“Breaking Point: The Ultimate Reality Check”: The FULL MOON at 29°09′ Capricorn, Sunday, July 21, 2024, 10:19 UTC

[image: Michele Del Campo]

Greetings Fellow Travellers,

Once in a blue moon, the universe bestows upon us a triple lunation within a single solar modality. Commencing at Solstice with a Full Moon, followed by a New Moon, and culminating with another lunation opposite the Cancer Sun, one cannot help but sense the universe’s insistent message. Cancer, emblematic of finding our comfort zone and establishing connections with those who resonate along a more familiar vibe, is about feeling held, nurtured, safe, and secure. Yet, Full Moons inherently challenge this sense of security, and a Capricorn Full Moon, in particular, targets Cancer’s most sacred sanctuary. The harsh criticism it summons can make us feel threatened and attacked in our most vulnerable spaces, placing our family and nest eggs under siege. This often leads to defensiveness, causing us to withdraw further into our protective shells and seek solace among kindred spirits who share our feelings and can help defend against perceived threats.

The significance of not just one but two successive Capricorn Full Moons within the same Cancer cycle is profound. The first Full Moon on June 22, at 01°07′ Capricorn, revealed cracks in our foundations, with a dissociate T-square to a stationing Neptune at 29º Pisces creating a foggy atmosphere of insecurity, disillusionment, and confusion. This aspect forced us to confront the despair of unfulfilled dreams and the dissolution of our safe havens, exposing weaknesses in our defences and the need to reassess our security strategies.

Capricorn’s relentlessly harsh energy pushes us to face reality head-on, ruthlessly stripping away notions of security that are false and no longer serve us. Under the subsequent Cancer New Moon on July 5, a semi-square to Uranus in Taurus allowed us to detach ourselves from the heavy demands of others, with the water trine from Saturn in Pisces allowing us to withdraw into an emotional bunker. This retreat fortified us against negativity, enabling us to diligently work towards grounding ourselves in the current reality and finding ways to rebuild our lives, extricated from previous entanglements.

This second Full Moon (July 21) intensifies this process, particularly with its dissociate conjunction with Pluto, now retrograding back into Capricorn after a brief entry into Aquarius. Additionally, Eris, whose period of tumultuous squares to Pluto fades, leaves us grappling with the consequences of power dynamics over the powerless and forgotten. Eris’ nearing conjunction with Chiron (2025) signals the rise of the disaffected. Mars, now entering Gemini, indicates that the stubborn, unbudging attitudes of the past few weeks have started to loosen up, and we are finally open to discussions about moving forward.

Pluto’s preliminary ingresses into Aquarius, first from March to June 2023 and again from January to September 2024, introduce themes of group power dynamics, challenging social conventions through subversive rebellious movements. This 20-year transit, commencing formally on November 19, 2024, advocates for broad societal reforms, uprooting outdated systems and promoting the extinction of ineffective institutions. It contests restrictive social norms, amends the stifling of outdated rules and constitutions, and promulgates a spirit of individualism and nonconformity. Subversive interactions with unconventional people, radical groups, and revolutionary ideas become more frequent, aiming to disband rigid social hierarchies and promote real, not performative efforts towards equality and inclusivity. Through episodes of intense constitutional crises, the focus slowly shifts from draconian rule towards preserving or improving democratic solutions and social justice, gradually moving away from or eliminating elitist structures. Most significantly, friendships and alliances formed during this period profoundly influence our future, revealing new facets of our personalities and inducting us into societies that welcome our valued contribution.

Hence, Sunday’s second Capricorn Full Moon’s harshly judgemental energy, combined with Pluto’s cold, mob-like influence in Aquarius, may initially force us to detach and retreat further into our safe-havens. conflicts we have with others exemplify a heavy demand for us to transform our view of reality, suggesting that paying mere lip-serve or promising superficial fixes will no longer suffice. We must dig deeper and carve wider ahead to rebuild our structures from the ground up, ensuring they can withstand future challenges and include more than just the few we favour.

The T-squares from this Full Moon to Chiron and Eris in Aries evoke intense feelings of shame, regret, and a sense of guilt for the casualties of social ostracisation. These aspects compel us to stop the blame, persecution and exclusion and confront our deepest wounds and insecurities, challenging us to rise above the hatred and meanness and find inner strength and common threads of unity with others. Simultaneously, the Full Moon’s harmonious aspect to Neptune offers a softening counterbalance, fostering a sense of cosmic harmony and non-judgemental connection with kindred souls. Mars in Gemini becomes the active vehicle of better communication and healthier debate. This blend of harsh reality and spiritual solace urges us to integrate these experiences, fostering both resilience and a nostalgic yearning to reconnect with those we have shut out or denied.

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The sense of finality bestowed to us by this second, more intense Capricorn Full Moon emphasises that the time for complacency is over. Conjunct underworld ruler Pluto, it compels us to confront the darkest aspects of our existence with a compulsive, unyielding force. Its excoriating energy immediately strips away illusions and ruthlessly demands a steely resolve to face reality. At 29º, the anaretic degree, it signifies finality and urgency. This Hades Moon makes us feel most vulnerable and insecure, imposing an overwhelming sense of responsibility, mustering us outward toward stability, and—at least in the interim of Pluto’s last reentry into Capricorn—making some effort to align with the status quo to get the reconstruction moving. It compels us to step up to our parental and civic duties and do our bit to overcome the causes of our societal decline and our domestic difficulties, imparting a heavy, foreboding sense of mission, as though we must each assist to atone for the world’s sins.

[image: Michele De Campo]

Under the hard gaze of this Moon’s light, a stultifying and emotionally repressive atmosphere pronouncedly reflects themes of illness, poverty, duty, or deprivation that have now reached crisis levels. Leading into it, we may feel as though emotional closeness is cut off, dominated by strange, all-controlling figures of authority who demonstrate only neglect under the guise of duty. It transparently highlights where we have misplaced notions of ‘progress’ as a thing measured solely by external achievements, fame and success, with self-worth hinging on being “on top”, rather than “among”. Capricorn, the sign of repressed emotion, values judgments about worth and status over feelings, leading to a cold, controlling outlook afraid to express emotion and too cautious to trust life.

However, for those who have borne these burdens for years, the weight may lift, making duties less onerous. The mature, hard-hearted, cynical, and dutiful may begin to see the sardonic humour of Capricorn, finding some semblance of the funny side of life again. This lunation calls us to deal with any discomfort, cease clinging to figures and systems of outdated social constructs, and adopt a fresh, more resilient approach to life. It reminds us that true security comes from adapting to change and building stronger, more sustainable foundations.

In essence, these two Full Moons in Capricorn have whipped us with a double whammy of cosmic reality checks, urging us to face our fears and hypocrisies, address our weaknesses and misconceptions, and make an effort to transform our lives. They challenge us to balance the nurturing, protective energy of Cancer with the disciplined, resilient energy of Capricorn, creating a harmonious blend that can weather any storm. The repeated emphasis on this axis underscores the importance of balancing emotional security with the ability to thrive in adversity.


In this instalment of your empowering horoscope readings, I have addressed the toils and tribulations you have faced over the past 15 years and why this lunation serves as a foreboding finale to the transformative journey of Pluto through the Capricorn sector of your chart. Things are about to get extremely intense, and it is those who are best prepared to welcome massive societal change, confront their deepest fears, and harness their inner resilience who will emerge stronger, wiser, and more empowered than ever before.

Equipped with these insights, you have all the guidance you need to navigate these turbulent times with confidence and clarity. They will help you transform existential challenges into opportunities and step into your true potential.

Many blessings, and have an amazing full moon xx

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