VENUS, now retrograde

Let us make peace with the ghosts of xmas past

Come, all ye faithful and ye meek,
have the good grace to tie off messy,
karmic loose ends now
put old dead grievances
and old dead sentiments to rest
for if you do not, they’ll haunt you
now and till forever.

Come… look what spooky ghosts are bothering your soul.
Find the humility and grace to somehow make amends
for just as they steal away your blessed rest at nights
and plague your thoughts during the day,
they’ll only spoil and sully all your loves tomorrow
and come to curse everything you touch and wish to feel
with their residual toxic funked-up baggage.

Come, get over yourself.
Be big enough to forgive and to let go of all past hurts,
and be made ready to come love anew again…

#ᴀᴤᴛʀᴏʟᴏɢʏØʄɴᴏᴡ♀ S℞ 26°♑29′ (Venus will turn direct again Jan 29)