What happened to you? You used to have a reasonably decent life. You had a job and family and friends; you were healthy. You knew some stuff, but not too much. You weren’t the most handsome, but so what? You generally stayed in your lane, finding comfort and security within familiar bounds. Above all, you knew your place in the world, and if you ever got too big for your boots, there was always someone around to knock you down to earth, quicksmart. And then, suddenly, it was as if the world beneath you underwent a seismic shift, and the power of social media came along and recalibrated the way we all lived our lives, and you, like most of us, found yourself caught up in the tidal wave of transformations, trying to keep afloat and adapt to all the changes that unfolded before you….

As VENUS/MARS in LEO SQUARES URANUS and MERCURY in GEMINI SQUARES NEPTUNE, we take a look at the New Tower of Babel:

At first, the allure of social media was irresistible. We marvelled at the ability to connect with friends and acquaintances from all corners of the globe, bridging the gaps of distance and time. We revelled in the convenience and immediacy of sharing our thoughts, experiences, and photographs with people we had never even met, with just a few taps on our phone screens. It was a brave new world, and we eagerly embraced it because it allowed us to express that special, curated version of ourselves that we wished everyone to like, share, and celebrate.

But as the influence of social media seeped into our daily routines, we couldn’t help but notice the subtle shifts in our behaviours, attitudes, and relationships. The boundaries between our online and offline lives began to blur, as the virtual realm infiltrated our physical existence.

Like in the fabled Tower of Babel, the vision of ultimate unification stood tall before us, a digitised symbol of humanity’s ambitions and inherent folly. In the biblical story, people united under one language, one common ideology, building a tower reaching the heavens. In today’s retelling, the rapid expansion of social media platforms, with their vast networks and endless streams of information, had the power to bring us closer together while simultaneously separating us.

We became consumed by the incessant need for validation, measuring our worth in likes, comments, and followers. Our self-esteem became intricately tied to the digital metrics of popularity and acceptance. The fear of missing out on the latest trends, events, or viral sensations created an insatiable desire to constantly stay connected and updated.

Our once-diverse social circles transformed into echo chambers, where we were surrounded by voices that mirrored our own beliefs and perspectives. The algorithms governing our feeds learned our preferences and tailored the content to cater to our biases. We became unwittingly trapped in a feedback loop, where our existing viewpoints were reinforced while alternative ideas were pushed to the periphery.

The constant bombardment of carefully crafted lives, idyllic images, and the newborn exemplars of social media influencers had an insidious effect on our sense of self. We found ourselves comparing our achievements, appearance, and experiences to meticulously stylised personas that seemed to have it all. Inadvertently, we began to judge our own lives against these inconceivably unattainable standards, leading to feelings of inadequacy, envy, and anxiety.

As the lines between reality and fiction blurred, so did our ability to discern truth from falsehood. Misinformation and fake news spread like wildfire, amplified and accelerated by the viral nature of the medium. Whether we wanted to or not, we, like everyone on the planet, became unwitting participants in the global dissemination of unverified media disinformation, unwittingly contributing to the erosion of trust in established institutions and the destabilisation of public discourse. And the irony here is that we all swore that this was a conspiracy. We could have turned it off any time, but funnily enough, either the thought never occured to us or we just didn’t have the strength to do it.

In any case, within each crisis lies an opportunity for resolution. Just as the mythical Tower of Babel collapsed, we also have the chance to rebuild and reshape our relationship with social media. We need to recognise the inherent dangers and consequences that come with its power and abuse, and consciously work to break free from its addictive, mind-whacking grasp.

First and foremost, we need to cultivate better digital literacy; educate ourselves and others about media literacy, critical thinking, and rigorous fact-checking. By equipping ourselves with the skills to stay afloat among the digital deluge that forms the vast sea of information, we can become more discerning consumers and valuable contributors to online conversations. We must develop the ability to distinguish those who speak the truth from those who seek to draw us into the vortex of their own personal disillusionment.

Secondly, we need to reclaim our agency and autonomy. We should take breaks from social media, establishing boundaries and limits that allow us to disconnect and engage in activities that nourish our minds, bodies, and relationships. By consciously stepping away from the virtual world, we can rediscover the value of face-to-face interactions, genuine connections, and meaningful experiences.

Furthermore, we must foster true, unconditional empathy and understanding. Instead of retreating into the self-validating portal of our respective echo chambers, we should actively seek out diverse perspectives, engage in respectful dialogue, and promote kind, respectful discourse in our interactions. By celebrating the bountiful richness of human diversity and the creative human mind, we can break free from the narrow confines of our own ideological bubbles and work towards a more inclusive and compassionate society.

Lastly, we need to advocate for responsible use of social media platforms. We should push for transparency in algorithms, ethical data practices, and stricter regulations to curb the spread of toxic trollmongering, hate-culture, malignant attempts at misinformation, shadow-banning, unconstitutional censoring, and safeguard our privacy and the sanctiity of our precious communities. By holding governments, social media companies and individual bad actors accountable and demanding change, we can shape a more responsible and balanced digital landscape.

The collapse of the Tower of Babel brought about a hive of horrendous consequences. As the story goes, the people’s collective unity and common language were shattered, and they were scattered across the earth, unable to understand one another. This fragmentation led to deep divisions, mistrust, and the breakdown of communication. Similarly, in the context of the social media age, the consequences have been equally troubling.

One of the worst outcomes of the social media revolution is the erosion of genuine human connection. Despite the promise of connectivity, social media has often fostered superficial relationships and replaced meaningful interactions with fleeting exchanges. This narrowing of perspectives and exacerbation of ideological divisions has resulted in people becoming less willing to engage with differing viewpoints and more inclined to dismiss or attack those who hold opposing opinions, further fueling societal polarisation. Individuals have become more focused on cultivating their phoney online personas and seeking external validation rather than getting any integral ideas across. The real shame here is that this has led us into a widespread, devastating sense of loneliness, isolation, and even depression.

At this point, the world needs to take a step back and regroup. Yes, of course, the power of social media has reshaped our lives in profound ways. But it is up to us to determine how we’re going to steer through this daunting new reality. This social displacement and erosion of trust pose a significant threat to the foundations of a well-functioning society. By learning from the consequences of the Tower of Babel, we can forge a path forward that harnesses the highest potential power of social media while preserving our authentic individuality, fostering genuine connections, and rebuilding the foundations of trust and understanding in our communities again.

In our latest Cosmic Bus episode, Ang discusses the nuances of this year’s Cancer season, culminating with the Cancer Sun opposing Pluto at the anaretic degree on Sat Jul 22, 2023. This next month brings all our sensitivities and past traumas to the forefront to be dealt with once and for all. Over the next month, our Cosmic Bus journey delves into the dynamics of our relationships, whether with our family members, our ancestors, or our inner selves. We explore how personal triggers, wounds, and suffering often serves as catalysts for healing and awakening, and we gain insight into the insidious influence of unresolved ancestral abuse and trauma passed down through generations.

Here are some select clips from the latest episode:

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