If you’re not perfectly confused about what to believe by now, you probably don’t get it.

Outside, in the distant outer regions, a great drama continues to secretly unfold. The PLUTO/ERIS square tries desperately to further separate and divide the powerful from the weak, the rich from the destitute, the rightfully entitled from the underclass, the socially relevant and esteemed from the useless and troublesome. These outer, outer planets work to place the masses under the blinding spell of unyielding obedience and compliance with catchphrases like “evolve or perish”. Under such periods of heavy coercion, extreme ultimatums can be horrifying. But is the fear real, or is it something we can easily dispel? [Click here for more on Pluto/Eris.]

Meanwhile, the Sun is closing in on another Equinox…

[image: Victorr Costta]

The Sun’s reign through Virgo starts to subside as he enters the last decanate through this practical, adaptable sign. His transit here shows us how to be more efficient with our service, both to others and the great divine and to used our skills to help others gain greater self-sufficiency. The earth trine from Uranus during last week’s New Moon has certainly shifted our approach to how we like to do things, radicalising attitudes and expressions, often with some very queer, unusual revelations.

A week later, the Moon is now about to form her first quarter from the sign of Sagittarius. This lunar phase presents a crisis point since Sagittarius tends to be broad and sloppy, and the Moon here presents significant issues for the generally exacting and fastidious Virgo Sun. Some degree of tension is evident, particularly in our personal lives. Problems may arise due to unconscious tendencies to fudge over or neglect the more practical matters of our lives. Virgo’s concern with the excruciating minutiae of everyday life will feel very constricting to the free-ranging, devil-may-care side of Sagittarius, who can hardly be bothered with details and chores. There’s a likelihood to make ‘mountains out of molehills’, exaggerating our own or others’ flaws and perhaps become overly liberal with criticisms.

At times like these, the need to be critical or sceptical of others’ beliefs is of utmost necessity, especially when others show arrogance or dogma towards our own values and truth. With Neptune opposing the Sun, these issues can become highly distorted, convoluted or simply too confounding to address clearly and critically. It can be challenging to analyse and evaluate options and choices correctly, primarily if, in relationships, we focus on self-created and imaginary issues rather than actual problems. Terrible misunderstandings and feelings of being undermined by those we need to trust on health, work, service (Virgo stuff) can lead us to adopt a sacrificial martyr attitude. Hence, confrontations that go awry will impact our soul experience with such deep discontentment and psychic torment that, with the harshness of Saturn also involved, may lead to despair.

This temporary state of chaos is not as bad as it may sound, for when we go through such periods of sadness and despair, it raises red flags that something is not well in our current lives and hence must change. Lies and deception will not stand, for they provide poor foundations for any trust. We must couple the discerning power of the Virgo Sun with the empathetic nature of Neptune to see where we have been prone to excessive fantasies and wishful thinking, accept being wrong and take responsibility, rather than attempt to lay blame on the shoulders of others.

If a change must occur in our relationships, we must try to weed out the issue—escapism or defensive mechanisms do not provide acceptable forms of protection. With Venus squaring Saturn, bleak situations may have to come to an arrangement that is at least workable, but it is a sign that things may need to end.

In the lead up to next week’s Pisces Full Moon, this is an excellent time to assess and appraise messy situations – ones that just don’t seem to make sense. Both internally and in relation to the exterior world, we must try to reconcile that deep within the human unconscious resides a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. However, we must also come to terms that the real universe is always one step beyond logic. Try to sort things out for yourself and, as noted in the Virgo New Moon horoscopes (linked below), this is a time to set out a practical plan for yourself which you must try to follow through with some degree of execution. Nothing is more satisfying than accomplishing a set result or an achievable intention. Despite all the chaos and confusion, practising our routine regularly, we slowly and methodically succeed in the outcome we wish to achieve, despite the chaos and randomness.

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