the planet of transformation and power, at the critical degree of Capricorn, the sign of structure and authority, signals the breaking down of old hierarchical paradigms. The structures, whose administrative instruments have upheld the illusion of separateness, are crumbling, giving way to an intensified struggle for survival as these dark forces of division reach their zenith before their inevitable collapse. Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, governs the very institutions and systems that define our societal order—governments, corporations, financial systems, and patriarchal structures. Under Pluto’s relentless pressure, these patently defunct systems are being forced to confront their own limitations, and we are witnessing the final blows of their undoing.

art: Igor Morski

This pressure is further intensified by Saturn’s sustained 10-week semisquare to Pluto, a cosmic alignment that has exerted a brutal amount of alchemical force. Saturn, with its association with structure, discipline, and authority, has long upheld the rigid frameworks that keep society in order. Yet, under Pluto’s transformative influence, Saturn’s rule over Capricorn becomes a brutal catalyst of change. The semisquare aspect between these two planets compresses these systems, subjecting them to an excruciating degree of strain. The result is an inevitable buckling under this weight—a breaking point where outdated structures can no longer bear the weight that is placed upon them and must give way to something new. This can be an excruciating time for those still invested in the old anachronistic architecture of power, yet it is an inevitable and necessary collapse that clears the way for a complete metamorphosis, forcing us to re-evaluate our relationship with power, status, and control at every radius of experience, inner and outer.

Over the next week, Mars, now approaching the end of Gemini, squares Neptune in Pisces, demonstrating how futile is the fight with logic and linear thought. Mars in Gemini drives us toward action, but in this sign, it does so through an aggressive bombardment of data, facts, and scattered details. We may find ourselves overwhelmed by a torrent of propaganda, each piece vying for our attention, miring us into confusion rather than clarity. Squaring Neptune, the planet of dreams, illusions, and the dissolution of boundaries, this aspect can cloud our judgment, leading us to act on misinformation, illusions, or half-truths. The battle here is one of discernment—steering through the cacophony and misplaced anger to find what is ultimately real and true rather than getting lost in the fog of deception or disorientation.

Adding to this potent, but toxic brew, Uranus, now stationing to turn retrograde at the end of his 7-year journey through Taurus, threatens to further rock our understanding of reality by inverting every definition, flipping everything so that up becomes down, left becomes right, and right becomes wrong. The real danger packed into concentrated Uranus transits is the potential to alienate us from the most fundamental aspects of life, as we become overly obsessed with the alternative and the ideal. Deep within, many of us harbour a desire to create the perfect system and dismantle existing ones. As Uranus retrogrades, it provokes an internal revolution against systems that no longer support holistic survival. This period will likely precipitate a frantic inner rebellion, a willful urge to replace old models with new ones as retrograde Uranus continues to dramatically generate shocking epiphanies and sudden realisations as it shifts our perspectives. By the time we approach the eclipses and, later, when Uranus opposes the Scorpio Sun in mid-November, we may witness the tumultuous demolition of old structures of consciousness, radically replacing them with startling new paradigms.

This electrical energy is compounded by Mercury, now direct in the proud and dignified Leo, yet still in its retrograde shadow until September 12. As Mercury forms its third and final square to Uranus on September 6, just before re-entering Virgo on September 9, we may find ourselves wrestling with cascading new insights, unsettling disruptions, and the inexplicable urge to detach and break free from constraints. Perhaps it’s worth noting that it’s best to stay grounded through this time, while also remaining open to new ideas, even if they seem destabilising at first.

However, it is the New Moon’s opposition to Saturn in Pisces that adds a critical dimension to this moment of cosmic reckoning. As this alignment forms, it brings to the surface a growing awareness of our limitations, amplifying our sensitivity to criticism and making us feel the weight of scrutiny more intensely than usual. Even seemingly minor issues may feel jarring, shaking our confidence and making us question our path. This heightened psycho-emotional sensitivity is a stark reflection of Saturn’s stern influence, urging us to confront the deeper fears and insecurities that lie beneath the surface of our interrelational dynamics. This opposition sets the stage for what is to follow in these next weeks, particularly with the upcoming Pisces Lunar Super Eclipse in the following fortnight, which will further illuminate the unresolved emotional and spiritual tensions within us, followed by the South Node Libra Solar Eclipse on October 2.

We covered these energies in greater depth in our most recent episode of Cosmic Bus.

The Virgo New Moon

As these cosmic forces play out, we are being called to steer through the roughest part of this shift with great awareness and intention. This New Moon is the last lunation before the Lunar Eclipse of Sep 18, and the epic Solar on Oct 2.

We are about to witness how the fear that drives us to cling to separateness, to double down on divisions, is only a symptom of the greater metamorphosis at hand. In a phenomenal shift of understanding, we are discovering that we are not separate; we are not isolated entities locked in conflict. We are part of a single, interconnected whole. The challenge before us is to transcend the illusion, to recognise the oneness that has always been there, and to move forward not as fragmented individuals, but as unified expressions of a greater reality.

This Virgo New Moon presents a precious opportunity to recalibrate and realign with what truly matters. In a world rife with all kinds of distractions and overwhelming details, Virgo’s intent asks us to focus on the essentials—those core values and principles that guide us through tumultuous times. This is a perfect moment to let go of the excess, silence the noise, and declutter what only clouds our judgment and weighs us down. On a broader level, acknowledge that the time has come to release divisive ideologies and outdated practices, and relinquish the relentless yet somewhat futile pursuit of power that continues to fracture our communities. Observe the troubles and stresses and set about to fix what you can, focusing on cultivating collaboration, healing, and practical solutions that benefit the collective.

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[image: Julie Heffernan]

The New Moon’s near conjunction with Vesta adds a mystique of sacred intent to this lunation, bequeathing us with the clarity and purity of purpose to form perfect intentions. Vesta, the guardian of the sacred flame, aligns most naturally with Virgo’s meticulous nature to help us discern where to direct our energy and attention. This alignment empowers us to set intentions that are not only practical but also deeply aligned with our higher values—intentions that can guide us through the complex and shifting landscape of our times.

Speaking of which, my current set of empowering horoscopes, along with carefully crafted intentions, becomes an indispensable guide through this period. These horoscopes are designed to help you harness the Virgo New Moon’s energy, offering insights that are both personal and universal, helping you to navigate through the chaos with clarity and purpose. They provide a sophisticated roadmap for releasing what no longer serves you and embracing the new realities that are beginning to emerge, ensuring that you stay grounded, focused, and empowered as you step ever closer into this new era.

Many blessings, and have an amazing New Moon xx

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