Mars’s raw, assertive energy is diluted in Libra, a sign that seeks peace and balance. For many men, this mirrors societal expectations where aggression and control, once hallmarks of ‘true masculinity,’ are now being scrutinised. This dilemma is further exacerbated by the Libra SUN’s quincunx to SATURN in Pisces, resulting in a writhing inner turmoil, conflicting societal expectations, emotional vulnerability, vague career prospects, inherited paternal legacies of guilt and inadequacy, and strained father-son relationships, mirroring the intricate socio-cultural shifts highlighted in our world, both at the macro and micro levels.

The challenges of redefining masculinity in a rapidly shifting world become evident; finding a balance between asserting oneself and getting along with others becomes essential as the voices of the marginalised grow louder about the blatant and long-ignored inequities and imbalances…

Wounds Surrounding Identity and the Call for Greater Assertiveness

Chiron’s transit through Aries (2018-2026) spotlights the wounds tied to one’s individual sense of identity and the push for greater assertion. These become accentuated as the NORTH NODE approaches Chiron and Eris in this dynamic sign. Those predominantly operating on the feminine spectrum, ie. more prone to receptivity, intuition, nurturance, empathy, and the ability to connect deeply, are nudged to question their place in a world that often undervalues subtle energies. They grapple with how to amplify their voice without losing their essence. Faced with a world that prizes overt dominance, aggression and loud voices, they often feel out of place or unheard.

We all have a memory of such wounds, but those activated by the Aries/Libra dichotomy might confront societal biases that dismiss the value and power of subtlety and seeking connection. When bombarded by messages that equate assertiveness with value, they face a dilemma: to adapt and amplify their voice, risking a loss of authenticity, or to retain their natural mode of being, potentially at the expense of visibility and social influence. In the coming weeks, as the Libra SOLAR eclipse looms, we will see this rise into a swelling mass.

We spoke extensively about this in our most recent Csomic Bus episode, available here:

The Dilemma Between Assertiveness vs. Diplomacy

This is a frustrating period, where all outer planets are still functioning in retrograde (internalised) modes. Introspectively trudging through the turbulent currents of the Chiron in Aries opposite Mars in Libra transit, many of us, particularly those immersed in the feminine spectrum, are confronted by an intricate array of long-standing challenges. A battle rages internally, as we grapple with old wounds rooted in misperceptions of our assertive energies, wrestling with the spectral remnants of past dismissals, references, or humiliations by overpowering figures.

Chiron in Aries carries the shame of unbridled assertiveness that’s been met with rejection or condemnation. It’s the warrior wounded in battle, hesitant to draw his/her sword again. The scars are born in silence, reminders of times when boldness was necessary but overpowered by might or punished, when standing up for ourselves or being ‘first’ led to isolation rather than celebration. It evokes memories of challenges faced alone, the rawness of exposed vulnerability under threat of violence, and the intense discomfort of being unapologetically oneself.

Mars in Libra, with its quintessential quest for harmony, further magnifies this tension. The equilibrium needed between decisive action and delicate diplomacy becomes not just a choice, but a necessity. As society’s tectonic plates shift in response to evolving definitions of power and influence, the pressure mounts: how can one passionately champion a cause, articulate a boundary, or challenge any injustice, without forsaking the inherent pull towards balance, agreeableness, and peace? Does anger and violence now appease the wounds of past aggression and violence?

It’s going to take some sensitivity to navigate through Libra season. As we transition from the painful effects of the Mars/Chiron opposition, deep lessons crystallise. The tug-of-war between tender assertiveness and fierce diplomacy, between raising an authentic voice that resonates and is able to shift societal expectations, becomes a mirror reflection of the relative success (or abject failure) of our collective journey. These powerful celestial markers are not merely planetary alignments but profound teachings, pushing us all forward towards integration and healing.

The impending Aries Supermoon on September 29th accentuates this. It is more than just an astrological event—it’s a culmination; a make-or-break moment that invites us to experience firsthand the lessons of balance. Impulsive emotions will be heavily amplified, and the push-pull dynamics between the “you” and “not you” intensified. Like a shot across the bowers of our relationships, the Supermoon acts as a pre-eclipse warning, illuminating our internal landscapes, revealing where we’ve grown and where healing is still needed.

Beyond this, in mid-October, the looming South Node Solar Eclipse in Libra, opposite Chiron, reinforces this narrative. Eclipses, as cosmic reset buttons, often thrust us into the heart of unresolved matters. With the South Node involved, the emphasis is on release—letting go of outdated paradigms and making room for new understandings. Opposite Chiron, the wounds surrounding identity, assertiveness, and relationships take centre stage, asking us to confront our residual shame, our suppressed unresolved anger and deepest resentments and heal them.

This past week has been very confronting to these wounds. In a sense, it’s been guiding us through a transformative corridor. While the lessons posed by the opposition have been challenging, they’ve prepared us for what lies ahead: a time of release, healing, and rebirth. As we step into the energies of the Supermoon and the forthcoming eclipse, we must be willing to do so with open hearts and the wisdom of the lessons we’ve garnered. The cosmic calling is becoming louder than bombs, and it’s time to answer its call.