As if the stars of Capricorn did not lend enough ambition and determination to our transiting Sun, an application of Pluto energy only intensifies the solar willpower par extreme. Those at the late degrees of cardinal signs activated by this conjunction can utilise this transit, maximising your chances to accomplish anything you put your mind to.
Or at least that is the apparent manifestation. The Sun energy personifies stellar influences, giving them form and character and a certain degree of authority. Pluto applies considerable attitudes of extremism to our leading characters, and we observe how beliefs, ideas, and opinions are often expressed with excessive force and intensity.
An earthy/cardinal sign, Capricorn tinges efforts in a dry, earnest manner, imposing strict measures and rules. Ruled by Saturn, the constraints are tight and desired results are absolute and irrefutable. Intensified by Pluto, there is often little room to wiggle; events are polarised in terms of ‘black and white’, with little mirth or tolerance for the ‘greys’ to be entertained or accepted as any viable alternative. The Plutonian narrative here is, “If success must come at any cost, let’s not bother too much about who or what suffers to achieve our objective”.
Over the past few years, we have spoken extensively about the rise of the unchallengeable authoritarian powermonger as punctuated by recent critical lunations and eclipses in 2019, 2020 and 2021. It looks as if the stars augur a more radical approach to handling direly emerging practical matters. It would also appear that leeway, discourse, and democratic debate aren’t necessarily suitable or even welcome in the quest to achieve a massively wide-arching global objective (whatever that is).
Sun/Pluto in Capricorn seems content to disregard style, manner of procedure, laws, ethics, humanitarian rights, ecological and biogenetical concerns, trepidations about honour and decency in how the world and history books may judge him, at least for the moment. When the Sun merges with Pluto, our lead character is interested only in attaining a distinct objective, often known only to him, and he pursues it as if it is a matter of life and death.
Naturally, the usual Capricornian concerns of social status, prestige, money, public duty and patriarchal legacy have exponentially strengthened since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008. Pluto lends tremendous urgency to the sign it is transiting as if it is fighting desperately to preserve its values. Consequently, during his 16 yr run, he goes too hard, creating all kinds of disproportionate and ultimately annihilating behaviour, especially in our interpersonal interactions.
Due to past traumas, Pluto isn’t looking to form a relationship; he’s looking to take hostages. His whole “till death do us part” clause is his binding mechanism to protect against deeply-buried abandonment issues, deeply buried under a web of secrets, lies and denials because Pluto has trouble opening up. God forbid you should get close. The explosion of secreted rage and resentment can be punishing. We will shut up and play along with the mystery, untruth, cover-up or charade to avoid triggering any outbursts if we know what’s good for us.
At some point, it becomes evident that the harshly ruthless, seemingly psychopathic conduct has become untenable. As much as Capricorn strives to attain the highest standards and measures of control, it loses perspective and balance under prologued extreme applications. Emotional understanding seems to be a weak spot, and under this Cancer Full Moon, the powerful lunar energy reflects the inherent problems of the Plutonified Sun.
Full Moons are a time of contrast when primal energies pull away from one another, and our conscious attention seeks to receive support and encouragement from those around us. Such moments are often fraught with conflict and crises, however small, providing complete perspective into distinct themes in our lives. The Cancer Moon reacts inwardly; emotionally, bearing a kind of fierce pleasure in brooding, pondering the ‘toughness’ of the harsh, dry Capricornian Sun, made ruthless and unfeeling by the interminably crazed agenda of Pluto. Family and security mean much – but she appears to endanger her chances of success because her reaction to Sun/Pluto energy is similarly extreme.
This Moon highlights how hard it is to relax under such tense and pressured circumstances. Relationships become highly uneasy, not helped by ongoing resentment and suspicion. Under such a lunation, we do not allow others access into the inner sanctum of our world. Distancing is expected since we dislike intrusion of any kind, taking offence whenever anyone is patronising or attempts to dictate to us. If anyone is going to dominate, we must set the terms, and we will not accept anyone trying to bully us on personal matters.
This lunation becomes a high-water mark in the ongoing saga for authoritarian control. Instinctively, individuals will seek to take control of their private lives and resume control over their own family and domestic matters, refusing to acknowledge others in positions of authority. As with every Full Moon, those with whom we conflict will either concede that things are not working as harmoniously as they should and agree to forfeit, end, or capitulate the agreement or come to the table with some ‘solution’. This is especially so if instances of Capricorn’s tendency for hypocrisy are coming to light.
Against the Sun/Pluto, the Cancer Moon shows little or no respect unless certain transformations have occurred to break down an almost narcissistic self-preoccupation, particularly when grandstanding social, political and corporate objectives and agendas. On a more personal level, we may each need to adjust certain attitudes.
I have gone into extensive depth in delineating how this powerfully pivotal lunation plays out through your sign. Please log in and read your Sun (soul) and Rising (personality) sign readings.
Many blessings, and may you have an amazing Full Moon xx
ARIES: Cancer Full Moon Reading
TAURUS: Cancer Full Moon Reading
GEMINI: Cancer Full Moon Reading
CANCER: Cancer Full Moon Reading
LEO: Cancer Full Moon Reading
VIRGO: Cancer Full Moon Reading
LIBRA: Cancer Full Moon Reading
SCORPIO: Cancer Full Moon Reading
SAGITTARIUS: Cancer Full Moon Reading
CAPRICORN: Cancer Full Moon Reading
AQUARIUS: Cancer Full Moon Reading
PISCES: Cancer Full Moon Reading
(Cover Art by Kavan the Kid)
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